This is Bossy and she is currently in Seattle touching the farthest edge of her Excellent Road Trip. Beginning tomorrow Bossy will be moving back across the middle of the country toward home. Bossy has been in Seattle for two days, and here’s a little known fact about Seattle: it rains a lot. But it…
The Next Time Bossy Is In San Francisco She’s Not Going To A Starbucks, She Swears.
Tonight Bossy is in Eugene Oregon and there are absolutely no cute Eugene stories to be told—because as it turns out Bossy is actually staying in Approximately Eugene, which means a Holiday Inn Express built directly on the highway off-ramp. Also as it turns out: Bossy is too goofy to drive a few hundred yards…
Bossy’s Excellent Road Trip. Day Six.
This is Bossy’s cockpit. This is where the magic happens, and when Bossy says magic she is referring to the numerous schizophrenic phone calls made to her husband dictating her last will and testament as she drives across large expanses of dark abandoned highway. Bossy spends an average of seven hours a day in this…