One of the first challenges facing President O’Boyfriend is to gain swift congressional approval for his stimulus package, which should come as no surprise is a much larger and satisfying stimulus package than that of George Bush.
Barack’s penetrative plan is to create jobs with the injection of $90 billion toward infrastructure spending, and $54 billion to renewable source energy production.
The breadth of his stimulus package also includes an appropriation of $87 billion in medical care for low-income individuals, and $79 billion toward education to prevent the pending cutbacks in schools and colleges.
And lastly the depth of Barack’s stimulus package includes a $500 tax credit to workers.
Critics of his stimulus package question its sustainability over time. But Bossy thinks Barack’s stimulus package will arouse confidence, which will spill over into other areas of the economy — proving itself not only durable, but strongly capable of a desirable outcome.
Awesome post. But I think you forgot to italicize- Injection!
Wow…suddenly this topic is sooooooooo much more interesting…. I wonder why? 😉
Btw, I’m all for desireable outcomes!!
Phew – is it warm in here, or is that just President Obama’s package?
And he’s the only President who will light up a cigarette after he stimulizes you
I think Bossy should apply to be the President’s speech writer. Bossy is all about the right spin.
I’m so aroused by talk of men’s packages. Might be time for a cold shower!
I think Barack’s FIRM PACKAGE will help our MOUNTING deficit. But we, as a country, need to get BEHIND him. All hands on deck! What? I said, “DECK!” Sheesh, you people are durrrrrty…….
Oh Bossy, you’re such a dirty girl!
Ooooh baby, that’s the spot!
Anyone have a cigarette? Anyone?
Wow. A lot of numbers! I hope he helps! I am filled with hope : ).
From your lips, baby.
After showing us his 10 balls last night, he’s got a busy day preparing to stimulate our economy.
Oh Bossy. You’ve made me blush. Laugh hysterically, as well, but blush also.
Let’s all just hope there isn’t an unanticipated downturn.
Naughty Bossy.
OMG. Heh.
I love a man with a nice package.
Best political spin EVER! Thank you, now I need a cold shower.
I was happy about last years stimulus package but this year’s sounds soo much bigger, better and more stimulating!
WhaaaHooo – It’s ObamaBossy! So much smarter than ObamaGirl.
You make the economy sound so sexy….
I will never see economic stimulus packages the same ever! The next four years is gonna rock.
Is that a stimulus package or are you just happy to see me?
(something about this seems mildly disrespectful. but fun.)
Oh, my! Bossy sure does have a way with words!
Damn, where’s my husband when I need him? I wonder how the First Lady feels knowing so many women are crushing on her man (and now totally focused on his package)? *heads to a cold shower*
Damn! Did you see the photos of them dancing to “At Last” at the neighborhood ball? Hawt.
I think the White House master bedroom got inaugurated last night.
keep talking… almost there..keep…TALKING…
It’s not all that you think it will be. Read this please:
That just left me speechless, not to mention all the comments! Husband says he was thinking along the lines of #23 Jennifer’s comment.
I just loved seeing The First Two teasing and flirting and enjoying each other at the balls. And Bossy, can we talk about Michele’s dresses some time? Just gorgeous.
Thank you, Cookie Jesus for Barack!
Let the healing begin.
How about if we just pay $500 less in taxes, then Obama wont have to send us a check…saving all millions on stamps and printing checks and other administrative stuff.
Then they can still do a smaller stimulus package for infrastructure.
iAb, what’s up with your friends and those showers? after a post like this, I am simply wondering if a new showerhead comes with that stimulus package. (And seriously, what’s up with *cold*?… sweat it out, ladies!)
Myst, (who can laugh *and* uh, deck at the same time… )
Julie wishes Bossy had been her economics professor.
Holy crap – that was funny!
Oh my!
/fans self
I think I’m gonna need a little more than a stimulus package. I should just join the poverty group and get it over with.
love love love love love love love
Once we go Barack, we’ll never go back!
Okay, I was going to write a clever sexual inuendo, but I just have to be blunt with this one:
Have you seen the Barack-inator’s bare chest? Oh. My. GAH. He is a fine FINE figure of a man, and if I was that little military girl who got to dance with him last night, I would have PASSED OUT.
A little military girl got to dance with a bare-chested Mr. President? Conjures up quite an image.
Whoa …. that’s some stimulating prose! i’m still trying to catch my breath!
bossy said, “PACKAGE”!!!!
See, all those big numbers scare me, so I just vote and cross my fingers.
I’m just hot thinking about it!
Hagerdash agrees with Bossy. :o)
A Barack Package in the hand is worth 12 of George Bush.
I just love when Bossy gets all political.
Um…I just want to say in response to note #31 that I …um…don’t actually want “a smaller stimulus package.” I mean—-anyway, I don’t want a smaller one. That’s all. The bigger one is fine.
i’m with 23. too soon for this kinda humor for me. just not feeling it. has taken me way too long to finally respect the presidency and the White House. and i am still basking in the dignity of the new administration. he’s already put a hold on prosecutions at Guantanamo. About time.
That post made me giggle like a 12 year old girl. Hee hee.
OK, I must be the only Bossy reader that doesn’t think BO is hot. Humm, he just doesn’t do anything for me…
I am concerned with his package though,LOL I feel like it’ll going to get me in the behind…Where are we going to get all this $ to spend from a practically tapped out govt, oh yeah, they eventually raise taxes so I guess we do get some stimulus package action-just not from the angle they promised.
Bossy be makin’ Politics Stimulating for Everyone!
(I can’t believe you italicized “spill over”! LMAO!)
Bossy, you made me blush!! It’s a good thing my husband doesn’t know Bossy’s url or he’d go all Republican on me.
That this post is a hoot is a bonus; the title alone made it priceless. Bossy, that may the funniest blog post title I’ve ever read. And I read too many blogs.
I too am feeling stimulated by all things Obama. After 8 years of feeling dead and cold inside, I find it refreshing.
hehehehehehehe, you said “outcome.”