Does this mean the Kindle is for “light days?” Is the i-Pad reserved for “those days” when the (information) flow is heavier? Does it come with its own “discreet” carrying case?
You know… it’s only us women who are getting squirmy about the name. As usual, the men involved in the naming process didn’t snap to the association because… well, because they think the world is comprised of only men, and they don’t want to hear, think, or talk about women’s icky stuff or girly parts.
So if we don’t want to be further disrepsected and mocked in the press for Apple’s astonishing lack of good taste, we should exercise a little good taste ourselves and STOP TALKING ABOUT IT, after which it will die a natural death.
Sorry to inject a serious note here, where snarkiness is the required tone of voice, but I don’t think women’s unique bodily functions should be a source of either embarrassment on our part or derision on theirs. Women bring new life into the world, sometimes at the cost of our lives, and menstruation is part of that process. If that isn’t a task worthy of respect, rather than “Eeeeeeeew!” and humiliating jokes, I don’t know what is. It’s certainly of more value to the species than anything men do… which is why, of course, they make fun of it – and us.
EEEww or not, Apple could have come up with something a bit more interesting. Is everything going to iSomething, like McDonalds McNugget, McCafe
I need to lie on my iBed
This reminds me of one of those funniest home videos sooooo many years ago. The mom walks into the living room and the little kids are playing and there are pads (the kind with “wings”) stuck all over the picture window (front of house). She asks the kids what they are doing and they gleefully reply, “Playing with the airplane stickers!!”
I like Bossy’s picture and think it’s giggle-worthy despite Christina’s serious post. A high-tech device that makes everyone think of sanitary napkins is just, well, ineptly named.
The picture made me snort, then MomZombie’s comment made me snort again. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would NEED the ipad, since it’s just a really big Kindle. It won’t fit in a purse or jacket pocket, so people who buy one will have to buy some kind of special tote bag or something to carry it in, and for what? It’s ridiculous.Eli
Okay, for the two of you who check in here two days late like me: I don’t give a flying fart what the name is PERSONALLY, I just think Apple has either bungled sales because of an ill-chosen name, or they’re marketing geniusssssss who have created all kinds of buzz for themselves.
That’s hilarious! A lot of people having mocking Apple on this device of theirs. I have mine but I’ve only been playing puzzle games though. I’d like you to try out StarFaces. Certainly one of the best iPad app. I had played this game on my iphone for a while and now I have it for ipad and its great! Love the photos option
hahahaha! i’ve got one of those!
Tee hee.
Love that
LOL! Wow – I think I have most of the components in my purse. Who knew?
–>That’s so big, shouldn it’ be a (MAX)I-PAD!?!?
I’m waiting for the iPad upgrade… with wings.
This is just WRONG on so many levels!
I believe we old-schoolers would call that a rebus.
Now that is an i-pad I can both figure out how to use and afford!
Does this mean the Kindle is for “light days?” Is the i-Pad reserved for “those days” when the (information) flow is heavier? Does it come with its own “discreet” carrying case?
I thought Bossy and her council might appreciate this:
That made me laugh out loud. Soooo funny!
You know… it’s only us women who are getting squirmy about the name. As usual, the men involved in the naming process didn’t snap to the association because… well, because they think the world is comprised of only men, and they don’t want to hear, think, or talk about women’s icky stuff or girly parts.
So if we don’t want to be further disrepsected and mocked in the press for Apple’s astonishing lack of good taste, we should exercise a little good taste ourselves and STOP TALKING ABOUT IT, after which it will die a natural death.
Sorry to inject a serious note here, where snarkiness is the required tone of voice, but I don’t think women’s unique bodily functions should be a source of either embarrassment on our part or derision on theirs. Women bring new life into the world, sometimes at the cost of our lives, and menstruation is part of that process. If that isn’t a task worthy of respect, rather than “Eeeeeeeew!” and humiliating jokes, I don’t know what is. It’s certainly of more value to the species than anything men do… which is why, of course, they make fun of it – and us.
Good one, Bossy!
EEEww or not, Apple could have come up with something a bit more interesting. Is everything going to iSomething, like McDonalds McNugget, McCafe
I need to lie on my iBed
And I’m SO glad I do not need an i-pad any more.
neener, neener, neener
Now all we need is the iTampon. And the iDouche.
Seriously, Apple, WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?????
Dumbest name, ever.
LOL. You’re very funny and creative, to boot.
How much wine have you had this afternoon Missy
Bwaaahhhaaaaa!! Excellent. I mean, really, did they think no one would think MAXipad when they named the thing?
I’m sorry- that’s a classic- thanks for the creative artwork!
oh bossy…. did you have to????? I was so excited to watch it’s video again online… now …what?
Bah! Ha ha hahahahaha ha!!
This seals the deal. No iPad for me. Maybe my husband would like one for Father’s Day and he could take it to work with him every day.
This reminds me of one of those funniest home videos sooooo many years ago. The mom walks into the living room and the little kids are playing and there are pads (the kind with “wings”) stuck all over the picture window (front of house). She asks the kids what they are doing and they gleefully reply, “Playing with the airplane stickers!!”
I heard the runner-up name was the Apple Tampon
OK, I feel dumb. I must be the only woman in America that didn’t make that connection. Y’all astonish me.
I like Bossy’s picture and think it’s giggle-worthy despite Christina’s serious post. A high-tech device that makes everyone think of sanitary napkins is just, well, ineptly named.
Despite that, I think I really want one of those.
The picture made me snort, then MomZombie’s comment made me snort again. I have absolutely no idea why anyone would NEED the ipad, since it’s just a really big Kindle. It won’t fit in a purse or jacket pocket, so people who buy one will have to buy some kind of special tote bag or something to carry it in, and for what? It’s ridiculous.Eli
IPad, the iPhone for the hard of sight, or the large-digited.
Christina, I’m sure you’re lovely, but I beg to differ with the following phrase:
“they don’t want to hear, think, or talk about women’s icky stuff or girly parts.”
I think the majority of time men are thinking about “girly parts.” The “icky stuff,” I agree.
Okay, for the two of you who check in here two days late like me: I don’t give a flying fart what the name is PERSONALLY, I just think Apple has either bungled sales because of an ill-chosen name, or they’re marketing geniusssssss who have created all kinds of buzz for themselves.
i still want one, she whispers
That’s hilarious! A lot of people having mocking Apple on this device of theirs. I have mine but I’ve only been playing puzzle games though. I’d like you to try out StarFaces. Certainly one of the best iPad app. I had played this game on my iphone for a while and now I have it for ipad and its great! Love the photos option