Hello Bossy’s esteemed council, and welcome to November!
November is the eleventh month of the year, and one of four months lasting thirty days — but that doesn’t stop it from sporting a name which means nine. The Anglo-Saxons referred to November as wind monath due to the blowing chill, while others favored blod monath due to the seasonally slaughtered cattle.
These days, November is best known for a tradition involving the gathering of a sometimes dysfunctional family who collectively overindulge.
Thanksgiving? Don’t be silly. Bossy is talking about NaBloPoMo, which means National Blog Posting Month.
Invented a handful of years ago by Bossy’s close and personal friend her, NaBloPoMo is a collection of bloggers who vow to post every single day in November.
Truth be told, this kind of incentive is precisely what Bossy needs to find her way back to this air pocket of the internet. Because lately Bossy hasn’t had the easiest time keeping her head above the water line.
As a matter of fact, Bossy could tell you a story about her personal life that would make your balls shrink to the size of raisins.
But since no one wants to swallow a pill that vile, Bossy will instead kick off her month of posting with this:
According to Bossy’s coworker who shall remain under a cloak of workplace secrecy but his name rhymes with David, there is a syndrome associated with eating pine nuts which results in a bitter taste in the mouth that can linger for weeks!
This condition is most likely due to rancid nuts, which trigger the same signal between the taste buds and brain which produce a metallic taste in those victims experiencing a stroke.
Pine Mouth was first discovered by a poison-control physician, and was later detailed in the Journal of Medical Toxology. The Food and Drug Administration continues to collect case studies and search for answers to questions such as, “There’s a Journal of Medical Toxology and Bossy hasn’t yet subscribed?”
To summarize: shrunken balls and rancid nuts.
Please join Bossy for the entirety of November as she moves her ass back into position. Thank you, and goodnight.
This is kind of weird, no? Saturday night I made a risotto and threw in some pine nuts; I thought about the fact that Bossy also likes pine nuts. Then today, Bossy posts about pine nuts.
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Bossy is correct! It was in fact the Anglo-Saxons, or more precisely the “Niedersachsen” or “Lower” Saxons, who invented Ray-Bans. It was also a Lower Saxon who postulated that 100 grams of heavy curdled goats milk weighed more than 100 grams of light curdled goats milk. Sadly, he was wrong and was fed to a hoard of wild pigs.
Can’t wait for more of Bossy hilarity! You’ve been missed. Sorry that (it seems) you’ve had a rough go of it lately. Hope whatever’s shrunk your balls is overwith, and all is groovy again!
Pardon me for this but my goodness you have a great ass. Sorry, perhaps I should have said “nice backside” but nothing has the same complimentary “Oh Hell Yes!” as one being told one has a great ass. 😉
Thank you for moving that back into position. Much appreciated. And I’ll avoid pine nuts.
OMG I have missed you! And yeah, I wish we could sit and chat about keeping your head above water. Divorce after 20 years and 10 years out of the workforce. I’m still treading water. You inspire me. And I wish my butt looked like yours! 😉
I can deal with the 11th month of the year meaning “nine.” Sure. Why not? But pine nuts giving me metal mouth kind of freaks me out. Aren’t those little wonders supposed to be good for me and healthy and all? I feel betrayed.
Yay — Bossy’s back…side! We’ve missed all of you!
Does Anglo Saxon guy have a fish on his head. Looks like a tail on the left side. He will never go hungry.
Although I get to witness Bossys’ amazing brain at work, I’ve missed seeing it in print…..this is great!
I have experienced pine mouth! Though I wish that it, too, had a better name. After eating or drinking anything, even water, I got a terrible taste in my mouth. It lasted about three weeks for me. I did read that it usually happens with pine nuts from China, so I just started buying them from other places, and it hasn’t come back. Knock wood!
Olivia is relieved that she has never experienced pine mouth, although she has experienced spruce mouth after chewing resin from spruce trees and, having raised 3 kids, 2 of whom are boys, she is also familiar with potty mouth.
Bossy is Back!
Thank you Baby Jesus!
The Anglo-Saxon looks like Andrew McCarthy when Ally Sheedy told him she wasn’t in love with him in St Elmo’s Fire.