Lets just say, go leave some water lying around in your yard for about a week… and for the love of Cusack DONT DRINK IT! Cause mozzie bites of the large colon are really difficult to scratch without a medical degree.
I used the nre Off Smooth and Dry for the 4th. It. does. not. work. (Although, it coulda been user error, I admit. I may have mistaken my beers for bug spray once or twice…)
One time, even, a mosquito laid eggs in our turtle aquarium, so X and I raised the eggs until NORMAL-SIZED MOSQUITOES emerged from the eggs. Then, we let them go.
After the larval stage how can you tell the difference between the kids and the grown ups? Do the younger ones act differently? Do they rebel against the lifestyle of the adult ones?
They must be hanging out with the dead squirrels. Sure, a few seem to meet their fate on the main road, but what about the rest of them? These are all interesting questions for my Thursday.
Baby mosquitoes live on the same island as baby seagulls. There, the baby seagulls practice to be brazen food thiefs, and the baby mosquitoes are trained in the current, most annoying blood-sucking techniques.
When they graduate, they’re all shipped off to my house, where they hover and wait for me to come outside.
Yes, they live in stagnant or still water. I went out to my bird feeder yesterday to check it for water and lo and behold: baby mosquito larvae. Squiggling around. Nasty!
Yep. My poor mom one time thought she was raising tadpoles in a bucket of water outside – “How did those frogs get in there, then out again?” – but a quick Google showed they were mosquito larvae, and they got dumped out quick. She was so disappointed! Visions of baby frogs got dashed.
After leaving the So. CA coast, where mosquitos aren’t allowed, I thought I’d have a problem in TX. But, they don’t like my blood. Maybe because Grandma J loves garlic and takes supplements of it too. Anyway that’s the rumor I heard.
I certainly could when they were wriggling around in my mother’s nasty-ass pool. We moved into the house my grandpa bought for her after it had been virtually abandoned for six months, and IT. WAS. DISGUSTING.
Bossy, don’t you know? The baby mosquitoes are planted under your skin when momma gives you a mosquito bite. The larvae wiggle under your dermis as they consume your flesh. You usually can’t feel the gnawing because they’re so small.
With the babies being nocturnal, when they’re old enough they break free, into the open air through the pores in your skin, sometimes flying into your ears, or occasionally into a sleeping, open mouth. Just like spiders.
Y’know, it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s my younger sister, my own daughter or a total stranger – I just never get tired of acting like a big brother.
I don’t know about the baby skeeters but I do know Little Miss Sunshine is mistaken about the sunshine state. We do indeed have sqeetoes and I doan likey.
Oh, Bossy, You have never been to Northern Wisconsin in early June. There are Mosquito FAMILIES ready to devour you. babies, preschoolers, teenagers and big fat grandpa mosquitoes. Stay away!!!
Are you capable to information us on your website owner or man whom takes care of your blog, I must determine it might be simple to certainly be a guest poster.
Like, I don’t have to explain this to you right?
Lets just say, go leave some water lying around in your yard for about a week… and for the love of Cusack DONT DRINK IT! Cause mozzie bites of the large colon are really difficult to scratch without a medical degree.
i don’t want to see baby mosquitoes. i don’t want to see any mosquitoes. they like me too much!
I ? Bossy, but I worry about you sometimes.
I used the nre Off Smooth and Dry for the 4th. It. does. not. work. (Although, it coulda been user error, I admit. I may have mistaken my beers for bug spray once or twice…)
Duh. Baby mosquitoes are invisible!
Maybe baby mosquitos go incognito under the name of “no see um”
We have and do.
One time, even, a mosquito laid eggs in our turtle aquarium, so X and I raised the eggs until NORMAL-SIZED MOSQUITOES emerged from the eggs. Then, we let them go.
GAH! I hate bugs! Especially ones that extract my body fluids and leave behind Pain and Suffering.
Stupid mosquitos….
After the larval stage how can you tell the difference between the kids and the grown ups? Do the younger ones act differently? Do they rebel against the lifestyle of the adult ones?
They must be hanging out with the dead squirrels. Sure, a few seem to meet their fate on the main road, but what about the rest of them? These are all interesting questions for my Thursday.
This is possibly the most disturbing picture I have seen on this site. ick! Way worse than the hairball…..
Mosquitos scare me – I have malaria nightmares.
i haven’t a clue…but i’ve got a whole slew of mama and papa skeeters in my office right now and they’re pissing me off!
how can i spend 2 months in africa and never get bitten by a mosquito, then i spend 2 minutes at work and have bites all over me!??!
Baby mosquitoes live on the same island as baby seagulls. There, the baby seagulls practice to be brazen food thiefs, and the baby mosquitoes are trained in the current, most annoying blood-sucking techniques.
When they graduate, they’re all shipped off to my house, where they hover and wait for me to come outside.
Baby mosquitos are like baby frogs: they swim in the water!
They live underwater in their larval stage and are called nymphs. Seriously.
I haven’t gotten a mosquito bite since I moved to the Sunshine State. They apparently don’t like city living.
Did Bossy take that perfect mosquito picture? If she did, Little Miss Sunshine State is going to flush her camera down the toilet.
Yes, they live in stagnant or still water. I went out to my bird feeder yesterday to check it for water and lo and behold: baby mosquito larvae. Squiggling around. Nasty!
I meant to say bird bath. 😀
Yep. My poor mom one time thought she was raising tadpoles in a bucket of water outside – “How did those frogs get in there, then out again?” – but a quick Google showed they were mosquito larvae, and they got dumped out quick. She was so disappointed! Visions of baby frogs got dashed.
Here ya go: http://www.mosquitoes.org/LifeCycle.html
Nasty things, really.
In Junior High, my friend’s fish tank became full of these skinny, wriggling things. We were all, “what are they?”.
Then, we watched in horror as mosquitos began to emerge from them, alien style, and tiptoe on the water surface before flying away!
(NOW—two eighth grade boys, screaming!)!
Never has an Teenager’s fish tank been dumped and cleaned more swiftly!
A great thing about Southern California–very few mosquitos.
That picture gives me the heebie jeebies.
How in the HELL did you get that picture?
Oh I adore baby mosquitos, with their tiny lace bonnets and fresh baby-mosquito-head smell!
After leaving the So. CA coast, where mosquitos aren’t allowed, I thought I’d have a problem in TX. But, they don’t like my blood. Maybe because Grandma J loves garlic and takes supplements of it too. Anyway that’s the rumor I heard.
Currently, you can play connect the dots on my skeeter bites.
I certainly could when they were wriggling around in my mother’s nasty-ass pool. We moved into the house my grandpa bought for her after it had been virtually abandoned for six months, and IT. WAS. DISGUSTING.
Because baby mosquitoes are so gosh darn cute, you’d want to eat them up instead of the other way around.
I’ve seen them, but only glimpses. Those Baby Mosquito Bjorns snuggle them up really close to Mama.
‘cuz they’re all in my yard…
I wish it was because they stopped breeding but judging from my arms, legs and feet…no effen way!
You don’t see them because mother mosquitoes keep their babies wrapped up in scarves to avoid the paparazzi, ala Michael Jackson.
Bossy, don’t you know? The baby mosquitoes are planted under your skin when momma gives you a mosquito bite. The larvae wiggle under your dermis as they consume your flesh. You usually can’t feel the gnawing because they’re so small.
With the babies being nocturnal, when they’re old enough they break free, into the open air through the pores in your skin, sometimes flying into your ears, or occasionally into a sleeping, open mouth. Just like spiders.
Y’know, it doesn’t seem to matter if it’s my younger sister, my own daughter or a total stranger – I just never get tired of acting like a big brother.
Only female mosquitos bite. Isn’t that unfair?
Ive seen wee little skeetos .. dont know if they are babies or not ..
speaking of babies .. Madness twinnies are sick .. deathly ill .. oh worry 🙁
I don’t know about the baby skeeters but I do know Little Miss Sunshine is mistaken about the sunshine state. We do indeed have sqeetoes and I doan likey.
Uhg! Where’s my Off?
I’m not sure which is making me itch more, your mozzie picture or vast wealth if information the commenters before me have so generously provided.
scratch scratch scratch.
That’s because they are all in West Nile Virus training learning how to spread weapons of mass destruction.
I’ve always wondered the same thing about squirrels.
Great photo of the babies is here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/galacticdreams/2074776494/
Oh, Bossy, You have never been to Northern Wisconsin in early June. There are Mosquito FAMILIES ready to devour you. babies, preschoolers, teenagers and big fat grandpa mosquitoes. Stay away!!!
Are you capable to information us on your website owner or man whom takes care of your blog, I must determine it might be simple to certainly be a guest poster.