They eat whatever is handed to them. This virtual peek is brought to you by Flojindamesa. She’s from San Francisco but is currently eating her way through life in New Orleans. And this is her blog. Do you have a blog and want to be featured in the Just Like Us photo album? Email Bossy…
candid photos of bloggers
Bloggers. They’re Just Like Us!
Even though they wear contacts all day long, they try on several pairs of glasses so their time at home, before bed, can be spent wearing a cute pair of frames. This virtual peek is brought to you by Victoria. She stalks Lenny Kravitz and enjoys crab cakes. And this is her blog Do you…
Bloggers. They’re Just Like Us!
Due to the unfortunate, innocent placement of a throw pillow, they have to suffer the endless teasing and guffawing of a wine-soaked dinner party. This virtual peek is brought to you by Sven. He’s inventing a new life in Australia. And this is his blog. Do you have a blog and want to be featured…