A Mi Madre le Gustan las Mujeres – Andy Chango
Nana, nanana, nana nananana…
Today I want to introduce
My mom’s girlfriend
I wanted to commit suicide
When she told me
She has a woman
She has a woman
Licking her belly
Licking her belly
My Mother Likes Woman!
My Mother Likes Woman!
My Mother Likes Women!
Everyone let’s dance
With my mom’s girlfriend
I didn’t know how to react
When she told me
The woman, the woman,
Is the essence of pleasure
The essence of pleasure
She is twenty years younger
And doesn’t speak Spanish
She has a woman
She has a woman
Licking her belly
My Mother Likes Woman!
My Mother Likes Woman!
My Mother Likes Women!
Nana nanana, nana nananana…
Each person does
What they can
My mother likes women
Too late
to be told
My mother likes women
Today I want to introduce
My mom’s girlfriend
I wanted to commit suicide
When she told me
It isn’t a woman, isn’t a woman,
Isn’t a current woman
She has a woman
She has a woman
Licking her belly
My Mother Likes Woman! (x8)
Nana nanana, nana nananana…
Hoy les quiero presentar A la novia de mamá. Me quise suicidar cuando me dijo que Tiene una mujer, Tiene una mujer Lamiéndole el vientre Lamiéndole el vientre… A mi madre le gustan las mujeres x3 ¡Vamos todos a bailar Con la novia de mamá! No pude reaccionar Cuando me dijo que La mujer, la mujer Es la esencia del placer Es la esencia del placer. Es quince años menor, Y no habla en español. Tiene una mujer, Tiene una mujer Lamiéndole el vientre… A mi madre le gustan las mujeres (x3) Nana nanana, nana nananana… Cada ser humano Hace lo que puede; a mi madre le gustan las mujeres. Demasiado tarde Tuve que enterarme: a mi madre le gustan las mujeres. Hoy les quiero presentar A la novia de mamá. Me quise suicidar cuando me dijo que No es una mujer, No es una mujer, No es una mujer corriente. Tiene una mujer, Tiene una mujer Lamiéndole el vientre. A mi madre le gustan las mujeres (x8) Nana, nanana, nana nananana…
J. Valdez says
June 2, 2006 at 11:43 amBossy…
You translate no good is. Here the correct words:
Today I desirous to present them A the mom’s fiancée. I wanted to commit myself to dead when he said to me that It Has a woman, Tiene a woman salivate the belly salivate the belly … To my mother he likes the women: we all are going to dance With the mom’s fiancée! I could not react When he said to me that The woman, the woman Es the essence of the pleasure Is the essence of the pleasure. It is fifteen years minor, Y does not chew Spanish. It has a woman, Tiene a woman salivate the belly … To my mother he likes the women (x3) nanana Grandma, grandma nananana… Every human being Does what can; my mother likes the women. Too much late I Had to find out: my mother likes the women. Today I want to present them A the mom’s fiancée. I wanted to commit suicide when he said to me that she is not a woman, No is a woman, No is a current woman. It has a woman, Tiene a woman salivate the belly. My mother likes the women (x8) Grandma, nanana, grandma nananana…
Lance Bass says
June 2, 2006 at 2:14 pmThat song was one of my all time childhood favorites. My family used to gather around the tv every holiday season and wait for Andy Williams to bring out the Osmond boys and sing that song together. Ahhh, what great memories, Thanks, Bossy