Raise your hand if you’re tired of hearing Bossy talk about her blog’s recent redesign. Now put your hands down because Bossy is not talking about her redesign, she’s typing about it. You see, when Bossy changed her redesign, she also
Ten-Word Tuesday. The Pity Party Edition.
It may surprise you to learn that Bossy recently changed her blog’s design, where surprise equals Tah-dah, Bossy finally stopped talking about her redesign! And when Bossy changed her blog’s design, she
Bossy’s Favorite Thing.
The flair for design. Bossy has written about her daughter’s unprompted creativity before– but picture if you will: it’s the day after elections, and Bossy and her mother are plugged into MSNBC with their morning coffee, when all of the sudden they hear the sound of heavy furniture scraping across the floorboards upstairs. Bossy knows…