You almost had me. The martini-hour music, the happy-family photos… I was thinking, why don’t we ever do anything like that? Then I remembered. You are going to be in big trouble, Missy, when your more gullible readers head out to camp with their families thinking it is all big skies and Billie Holiday …
I’m sorry you will be missing vt this year. Hope next year works out! I love it too, but from the vantage point of a cozy inn with bathrooms… not a camper, and not a nice enough mommy to be one, either! Loved the film!
Ah, that lake is so inviting. I’m another Moonlight in Vermont person. Only we get to stay in a beautiful old house on a river. But it’s my kids favorite place on earth. Beautiful slide show! Maybe next year.
So you know the wonder that is Vermont! Yay! I grew up there and now live much too far away in western PA (boo hiss). BUT! We are heading up there a week from today (hurray!) I’ll make sure to give VT your best!
Ooh, am taking the spud camping next weekend… I bet my slideshow will be just EXACTLY like yours… only with nappies. And sick. And a tent falling down in the middle. And rain. Oh, and no lake. Or bicycles. Or salad. Or hubby as mine is allergic to tents. Or smiling beatific children. But otherwise EXACTLY I bet.
Beautifully done. Vermont is a state I’ve actually kind of forgotten about! I need to get out of the swamp more often.
Wow, what a beautiful slideshow! I’m completely inspired to create one for our family. Thank you!!
I posted about it on the Link List in the Motherhood for others to find as well. Here’s the link — If it’s no longer on the homepage, the link is —
Tents give me a rash. Nice to see that BOSSY still eats salad, even when camping.
I can see why you miss it. Next year?
oh beautiful.
You almost had me. The martini-hour music, the happy-family photos… I was thinking, why don’t we ever do anything like that? Then I remembered. You are going to be in big trouble, Missy, when your more gullible readers head out to camp with their families thinking it is all big skies and Billie Holiday …
I’ve never been to Vermont, and I miss it now. Hope you get to go soon.
Isn’t that were Ben & Jerry’s is? Because if so, then I’m REALLY sad (for you that is)
I have this sudden urge to chug me some maple syrup.
I’m sorry you will be missing vt this year. Hope next year works out! I love it too, but from the vantage point of a cozy inn with bathrooms… not a camper, and not a nice enough mommy to be one, either! Loved the film!
That was so beautiful I cried a little… but only on the inside.
Ah, that lake is so inviting. I’m another Moonlight in Vermont person. Only we get to stay in a beautiful old house on a river. But it’s my kids favorite place on earth. Beautiful slide show! Maybe next year.
Wow, I hope Bossy has a good reason for not going this year. It looks lovely.
My sitemate lives in Vermont. He’s sent me some locally-sourced maple syrup.
That’s really all I know about the state, other than Howard Dean’s AAAAAOOOOOOOGGGGAAAAHHHHH!
Must go to Vermont immediately.
So you know the wonder that is Vermont! Yay! I grew up there and now live much too far away in western PA (boo hiss). BUT! We are heading up there a week from today (hurray!) I’ll make sure to give VT your best!
Ooh, am taking the spud camping next weekend… I bet my slideshow will be just EXACTLY like yours… only with nappies. And sick. And a tent falling down in the middle. And rain. Oh, and no lake. Or bicycles. Or salad. Or hubby as mine is allergic to tents. Or smiling beatific children. But otherwise EXACTLY I bet.
Hey, where in VT?