It goes like this: Rosh Hashanah is the Jewish New Year, a day when God sits on a throne and contemplates a person’s deeds, and considers that person’s fate for the coming year, utilizing all of the scribblings in his big record book: Yom Kippur is the Day of Atonement, which is when God seals…
Ten-Word Tuesday. Chicken Soup For The Droll.
There was this thing Bossy really wanted to do yesterday, an Action Plan as it were, and it was, but when Bossy’s daughter woke up for school, she was sick. Bossy’s daughter now differs from everyone else in this hemisphere exactly not at all, including the nagging cough that sat near Bossy on the train,…
Only Two Days Into 2009 And Already A Wardrobe Malfunction.
Every winter it’s the same thing: Bossy is freezing and has nothing to wear. This is entirely different from her summer predicament, in which she is suffocating and has nothing to wear. Shall we begin? First up is this turtleneck, which Bossy purchased a few years ago at H&M: There is something vaguely familiar about…