Bossy and her friend Geoff went to see Bill Clinton yesterday at a fundraiser for a local politician. Because Bossy and her friend Geoff are campaign volunteers, they got their tickets for free. Which was probably about twenty dollars too steep.
But Bossy was so excited because Bossy loves her some Bill. In fact she couldn’t wait to catch Bill’s eye because she’s fairly certain if they could only meet they’d fall madly in love. Hilary who?
But, first thing’s first, Bossy and her friend Geoff wait in a very long line. Bossy’s friend Geoff takes notes because he wants to succinctly capture the day Bossy and Bill fall madly in love.
And in the meantime Bossy and her friend Geoff spy lots of very famous people in line like Monica Lewinsky.
And Adam Ant.
And Moe Howard.
And Bossy’s friend Geoff writes all this down and more.
And while Bossy’s friend Geoff scribbles the events that he will later try to sell to the National Enquirer, the line grows even longer.
Finally Bossy and her friend Geoff are admitted inside the auditorium and this was standing in front of Bossy.
And so Bossy shoved over into a totally clear space with a direct view to the podium.
And Bossy and her friend Geoff were so happy with their new position in the large crowd.
Until Bill Clinton walked onto the stage, and then all Bossy and her friend Geoff could see was this:
But eventually the audience calmed, allowing Bossy to slowly reach in her messenger bag and pull out – while the Secret Service prepared to lunge – her silver Canon PowerShot A300 which she employed to take this award winning campaign shot of her future husband Bill Clinton on the day they met and fell madly in love.
Of course a few minutes later Bossy succumbed to the press of bodies and the hours spent standing and almost fainted around the feet of her friend Geoff and so had to excuse herself to go look for a place where she could curl up and die.
But the next time Bill Clinton comes within thirty miles of Bossy’s hometown…
I hear you, Bossy. Enjoy the consummating.
I think that Adam Ant is a political lurker.
i think you would do better if you and john cusack met and fell madly in love..stalk him harder bossy!
Wow! Had to scroll awhile to find the beginning of the comment box. AnyHOO, sorry it didn’t work out with you and Bill, but I wouldn’t be so sure he’s your guy. He’s supporting someone who’s name sounds awfully familiar (Remember the Sleestacks from “Land of the Lost”? –if not, check it out with Google).