Earlier today which was wrapped in eternity, Bossy received an email wrapped in a publicity campaign. And in this publicity campaign wrapped in a proposal, Bossy was asked to promote a stroller, which doesn’t make sense since we know Bossy’s two babies are wrapped in adulthood. But then Bossy saw the name of the stroller….
The Return Of Ten-Word Tuesday – The Why Ivory Why Edition
As many of you know, Bossy embraces change. Bossy embraces change so she can plunge a Buck knife into its neck. That’s why Bossy was so thrilled to learn that the Ivory soap she’s been purchasing for years is no longer available: Oh Ivory soap, with your perfectly rectangular body wrapped in a waxy white…
Now It’s Time For Art Appreciation With Bossy
Welcome to Art Appreciation With Bossy, a new feature here on I Am Bossy, where new feature probably means yeah this may be the last time you see it. In whatever case, come along as Bossy shares everything she knows about art, which should return you to Facebook in approximately thirty-three seconds. Shall we begin?…