This past week Bossy traveled to a conference on the West Coast, which translates to eleven airborne hours with nothing but Skymall magazine. Shall we? This is a lice-killing wand dressed as a vibrator: Then there’s this: And this: Not to be confused with this: And while on the subject of limbs: And, just this…
Bossy’s Favorite Things.
Pages torn from magazines. Bossy is a chronic tearer-outer from way back, especially from shelter magazines. This page isn’t the greatest page, but it’s the most recent. Bossy loves the airy feel of this room and the non-fussy way things don’t match — like the assortment of fans and light fixtures that hang from ceiling…
Join The Ranks Of The Nearly Deceased.
Dear Martha Stewart, As Bossy was thumbing through one of your magazines the other day, she couldn’t help but notice the many advertisements with one common theme. Which begs the question: Just what exactly are you trying to say about your Reader Demographic? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Love, Bossy