OK, so there was this country, right? Korea. It was, like, one of the world’s oldest civilizations. We’re talking 8000 BC. And all kinds of shit happened to it: The Three Kingdoms this, the Joseon Dynasty that. But over time it became an isolationist country – enjoying its own company. And Korea clocked over two centuries of peacetime. That’s like one two three four two hundred years of peace. Which doesn’t mean their asses were happy, it just means they were keeping they shit at home.
And then around 1870 Japan got antsy because Korea was all cozying up to China. Japan was all, “You’re my baby.” So then in 1910 Japan moved its shit into Korea’s house and stayed. Japan had its underwear in Korea’s drawers, its robe in Korea’s closet. And Korea couldn’t date anybody else. For thirty-five years.
In the meantime World War Two went down. And Japan was all engaged with everybody else. And so the Soviet Union and the United States started courting Korea big time. And when Japan surrendered at the end of the war both the Soviet Union and the United States celebrated by dumping Japan’s shit out of Korea’s second-story windows and telling Japan to stay the fuck out. Because the Soviet Union and the United States were all up in Korea’s business. And the United States was all, “Baby you’re mine,” and the Soviets were all, “Baby you’re mine.”
So the U.S. and the Soviets divided Korea in two along the 38th parallel – the U.S. occupying the southern half and the Soviets claiming the northern half. And because the United States and the Soviet Union were both egocentric narcissists, they established baby governments in their respective halves that mirrored their own ideology.
And then the United States and the Soviet Union split on that shit and their baby governments, leaving South Korean President Syngman Rhee and North Korean General Secretary Kim ll-Sung to coexist through one shared wall.
Except in 1950 North Korea began working out and got all strong and shit and decided to overtake puffy South Korea across the 38th parallel. This threatened America’s democracy because everything and its mother threatens American democracy. So President Truman got his ass all involved and ordered his best and brightest back to South Korea to protect it. He also sent one
And under the rumbling asses of the U.S. and United Nations troops there was air power, which was used to blow up roads and rails and bridges and refineries and seaports. The U.S. and U.N. troops pushed North Korea by the collarbone straight back across the 38th parallel. North Korea hung its head, which wasn’t good enough for U.S. General Douglas MacArthur who wanted to press farther into North Korea territory because he suddenly had a vision of one communist-free Korea.
But instead President Eisenhower kicked MacArthur’s ass to the curb, and in 1953 the United Nations accepted a cease-fire agreement. And although North Korea and South Korea played them some territorial push me/pull me the North/South border was conveniently situated back around the 38th parallel at the time of the armistice. And so a demilitarized zone was established and everyone lived happily ever not so fast.
Because in 1994 North Korean General Secretary Kim ll-Sung died and his son Kim Jong-il took over. And the first thing Kim Jong-il did was decide that his inherited title, General Secretary, made it sound like his ass was typing memos and pouring coffee for the boss and shit, so he had his legislature give him a new title: the Chairman of the National Defense Commission – and then he had those same hussies declare it was the highest office of the state.
And then North Korea threw all its coin into the military – into missile and nuclear weapons production instead of grain production. And the lack of grub caused a countrywide famine in the mid 90s. But chances are if your North Korean ass didn’t die from the famine then your North Korean ass joined the military, since North Korea has the fifth largest military in the world with the greatest percentage of its citizens enlisted.
And all the while on this playground we got George W Bush’s honky ass poking his finger into North Korea’s chest and declaring them a part of the “axis of evil”. And he’s steady backing North Korea up against the wall and shit with economic sanctions. Will China’s ass jump behind George? Will the International Community referee?
Learn More ABout The Nuclear Test That Was Conducted Today In Hwaderi, North Korea.
Korea is like Canada. She’s just making noise so we remember she’s there. Ignore her. She’ll cry herself to sleep.
Good post, BOSSY.