Genghis Khan shaped an Empire utilizing a charismatic army of underlings who achieved brutal conquest through combined speed, power, range, and fortification principles – always meeting their objective on several fronts simultaneously.
But I’m not referring to his conquering of the Mongol Empire.
I’m referring to the fact that Genghis Khan birthed more than a nation. It is said that Khan’s direct patrilineal descendants now comprise 8% of the whole entire Asian population. That means he fathered with 800,000 times the reproductive success of, say, a Mel Gibson – whose seven kids comprise exactly 0% of the Asian population.
Khan’s little army of gametes fought, seized, defended, stormed, captured, swept, besieged, grabbed, pushed, sacked, and ultimately emerged victorious – and that was before getting out of bed in the morning.
Genghis Khan’s firepower is thought to be unrivaled in the modern age due to “the superb mobility of his mounted archers.”