I am Bossy is up for several Blogger’s Choice Awards! So exciting especially since Bossy had to nominate herself! Which is like the highest honor because Bossy is a whore has discerning taste!
And what’s best: Bossy didn’t know about these awards and so she’s already weeks behind in the voting! For instance in the category of Best Gauchos! Dooce already has like three million votes and Bossy has three. See how fair that is? And Bossy is nominated in other exciting categories too, like
Best John Cusack Stalker! and Best Shutter Color!
And the next great thing about the Blogger’s Choice Awards is you have to register before you can vote! Which is terrific because Bossy knows how many hoops her readers reader will jump through for Bossy. For instance Bossy’s own mother will sign up and vote several times still has dial-up and “can’t seem to view Bossy.” Or take the example of how all of Bossy’s friends friend bought
I Am Bossy t-shirts! That never happened was so cute!
Anyway: vote by clicking on one of the underlined categories above. There could be a blowjob in it for you.
I am humbled in your presence.
I’m off to vote. Love the gouchos.
Voted. I Am Bossy rocks. Despite the gauchos.
Bossy sure does know how to campaign. Offering the blow jobs and all.
Best Gauchos? GAH! I’m so behind.
I don’t want a blowjob. But I want to want to want to vote for you. Promise me, no blowjob?
orangeblossoms has a blog crush on bossy so she voted– twice.
she’d ask for magpie’s prize, too, but it wouldn’t be right.
plus, legend has it, she can’t be bought.
AG will vote for ya! RoD hearts Bossy.
AG will vote for ya! RoD hearts Bossy.
I voted for ya in all of the categories ya listed!
Goooooooooooo Bossy!
My first time here but i like it so I gave you my vote.
I used to think I was bossy until I started reading your blog. Now I am forced to surrender to your supreme Bossiness in all matters, especially gauchos. So of course I had to vote for you. Maybe a few times.
What? Huh?
I thought someone said something about a blowjob…
I especially love that you can vote for unlimited blogs – so I can literally go on every blog I read and say I VOTED FOR YOU! and that person will love me forever.
Oh…I’ll vote for you.
I voted for you, but only for the blowjob. I consider it a favor since if it was Chuckles that came to collect, it could be lethal. You can thank me later (not sure what would be left to thank me with though).
Voted! When can I expect my BJ? And can I instead have it from him: http://www.scott-o-rama.com/Coppermine/displayimage.php?album=2&pos=88
I voted for Best Shutter Color even though I hate orange because we’re family, even though I never see Bossy :o)