Boston University’s Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy (CSTE) announced yesterday that football players who receive repeated blows to the head suffer from long term brain injury.
Which leads Bossy to today’s Parlor Game. Which of the following is brain tissue following multiple concussions, and which is a William de Kooning?
You can read the full report here.
The parlor game is funny! The subject matter.. not so much. Just another reason I’m glad I don’t watch football, or boxing, or WW Idiots or whatever it’s called. Thanks for sharing the article.
Do research scientists bang their palm on their forehead and say “DUH” when they make an obvious discovery?
That could cause brain damage.
–>You make me laugh.
The brain tissue looks disturbingly similar to the cereal I’m currently eating while I read this.
You. Are. Hilarious.
I’ve never really “gotten” the hype about sports, especially at the high school level. Reading BOSSY is SO much better for one’s brain.
The first picture shows destroyed brain tissue.
The second picture engages brain tissue.
And could fetch you a pretty penny at Sotheby’s.
Just another reason us parents need to remove multi billion dollars making sport athletes from our childrens
“role model lists” and add people who use their brains in the ways it was intended- which I’m sure isn’t for bashing into others with.
How timely. Today is Jackson Pollock’s bday and the logo image (for today only) is a mass of swirly lines similar to the de Kooning, with a barely visible “google” in all that mess. Bossy you are so on top of it.
Which keeps me from having to comment on stupid football.
I read that yesterday and duh! So sad so frustrating.
I read that article yesterday, as well, and I just have to say duh. When my parents go to a college game, my mom says, “We’re off to the Coliseum to watch the gladiators.” It is so true. I just don’t get the national obsession with that sport.
Wow. Scientists are smart. No, really-and-I-mean-it.
I’ll bet someday they’ll determine water is wet, too.
Thanks for this. So glad my kid goes to a school with a chess team and no football team.
It’s all clear now: William de Kooning must have played football.
Football players receive way too many injuries. Just ask my husband who has had knee surgery, his neck is totally wrecked along with his rotator cuff. It is really hard on a body. My guess is the top one is the brain… but they are close aren’t they.
What Reeb said. Which is why I’ve never been to a hockey match.
I do believe that is my all-time favorite parlor game.
Perhaps we could take the money spent on that study and put it toward, I don’t know, pretty much anything instead.
That is a fantastic article. Now, when do we get the one about chronic hockey playing equals less teeth, because I bet that’s a shocker!
Foolsball. I hope my son is a drum player!!
Yes, and in other news, overeating causes obesity; smoking is bad for your lungs; and Bossy has multiple boyfriends and husbands.
i love love love de kooning. but i can’t tell.
I saw that mass on google too…and now I wonder if I needed to know all this stuff….euw….
Dorothy from grammology
My granddaughter had her precious baby girl….she’s beautiful…
Wow. Them’s some S.M.R.T. smart peoples up there at the whatever college of big brains they done work for. Lawsie.
I’m pretty certain that the first one is something my toddler vomited, and the second one is what I wish she had drawn on my chairs. 🙁
Now the real question is: Does football cause brain injury, or does brain injury cause football?
I know someone who worked in that lab at BU! She loved it.