Hi Steve. Jobs. Steve Jobs. You may remember Bossy from her January 2008 pitch for a free MacBook Air. Well, you’ll be happy to learn, in the intervening months, Bossy purchased her own laptop, a MacBook Pro, using her very own money she earned painting at great peril to her lungs and memory. Also, painting…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Bossy thought the brown thing crawling out of that apple was a baby lizard. “Haven’t you ever seen a stem before?” snapped Bossy’s husband. Welcome to life with Bossy, who grew up on the 19th floor.
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Green Fruit Smoothies. As some of you may know because Bossy can’t shut up about it for even one second, Bossy and her mother are on Day 5 of their 5-day broth and juice cleanse, otherwise known as Sister Mercy it’s almost over. When Bossy was preparing for this radical dissection fast, she did some…