This is a clock that hangs in Bossy’s office. It’s from the Netherlands, it cost a pile of money, and its habit is to stretch and recoil 14 carat arms across the workday. Which is to say: Bossy still doesn’t know what time it is: Luckily Bossy has a method of knowing the time, so…
Dummies For Dummies
It all began with Mary Ward. In the mid nineteenth century, before gah created women (in the workplace), Mary Ward was an Irish astronomer. And Mary Ward’s cousins built one of the early steam cars, seventeen years before the invention of the automobile: On August 3, 1869, Mary Ward became known as the first motor…
It Takes An Esteemed Council To Raise A Blogger
Hello esteemed council, and welcome to Thursday, otherwise known as sister mercy Bossy has been posting every weekday for three and a half weeks and it’s all blending together. Today Bossy was wondering if you could help her untie a twisty knot between her logic and rationale. First Bossy should explain she thinks of herself…