Is there an explanation of the color-coding? Like, are some bloggers marked as dangerous psychotics or something?
I haven’t sent an e-mail — not sure what I’d do with Bossy in my Hovel Sweet Hovel — but if Bossy truly goes to Davis, California, I could come say hi. Please don’t mark me with a Dangerous Psychotic push-pin.
Well…I am in Pittsburgh, too. I would love for you to stop here and say hi. I would even let you use our bathroom…provided you gave me 24hrs notice…I can’t offer up my couch…because frankly, I spend many a night there…and my dog snores. Stop in and say hey. We don’t bite.
As the map was loading, and the pushpins kept piling up and piling up and PILING UP, I could only laugh. I hope you stop in every single one of these place. Or not. Since then you’d only be able to be there for 34 seconds each before moving on. Do you have a direct line to Santa? Maybe he could give you some effecient-travel pointers.
Also, please stop at my house. For at least 34 seconds. Yes, I’ve already said this to your email and even checked on my pushpin. It’s there, hiding behind Toledo.
What!!!?? Bossy lives in Canada? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, it ‘splains why she’s admitting not to know a whole heckuvva lot about the spelling of state names. But can I get some confirmation on that? Canuck!
Good gravy that’s a lot of pushpins! Bossy is well-loved. I am 1.5 hours by Amtrak (3 hours by NJ Transit) from NYC in a little city with a huge inferiority complex called Philadelphia.
In for a penny in for a pound! Why not bring on the horse/dog? The ghetto trailer has withstood a full-grown Husky that took up over half my couch. Sides, we can find out if Pascal plays well with others! 🙂
Holy Mother of Social Experiments! I think it’s hilarious and fabulous all at once. Even though I’m not an every-day blogger/reader/writer, I’d love to meet ya! I will have to go back and follow the directions! Shoot – what a crack up you are!
Well, if Bossy wants to stay in techy Silicon Valley after boring old Santa Cruz and Bezerkeley, I’ve got a couch too, plus two dogs to keep her company. Alas my guestroom is no more, but you’d get your own half bath.
Hmm, saw someone from Oxford, OH posted a stop for Bossy – we are practically neighbors! I will bring the hors d’oeurves if I can sneek a peek of HRH Bossy.
We are in Jacksonville, Fl. I would love for you to come just have to make sure that we will still be stationed here and Age will not be out to sea (bc if so I will be in MD or NJ). We have a guest room that just sits and collects dust because I don’t think we’ve ever had a visitor in it in the 2 years we’ve had it!! So i’ll go dust and get it ready just in case 🙂
I am from Memphis, and would be happy to put you up for a night or two. Because you can’t make a real cross country Road Trip, without a stop in Memphis. You must at least see Graceland. (That is what I hear, anyway. I have lived here for over 16 years, and have never taken the tour. I have met many people who have, and they enjoyed it.)
Also, just FYI, I was checking out the map, and noticed that Meridan, Massachusetts was listed on the pushpin for Meridan, Mississippi.
Google maps may not let you do this, but Chapel Hill and Carrboro, NC are pretty much like one town. You can just label me as from Carrboro and free up a push-pin.
And between Asheville, NC and the Grand Canyon, Graceland isn’t just a fun (in sad, pathetic, stuck-in-a-drug-induced-70’s-haze kind of way) place to visit, it’s the ONLY place to visit. [cross country road trip ’94]
I can show you a good time in Raleigh, NC. Or at the very least, you will get to see a tiny little baby boy – be the first blogger to meet Little Bird in person.
Don’t even bother panning up and then left because Bossy refuses to admit that Alaska is on the same continent. Well, if we ain’t getting Bossy this summer at least we’ll get hours of extra daylight and the accompanying hallucinations. Maybe I’ll have a Bossian Apparition.
Wowzers!!! The roadtrip map has exploded with pushpins!
Me thinks there may not be enough gas in the country or Starbucks along the way to fuel this roadtrip…
But if anyone can pull off a plan as lofty as this one, Bossy can!
I’m hoping Bossy doesn’t use this map to get her to Fuquay Varina, because she will wind up in Development-Hell, somewhere outside of Holly Springs, based on what this map shows as my location.
With Bossy’s inherent charm,someone is bound to take her in, but the food won’t be as good, and the big soft bed with the crisp sheets, and the bathroom all to herself? I can’t vouch for these things at someone else’s house.
You can come visit me in Grand Forks, ND. Or if you go to Fargo, I’ll come meet up with you both for lunch or whatever. Fargo has more stuff than Forks, so I’d understand choosing Fargo. 😉
Bossy! I don’t blog (but pacalaga does and she’s here in town: but I want to play! Call me when you get to Tucson and I will make you margaritas and feed you well. You must only promise to avert your eyes from the ill-painted corners of my house.
I’m out of town from 3/27 – 4/5. I hope we can figure something out.
OH – I see me! I’m not bright enough to blow up the map until right now. I’m such a doof. But fun, lots and lots of fun. maybe I shouldn’t sign this. . . don’t avoid Albany because I’m a doof Bossy! I have 3 dogs that probably, almost total Stella. I’ll make them do a pyramid or soemthing.
Well I am just charmed that you will be in Davis, where there is only UC Davis and a few cows. My office hours are Weds., 9:30-11:30 or by appointment. You know you want to.
Man. All this time there was an “f” after the “m” in the of my email addy. WOULD SOMEONE IN LOS ANGELES PLEASE GIVE ME MEETING DETAILS?!?!?!
isn’t that cool…I recently started reading Pioneer Woman and found you. Stonington CT eh? Just up the way about 10 minutes! make your hosts take you gambling in one of our two fine casinos! 🙂
You could sleep on my carpeted floor in my empty condo (because the f*cker hasn’t sold yet) in the beautiful town of Carefree, Arizona. It’s 15 miles north of Scottsdale. But it looks like you have Scottsdale and Phoenix handled.
I wish I could meet you. This is a freaking great idea. When you’re ready to do Europe, I’m down, baybee.
What fun to look at all the people who love bossy! Google Earth is hours of fun, isn’t it?
I hope Bossy doesn’t get dizzy zig-zagging across the country like that. Thanks for the map – it’s fun to check out “the blogger-hood”.
Is there an explanation of the color-coding? Like, are some bloggers marked as dangerous psychotics or something?
I haven’t sent an e-mail — not sure what I’d do with Bossy in my Hovel Sweet Hovel — but if Bossy truly goes to Davis, California, I could come say hi. Please don’t mark me with a Dangerous Psychotic push-pin.
Well…I am in Pittsburgh, too. I would love for you to stop here and say hi. I would even let you use our bathroom…provided you gave me 24hrs notice…I can’t offer up my couch…because frankly, I spend many a night there…and my dog snores. Stop in and say hey. We don’t bite.
Bossy, I’d love to be a part of your stop to the Burgh (as in Pitt)…I’ll send you my details.
You had me at the John Cusack video.
De-lurking to say: Now that I know you’re not bringing the horsey – eh doggie – I can offer up shelter. 🙂 I’m in Waynesboro Virginia.
I really wish I could help you out more by living in South Dakota.
South Dakota is looking very lost and lonely. Anyone? SD?
Sadly, there are still no Canadian stops. Rochester is pretty close, though…
My pushpin is behind two other pushpins and unless you enlarge the map to the size of Illi-NOY you can’t see me. Don’t forget me Bossy! I have wine!
I wrote a poem, but I do not get a pin? Or do you only get 1 pin per city? Sadness.
Ooooh, I am on the link farm, though. Less sadness.
Yay! You’re coming to my town!
It’s a veritable thicket of push-pins!
Oooh, I hope you make it to Poughkeepsie! I’d love to have coffee with the infamous BOSSY!
Woman, what have you wrought?
As the map was loading, and the pushpins kept piling up and piling up and PILING UP, I could only laugh. I hope you stop in every single one of these place. Or not. Since then you’d only be able to be there for 34 seconds each before moving on. Do you have a direct line to Santa? Maybe he could give you some effecient-travel pointers.
Also, please stop at my house. For at least 34 seconds. Yes, I’ve already said this to your email and even checked on my pushpin. It’s there, hiding behind Toledo.
Holy shit.
This is going to take you three years.
If I knew that I could plan a road trip and find tons of places to stay for FREE, I’d have started blogging long ago. Genius!
Ha! ORLANDO! Suck it bitches!!
You may need to turn this into a year-long road trip, because I’m pretty sure you have more stops than there are days in the summer.
I don’t have a guest room, but if there’s a gathering in honor of Bossy in Austin, I’d love to know about it!
How did I not know Bossy lives in Canada? She doesn’t seem very Canadian…eh?
I forgot to ask, are you taking your car or your magical time machine to get to all these places?
What!!!?? Bossy lives in Canada? Not that there’s anything wrong with that. In fact, it ‘splains why she’s admitting not to know a whole heckuvva lot about the spelling of state names. But can I get some confirmation on that? Canuck!
Did I mention that I am just twenty minutes from inevitably foggy San Francisco? We can swing from Cable Cars! I will throw in laundry as well.
Good gravy that’s a lot of pushpins! Bossy is well-loved. I am 1.5 hours by Amtrak (3 hours by NJ Transit) from NYC in a little city with a huge inferiority complex called Philadelphia.
In for a penny in for a pound! Why not bring on the horse/dog? The ghetto trailer has withstood a full-grown Husky that took up over half my couch. Sides, we can find out if Pascal plays well with others! 🙂
Holy crap. Bossy’s from CANADA???
I had no clue. Aren’t y’all supposed to identify yourselves IMMEDIATELY to us ridiculous ‘Merkins?
HOR lando. The Big O. Just waiting for you.
Holy Mother of Social Experiments! I think it’s hilarious and fabulous all at once. Even though I’m not an every-day blogger/reader/writer, I’d love to meet ya! I will have to go back and follow the directions! Shoot – what a crack up you are!
Lordsy Mercy, Bossy is not from Canada. But the rumor sure was cute, however in hay it started. And it made her seem so much more International.
Well, if Bossy wants to stay in techy Silicon Valley after boring old Santa Cruz and Bezerkeley, I’ve got a couch too, plus two dogs to keep her company. Alas my guestroom is no more, but you’d get your own half bath.
Hmm, saw someone from Oxford, OH posted a stop for Bossy – we are practically neighbors! I will bring the hors d’oeurves if I can sneek a peek of HRH Bossy.
Hope you get to feeling better soon.
So when you do please oh please don’t forget about me on the link farm and map. I want to be part of group BOSSY.
Gurl. This map is OUT OF CONTROL!
I see another Toledo blogger in the mix. Why doesn’t Bossy have links to all of these bloggers?
Oh, the link farm. Nevermind.
Bossy is going to be gone a LOOOOONG time. Taking your hubby’s laptop on the road with you? 🙂
What’s up with New Mexico, South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana? Don’t those cowboys know that Stella is a horse?
Cool, you are coming to Tampa and Orlando. Just a hop, skip and a jump from me. Would love to stop by and say hello!
I think Bossy has the best comments. They’re so fun to read. Ok, except for this one.
Bossy should finish this road trip ’round about the time genius son graduates college.
p.s. looking forward to your visit!
We are in Jacksonville, Fl. I would love for you to come just have to make sure that we will still be stationed here and Age will not be out to sea (bc if so I will be in MD or NJ). We have a guest room that just sits and collects dust because I don’t think we’ve ever had a visitor in it in the 2 years we’ve had it!! So i’ll go dust and get it ready just in case 🙂
And hey, Santa Cruz isn’t boring! My family is from there!! Ok well it’s really Scotts Valley but I think it’s awesome there!
I am from Memphis, and would be happy to put you up for a night or two. Because you can’t make a real cross country Road Trip, without a stop in Memphis. You must at least see Graceland. (That is what I hear, anyway. I have lived here for over 16 years, and have never taken the tour. I have met many people who have, and they enjoyed it.)
Also, just FYI, I was checking out the map, and noticed that Meridan, Massachusetts was listed on the pushpin for Meridan, Mississippi.
Google maps may not let you do this, but Chapel Hill and Carrboro, NC are pretty much like one town. You can just label me as from Carrboro and free up a push-pin.
And between Asheville, NC and the Grand Canyon, Graceland isn’t just a fun (in sad, pathetic, stuck-in-a-drug-induced-70’s-haze kind of way) place to visit, it’s the ONLY place to visit. [cross country road trip ’94]
I should move to Waynesboro.
I can show you a good time in Raleigh, NC. Or at the very least, you will get to see a tiny little baby boy – be the first blogger to meet Little Bird in person.
You know you want to.
Don’t even bother panning up and then left because Bossy refuses to admit that Alaska is on the same continent. Well, if we ain’t getting Bossy this summer at least we’ll get hours of extra daylight and the accompanying hallucinations. Maybe I’ll have a Bossian Apparition.
Wowzers!!! The roadtrip map has exploded with pushpins!
Me thinks there may not be enough gas in the country or Starbucks along the way to fuel this roadtrip…
But if anyone can pull off a plan as lofty as this one, Bossy can!
Go Bossy Go! It’s going to be a busy summer … but if you come here to neck of the woods, you might not find your way out for a long time. Got a GPS?
If you get to New Olreans call me.
I’m hoping Bossy doesn’t use this map to get her to Fuquay Varina, because she will wind up in Development-Hell, somewhere outside of Holly Springs, based on what this map shows as my location.
With Bossy’s inherent charm,someone is bound to take her in, but the food won’t be as good, and the big soft bed with the crisp sheets, and the bathroom all to herself? I can’t vouch for these things at someone else’s house.
Still no love from South Dakota?!?!?
Excellent! You’ll be in Atlanta!
You can come visit me in Grand Forks, ND. Or if you go to Fargo, I’ll come meet up with you both for lunch or whatever. Fargo has more stuff than Forks, so I’d understand choosing Fargo. 😉
Bossy! I don’t blog (but pacalaga does and she’s here in town: but I want to play! Call me when you get to Tucson and I will make you margaritas and feed you well. You must only promise to avert your eyes from the ill-painted corners of my house.
I’m out of town from 3/27 – 4/5. I hope we can figure something out.
Safe travels!
Look at all those people in eastern MA and Boston. Bossy has to come and see all of us, but hopefully she’s gonna stay with ME.
OMG – Bossy is coming within one hour of me in Sweet Home Alabama.
Total sweetness!!!!
Bossy will be within 15 minutes of me if she makes it to my hometown of Rockland, Maine! mk
OH – I see me! I’m not bright enough to blow up the map until right now. I’m such a doof. But fun, lots and lots of fun. maybe I shouldn’t sign this. . . don’t avoid Albany because I’m a doof Bossy! I have 3 dogs that probably, almost total Stella. I’ll make them do a pyramid or soemthing.
Bossy — don’t see many folks in the Portland area. Are there some that aren’t on the map? I really want to get a meet up on the schedule!
So I can’t tell if you are swinging through Memphis or not? Would love to hang out with you.
poor America. it seems wounded to me.
Duuuuuude. You and Nashville, TN really should be together at some point on this trip, man!
There’s a Fussypants and a Sarcastic Mom here that would love to see some Bossy.
(Along with the listed annie mosher, looking towards heaven, and milk breath and margaritas)
Well I am just charmed that you will be in Davis, where there is only UC Davis and a few cows. My office hours are Weds., 9:30-11:30 or by appointment. You know you want to.
Is it true that nobody in SD loves Bossy?
Man. All this time there was an “f” after the “m” in the of my email addy. WOULD SOMEONE IN LOS ANGELES PLEASE GIVE ME MEETING DETAILS?!?!?!
isn’t that cool…I recently started reading Pioneer Woman and found you. Stonington CT eh? Just up the way about 10 minutes! make your hosts take you gambling in one of our two fine casinos! 🙂
I can’t wait until you come to Connecticut!!!!!
You could sleep on my carpeted floor in my empty condo (because the f*cker hasn’t sold yet) in the beautiful town of Carefree, Arizona. It’s 15 miles north of Scottsdale. But it looks like you have Scottsdale and Phoenix handled.
I wish I could meet you. This is a freaking great idea. When you’re ready to do Europe, I’m down, baybee.