This is Wonderland Center – West Hollywood’s first-class residential detoxification and treatment program. The Center’s three rustic acres are situated in the heart of Laurel Canyon which is good because most of their clients are in the Entertainment Industry and need convenient access to film studios, recording studios, booze, and crystal meth.
According to the website, Wonderland Center’s extensive services include Emotional care, Physical care, Spiritual care, Medical care, Psychiatric care, Extended care, Aftercare, and Care to explain how you can be an alcoholic when only last year you looked like this?
And this is Promises.
Promises is Malibu’s luxury Residential Treatment Center nestled in the Santa Monica Mountains overlooking the Pacific Ocean. According to the website, Promises’ intensive services include Individual care, Group care, Cognitive care, Relapse Prevention care, and Care to explain why you crashed your Mercedes SL-65 convertible into a wall of shrubs then took off?
And All You Need For This Resort Is A DUI And A Bag Of Cocaine.
Looks a wee bit nicer than the Chicago W. Should we transfer?
Only 300-count?
I sleep on 600-count, so I’ll have to keep looking for a treatment facility to stay at.
I almost feel like I need to get addicted to something (besides linen) so I can go stay in one of those places. They make rehab seem like a trip to the day spa.
I sleep on 400 count sheets. So PBLTTT! Promises! I bet they don’t have Sealy Posteurpedic beds, either!
Why can’t I have a well publicized addiction? I’m so bored of my quaint cottage with the spiders and bats.
I went to a day spa at a 4 star hotel once. That place looked like a shit hole in comparison to the rehab centers. Looks like I’m doing something wrong here. lol
I’m pretty sure that I just threw up in my mouth a little…
Yep, I did.
The hubby and I were wondering where we were going to spend our vacation this year. Some booze, a little blow, a ridiculously over priced car, and something to smash it into. Ba-da-bing. Instant vay-kay.
Moi: Don’t forget The Millions.
Wow. An AA meeting and a swift kick in the pants is free.
Thanks for visiting my blog!
I meant ARE free. Dang.
Joy, don’t rub it in! Some of us have to suffer at the Hilton. Like we wish we could be at the W!
Crazy world.
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I knew I was a late developer in the addiction stakes. I must try harder.
i get so sick of all these hollywood ppl, and all their addictions. ppl want to know why these ppl are so thin???? because THEY’RE ON DRUGS!
lindsay wants to pretend that her drug of choice was booz, but i think it was cocaine.
what’s sick about all of this is that if it were any regular joe, they’d be in the slammer for a long time. what ever happened to three strikes and you’re out… i guess hollywood doesn’t count!
I have never wanted to be a crystal meth addict more in my life
lidsay lohan was just arrested again for drunk driving and cocaine possesion – so, apparently million dollar rehabs don’t work.
perhaps all she really does need is a swift kick in the pants.
Reckon she’ll be booking in at the “Paris Hilton” before too long.
It’s like you were psychic or something yesterday Bossy!
She and B.Spears are really duking it out for the “world’s biggest mess”, entertainer division, these days.
Constantly drunk, does blow, and even ends up looking pretty hot in her booking photo? No wonder this chick gets high-paying roles in movies. Directors know how to par-tay.
I don’t care what anyone says, Bossy. You’re funny.
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Yeah… Bossy’s ability to predict Lindsay’s return to her swank rehab makes me suspect Bossy is the cause of all of this.
Bossy must be Lindsay’s assistant.
Poor corrupted little Lohan. No one can resist the Bossy.