A handful of years ago, Bossy was in a band with (from left to right) her brother, a talented architect who built a little something Bossy likes to call The Entire Philadelphia Phillies Ballpark, and Bossy’s Unhusband. Bossy played the cajon. They called themselves Feliz. But the little known fact about the above band picture…
Coffee – The Final Frontier, A Giveaway
This is a sponsored review from BlogHer and Seattle’s Best. You are looking at the final frontier. You see, Bossy and her Unhusband get along swimmingly, as Undivorced couples go, where swimmingly equals
10 Valentine’s Day Alternatives For The Newly Separated
Oh good, it’s Valentine’s Day again, because you know how much the Undivorced enjoy celebrating the holidays of romance. Except the truth is Bossy never saw the appeal. While it’s true Valentine’s Day affords a chocolate-eating opportunity, it’s also the day we celebrate Cupid’s arrow through the heart and — is it Bossy — that’s…