Love her or hate her, after much experimentation, Bossy decided highlights are something she needs to get professionally done, by a known factor. In the scheme of things, Bossy wasted time and energy and money fixing her many hair disasters. Bossy buys into the theory that it’s better to have one nice thing than a…
The God Please Forgive Me Diaries. Where God = Mastercard.
Bossy never thought she was particularly vain until Bossy saw a photo of herself taken a few days into January — a photo so bad it made her balls shrink to the size of raisins. Bossy took one look at this photo and decided she didn’t want anyone to ever see her in such a…
Oyvey. Bossy Is Not Talking About Thanksgiving Anymore Because She Is Still Digesting.
Instead Bossy wants to talk about this: her newly purchased hat, $9.99. The reason Bossy purchased this hat in the middle of