April 15th came and went, and no mention of filing taxes by Bossy. Can you say Extension? Some fooking Poverty Party.
The Daily Poverty Post.
Sister Mercy, it’s school spirit fundraising time in Bossy’s neighborhood. When Bossy was growing up, school spirit was shown by not slathering the hallways with graffiti. That day. It should come as a surprise to exactly no one that Bossy would only agree to the $15 shorts, purchased in a size Bossy’s daughter will be…
The Daily Poverty Post.
This past weekend Bossy was invited to a Murder Mystery Dinner at her friend Martha’s house. Bossy was assigned the role of Marilyn Merlot, and when Bossy tells you she has nothing in her closet resembling movie star chic what she is really saying is she has nothing in her closet resembling movie star chic….