Old Bossy has a rather sour attitude toward birthdays in general — beyond the age of 21 — and her own in particular. But alas, they keep coming anyway. If we’re lucky. delicious cake by the multi-talented bossy’s daughter
Bossy’s Favorite Things
This chocolate cake. Bossy’s friend Martha made it from scratch, her first ever. Bossy must admit that although Bossy has baked cakes from scratch in the past — like this little number Bossy likes to call Tres Sugar Shock — when it comes to chocolate cake, somewhere along the way Bossy decided it doesn’t get…
The Daily Poverty Post.
Bossy is cheating because she already used this flag cake photo for something else, which makes Bossy worried she is going to get fired from this blog just like she worries because she’s the one who would have to do the firing, but in whatever case: Poverty. Hello, poverty, Bossy sees you’re still here even…