Because Bossy received so many emails asking for more details concerning the cleansing diet Bossy is a mere twenty-four hours from completing, here are a few random thoughts — because sister mercy, random is all that’s left. On the first day, Bossy prepared and ate her potato beet fennel carrot parsley broccoli broth for…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Every day for five days of their cleanse, Bossy and her friend Martha get together late morning to watch DVDs and eat lunch, where lunch equals Not Steak Bernaise. But Bossy pretends lunch is Steak Bernaise, a trick she pulls off with the addition of parsley and spinach to her mango, banana, orange, and apple…
The Hump Day Update on Team Cleanse.
As some of you know, Bossy and her mother began a cleansing diet on Monday in an effort to reset some of their bad habits, such as too much sugar and too much salt and too much gluten and too much dairy and too much food and too much fun. Bossy’s mother moved into Bossy’s…