This guy, who Bossy had the chance to hang out with a couple of weeks ago in New York City. He’s Doug French from Laid Off Dad, and all during the month of November he’s been growing that cat on his upper lip in order to raise money for the Prostate Cancer Foundation.
The effort is called Movember, and men all across the globe have been doing it, although Bossy isn’t sure any of them have sacrificed such a handsome face in the process.
Here’s the link to Doug’s fundraising efforts if you want to check it out. It features a range of before and after photos as his moustache crawls across his upper lip.
MetroDad says
November 30, 2010 at 1:37 pmI have seen Doug’s Movember moustache in person. It’s marvelous. Like having a pet muskrat on his face. And all for a great cause!
km says
November 30, 2010 at 2:30 pmmy brother in Ireland is doing this too !
Muskrat says
November 30, 2010 at 8:51 pmI love that Pierre says I live on Doug’s face. How boss is that, Bossy?
Storage Toronto says
November 22, 2011 at 6:59 pmFellow Stashers,
We are doing a contest over here where you can get $500 towards your Mo Space if you get the most votes. Its super easy to submit your stash and share your page with your buddies on the net. Check out all the info here Plus the winner also gets this super awesome Storwell Self Storage Movember Moustache Champion trophy
Wish you all tons of luck and lets change the face of mens health one stash at a time,