Well it’s not a Space Station, it’s Columbia University. And it’s not the Earth’s Chairman of the National Council of Astronautics, it’s Bossy’s son—and his best friend in a different dorm room 136 miles away. And the daughter in question belongs to Bossy, and she is soaking up the i-Chat technology because it allows her…
Newsletter: Month Two-Hundred And Forty.
Dear Wedding Day, You arrived sunny but sweltering on the heels of a five-week engagement. You were thoughtfully planned in an abbreviated manner due to the fact that when Bossy and her boyfriend realized they wanted to spend their lives together, they decided that life had to begin the very next minute. Five weeks isn’t…
Yet Another Little Known Fact.
Bossy thinks her niece will someday be a famous director or film editor because she is in charge of all family documentation. She’s nine.