Earlier today Bossy found this People magazine article about Lisa Loeb’s marriage to Late Night With Conan O’Brien’s Musical Supervisor Roey Hershkovitz. Bossy took interest in this story because of a little thing she likes to call Lisa Loeb’s drummer: Bossy’s friend Ronny has recorded and toured with Lisa Loeb for years, and Bossy was…
Where Bossy Learns To Adjust The Photos’ Tint So The Wedding Guests Don’t Look Like Corpses.
Dear Wedding, When we left off, Bossy and her brand new husband had just completed their vows, and the guests were filing into the converted barn to cool off drink until they no longer noticed the blistering Heat Index. As the seventy guests milled around slurping the locally produced wine, many were captured on video…
Now That We’re All In A Complaining Courtroom Mood.
Dear Bossy’s Husband, As much as you like to plead innocent when Bossy asks if you are the one hanging wet towels and washcloths in a musty heap inside the shower, and as much as you like to feign confusion at the science of drying when everybody and his Pigeon-Fancier Great-Great-Grandfather knows heaped things never…