If you know you have to be up and out of the house very early in the morning (in a loose example: because you’re driving with two friends to New York City in order to see the taping of Jon Stewart’s Daily Show after grabbing a bite to eat and maybe wandering around MOMA even though my friend Aim says they have a godforsaken website and she can’t even figure out simple things, like if they’re actually open or what the current exhibition is, even though I just went on the site and found everything from their special needs access to a list of every art book sold in their gift shop), my advice is: act like it’s your first day of third grade — lay your clothes out the night before in a Flat Stanley version of you. Finding something hep to wear amidst your goony un-hip too-tight clothes while all the while making sure the outfit looks carelessly thrown together takes the kind of time that rushed sober mornings don’t allow.