Who remembers Bossy’s old blog design? Bossy doesn’t either. But the point is, Bossy didn’t only switch designs, she also switched blog hosts. She used to be with TypePad, and now her blog is hosted by WordPress. Bossy doesn’t want to get into the reasons for her transfer, she simply wants to draw your attention…
If Bossy Curses Up A Storm, But Her Blog Server Is Down—Did She Make A Sound?
I am bossy was not functioning for the majority of yesterday, fouling up her whole Ten-Word Tuesday deal as well as her bacchanalia-by-the-sea updates. Bossy will make it up to you today by posting several Senior Week updates—and if you don’t mind scrolling a wee bit, Ten-Word Tuesday is still fun, even on a Wednesday.
When Bad Things Happen To Perfectly Nice Blogs. The Hello Is This Thing On? Edition.
Once upon a time in a land just behind your computer monitor lived a sharp-toothed villain known as IPOWERWEB. IPOWERWEB made its home under the Internet on page one million of a Google domain hosting search: IPOWERWEB was a cheeky villain. It wasn’t enough for IPOWERWEB to brag they were the leading eBusiness Website Hosting…