Dear Oprah,
What is wrong with your friend Johhhhhhhhhn Travollllllllllta? He’s all, “I agree with everything Tom Cruise ever said against
anti-depression medication,” and he’s all, “It’s not guns that are responsible for school shootings, it’s psychotropic drugs.”
Bossy doesn’t know about Oprah but she liked John Travolta better when he was all, “Who? Wha? Wair?”
…and Bossy Has This To Add: She Thinks Scientologists Are Even Creepier Than Mormons.
Psychotropic drugs are responsible for school shootings? Guess I missed the story about the gun-totin’ Prozac.
When did either of these unimportant men become doctors? When AG sees the medical license she will listen to what comes out of their large mouths.
AG still think Mormons are far creepier, but that’s AG opinion.
Guess he wouldn’t want to spend time with Lexipro-usin’ me.
I blame the school shootings on too much hairspray.
Travolta is a dope and hasnt been cool since Vinnie Barbarino. I need drugs just to watch him do interviews
Umm … right. Poor, innocent guns never hurt anyone.
Sounds like Danny Zuko needs psychotropic drugs…
These are the same people who think that giving my children medication to CONTROL SEIZURES is wrong. And don’t get me started on the Mormons…
Not only has he developed ass-rapingly bad taste in screenplays over the last few years, now he’s agreeing with Tom Cruise. Someone who loves him needs to host an intervention.
I fear I must agree with you on this one.
Aside from the obvious ridiculousness of Travolta’s claims…. This post caught my eye simple for the Vinnie Barbarino factor. You see, I just accused my hubby of trying to get my beautiful daughter to laugh like a sweat hog. Timing is everything.
BTW, how goes your battle with Photoshop?
he should just stop talking and start making babies with me…yeah..
Humm, I am not sure I want the opinion on drugs from a man that has man-boobs and parks his jet on his front lawn. Oh, yea, and names his kid Jet!
I used to love him. But anyone who ignores his kids Autism because of his fake ass religion, deserves to be thrown off the island.
Maybe he’s a Pod Person now?
You know, I read this story last night and I went to the main Scientology website and read it for about an hour or so (what can I say? There was laundry to avoid) and I was FREAKED out at how many people follow this shit. UNREAL. And kind of funny. Except not really, because did you know they do not like babies to drink breast milk? L. Ron Hubbard invented some weird concoction that is apparently better (barley and corn syrup or some crap. Anywhoo, after about an hour of reading complete nonsense, I was reaffirmed in my belief that most people in Hollywood are malleable ass hats.
I guess you have to stand for something. Might as well be lunacy.
I love John. I love Tom. Do I have to love everything about them? Nah. I love their work, not their religion.
And as such, I can say this, without giving up my FanDom.
I used to love him. Bud Davis, Danny he’s just a FREAK. Sad, so sad.
What about the fact that his soon may have autism and they refuse to treat him for it.
it really is sad to think of the fact that he could me hiding his son’s problem.
Tom and John just need to stop. STOP talking about things they do not understand. When I came back from vacation and was napping/pretending not to watch Oprah b/c I won’t admit I sometimes watch Oprah and saw Tom jumping up and down I thought, shit that boy needs some ritalin. How Tom has taught me how wrong my ways are…
Pass the Prozac, please!!
For about 3.25 seconds somewhere in 1977 I thought John Travolta was foxy. Then it all began to go so very, very wrong . . . But at least he’s waaaaaay fun to make fun of!
Someone pass me a lexapro!
I am finding it increasingly hard to take ANYONE in Hollywood seriously! Except for Bossy’s husband John. He’s dreamy!
Even more disturbing was the recent news item in which he compared his fame to that of Elvis and Marilyn Monroe. BLEH!
It’s rumored that JT is the one who has bought the local private airport and is building a new home on the river, just down the street from me. So, I’m watching for alien spacecraft.
The “who, what, where” is alive and well in my former teacher.
Be afraid.
*blink blink*
The thing that really perplexes me is that, to act well–and I reluctantly admit that I think both these boys do–wouldn’t you think you’d have to really understand the range of experiences and depth of emotion that real people have? I always assume that good actors are thoughtful, open-minded people; I assume they have to be in order to do their job. But John and Tom prove (as would many others, if I thought about it more) that you can be a skilled actor and also be a callous, thoughtless asshole.
I’m surprised his agent doesn’t tell him to shut up. Anti-depressant bashing didn’t exactly help Mr. Cruise’s career.
“She Thinks Scientologists Are Even Creepier Than Mormons”
Ha-ha! I disagree, I think there are MORE Mormons, so that makes THEM creepier. Plus the Mormons come a-knockin’ on your door more often. Frightening.
bossy, orangeblossoms agrees about the scientologists. weird. very weird.
I just don’t grok scientology.
Or, Tom Cruise.
Travolta is so not Divine.
Scientology. Why?
The article starts out bad – Travolta has thinking? Who knew…
NEW YORK (AP) — John Travolta says his thinking is in line with fellow Scientologist Tom Cruise, who has publicly defended the religion’s stance against psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry.
There are too many, not enough handicapped parking spaces in our city
Live with your lover before getting married