Welcome to Notes from a Far-Flung Correspondent, which features the weekly interests and musings of Bossy’s Son, who is currently enjoying his sophomore year at Columbia University in the City of New York. This week: Short Stories. Recently a lot of commentors were sippin’ that Haterade about The New Yorker and the frequency in which…
the New Yorker
Bossy: Reading So You Don’t Have To
Bossy has this very interesting medical condition which brings her great anxiety, and that medical condition is called A Subscription To The New Yorker Magazine. Bossy has been reading The New Yorker since she was a small girl, where reading equals flipping through pages for the cartoons. But as soon as Bossy grew up and…
Ten-Word Tuesday. The Slacker Edition.
You are looking at Bossy’s stack of unread New Yorker magazines which reside in her torture chamber. Bossy is frustrated because no matter the camera angle, she couldn’t quite capture their distinct look of overwhelming. Don’t get Bossy wrong, she loves The New Yorker, which she has been reading since she was a teenager, week…