The height thing. For a couple of years, when Bossy’s son was in his mid-teens, Bossy’s husband was all, “You’re really getting tall. Look! You’re almost taller than me,” even when it wasn’t true. And sister mercy, there’d be Bossy’s son, backing up to his doorframe where the Bossy family has kept track of his…
front yard
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Dr. Seuss snow. You know, draped thick on every surface. And no, it didn’t snow again, this photo is from last week. And yes, Bossy knows this is nothing compared to real snow in colder regions, and just, gahhhh.
Snow Day 2.0
Dear Internet, Please excuse Bossy this snow day. Because Bossy can’t scrape the encrusted ice from her laptop screen, and her keyboard won’t start. So Bossy is sitting here waiting for AA. Or maybe she means AAA. Because perhaps they can jump-start her post. Until then, Bossy has updated her Top Five Bossy Posts on…