When last we saw Bossy she was meditating on her life, behind closed eyelids, while snoring. Hello Bossy’s feet! And before leaving the subject entirely, Bossy thinks there’s something to this idea of giving oneself a few days to consider life, without the usual guilt that you should be doing something else. Many interesting things…
The Daily Poverty Post.
Is there a single soul left who doesn’t know Oprah and KFC partnered to offer everyone in America a free dinner in the form of a downloadable coupon? But did you know that now KFC and Oprah are saying due to overwhelming response, they are unable to redeem the coupon? Because Bossy supposes when they…
Ten-Word Tuesday. The Resolutions Edition.
Everything Bossy wants to change about herself in the coming year can be found behind this family room door. With the small exception of all those things she needs to change about herself