This blogging group. They are all from Bossy’s region, and every once in a while which is not enough they get together to figure out the world situation.
As is most often the case with bloggers in person, this is one smart, funny, and entertaining pack of broads. Usually the gaggle go bowling, but this past Sunday afternoon the group met at her house, where her equals the captivating one on the right telling a story about babies peeing on the floor while the one on the left talked about her morning sickness and the newly engaged one in the middle silently weighed the option to never have kids.
This particular get-together had a special purpose, because Bossy and her regional bloggers are working on a way to collectively harness their greatness. Speaking of greatness, meet Kelly and Nutmeg:
Anyway, harnessing greatness. The group began by knocking back a pitcher of cosmos and a vat of hummus. And then they sharpened some pencils and then, yeah.
Meet from left to right, her and her and her and her. Not pictured: her and no it isn’t because Bossy ate so much mousse cake she fell into a sugar coma and left her camera under the coffee table why do you ask?
But back to harnessing greatness, if you will, and you will because the alternative is resuming work after a four day weekend, and just: yuck.
If you live in the Philadelphia region and have a blog, please email Bossy at today, where today equals anytime you want, really, because harnessing greatness will require another liquor store run.
Where I currently am WHICH IS NOT AT WORK BECAUSE WHY WOULD I BE ON THE COMPUTER LOOKING AT THIS WHILE I’M AT WORK?!!! I can’t see the pictures, so I’m just going to go on ahead and assume I look freaking HOT while I’m talking about kids peeing on the floor…although was that me? Probably. Cosmos are good. As long as I didn’t pee on the floor. I didn’t, did I?
Thanks for documenting and thanks for using the word “great” so many times near HER, where her equals me, who didn’t pee on the floor.
I was wondering if WRH was the missing HER. Because she? Is fabulous and I heart her and someday we will drink together.
Except with all that talk of peeing on the floor, I’m not entirely convinced she didn’t.
Sadly, I do not think upstate New York is considered part of the Philly region. But I bet there’s a lot of greatness to be harnessed there. And Bossy is just the blogger to do it.
See Nutmeg with the camera? Nutmeg could have sent Bossy a picture of Bossy to add to the visuals if Nutmeg hadn’t brought a camera that said memory full when she turned it on.
Did you know you can get a little high if you smoke Nutmeg?
Wherever Bossy goes Nutmeg will follow.
That sounds like so much fun! I love yellaphant- and if only I had zero else to do but read blogs I think I’d love the rest of them, too! Making me miss Philly…
It’s like the Continental Congress all over again !!
I think the fact that WRH is talking about peeing on the floor so much in that comment is pretty much proof positive that that’s exactly what she did as soon as we all left. I knew I should have stayed a little bit longer. There’s nothing I love more than a good pants wetting. Except maybe Bossy’s hummus, which, by the way, I could eat in giant sloppy fistfulls.
So fun. Let’s discuss world domination often, eh?
This confirms why I never put photos of myself on my blog! What am I doing, my head is all tilted weird? Gah! Thanks for letting me hang out with you all and for collaborating in world domination. As you said on Twitter: Top Shelf those bloggers, Top Shelf, indeed.
Oh! I want to come! I want to come! Too far from Trinidad and soon to be Uganda! I need a blogging group…
I don’t imagine Boston is in the Philly region either…sadness.
I did not pee on the floor.
Just saying.
Looks like the rug would obscure the puddle pretty nicely. Just in case.
hi yellaphant!
Here’s a question.
And it’s not about peeing.
Did anyone ever read well read hostess before Bossy linked to me? Seriously! It’s like party city over there today. My funky little not-a-blog is feeling sooooo loved and warm and snuggly. Gracias.
note to self: send booze and hummus to Bossy
You ladies were having waayyyy too much fun. Well, if you ever come down to DC…
And this makes me even sadder that I had the plague. I totally should have come anyway. No one would have minded my germs. Right? RIGHT?
Bossy! We are attempting to harness much greatness down here in July, and the only thing missing is your name on the list. We have people coming from CANADA, Washington, Oregon, Connecticut, NYC, Texas, Florida…seriously. You have a standing invitation.
I live in the Philly area but not a blogger. Though being part of this group would want to make me one. Why did I think all this time of reading Bossy that she DID live in the DC area? Duh to me…
I think south Boston is only in the Philadelphia region to people living in Europe who aren’t really sure where either city is. But, I love this idea of having regular gatherings with bloggers. If only my house looked so nice and airy in photographs.
I really wish I had made this party. I couldn’t find a sitter. I am a Philly Blogger but no way near as awesome at writing as those in attendance. Hopefully I’ll be able to make the next one. I LOVE cosmos and hummus. And Fairly Odd Mother – word on the house being nice and airy. My house always looks like there has been a struggle.