When you are in debt, is the whole Pay Yourself First still applicable? And by the way, just who is impressed by Bossy’s use of the word applicable? Plus, you should hear her say it. Kind of like a mouth of marbles. Marbles made of peanut butter. Anyway. This Pay Yourself First issue keeps coming…
The Daily Poverty Post.
You are looking at a Bossy kitchen staple: the dish towel. Dish towels should not be hung in the kitchen for show, they should be used and abused, as indicated by the large yellow stain covering the entire left half of this particular dish towel because Bossy is keeping it real until you beg for…
Step Inside Bossy’s Brain. The Insomnia Edition.
Last night Bossy had a little trouble sleeping. She didn’t have a problem falling asleep, but she did have an issue remaining asleep. This didn’t have a thing to do with the table of appetizers she consumed right before bed: Just like it didn’t have to do with the fact that she ate herself silly…