Released in 1965, I Spy was a popular half-hour television drama starring Robert Culp and Bill Cosby as two American undercover agents traveling the globe doing spy stuff. The episode Bossy recently caught in syndication begins when a European National blah blah defects and is transported to Mexico by blah: But this doesn’t square up,…
It’s The 25th Anniversary Of The Right Stuff, Which Officially Means Bossy Is Five Minutes From The Nursing Home.
Last night Bossy and her husband watched The Right Stuff, and enough about her husband, Bossy wants to talk about her
A Bossy Tutorial: Something’s Gotta Give. The House Beautiful Edition.
This 2003 Oscar-nominated movie begins when successful entrepreneur Harry (Jack Nicholson), is asked to accompany the young and lovely Marin (Amanda Peet) to her mother’s unoccupied beach house in the Hamptons. Harry is a womanizer who prefers women