It’s no secret that Bossy’s bathtub drain produces significant iconic figures.
Which is why Bossy is so pleased that this morning’s discovery does not disappoint:
Darth Vader? Marcie from Peanuts? Bossy isn’t sure exactly who she found in her drain so she’s looking to you, dear readers reader, in the First Eh-ver Name That Apparition Contest! And here are the rules: blah blah comment section, blah blah the winner will receive an item from Bossy’s Very Own Hellhole Basement!
Here are just a few of the Featured Products:
A trio of scented candles. They lost most of their scent back in 1990 when they were originally purchased. Of course that was the same year Bossy lost her sense of smell:
This serviceable cream pitcher:
Who can live without these darling margarita charms? Certainly not Bossy who got them for her last birthday:
And how about this vintage children’s toy:
You’ll want to tell your closest enemies neighbors and friends about this! Enter today. Winner will be announced after Bossy weeds through all of her comments comment.
Cousin It after a night of boozing with Marilyn & Lurch.
Pigpen from the Peanuts! or a baby bird waiting to eat some chewed up hair, oh I mean food from its mother. And I would like the margarita charms please.
My vote goes for one of those weirdo reptile-bird things from “The Dark Crystal” – check it out –
Bossy, you obviously are dealing with an appearance of the flying spaghetti monster, although it appears he has lost his little antennae/eye things. I think you are a chosen one, or something sacred in the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. I am so proud of you! Check out; I’ll bet they would be interested in this momentous event.
Dear Bossy,
QT totally beat me, but there is no doubt in my mind that you have a scary skeksis from “The Dark Crystal”. Seriously. Those things gave me nightmares. And so will your drain clog apparition…
Ewww…just ewww…but my first thought was the movie “Beetlejuice” when Alec Baldwin and Geena Davis stretch their faces out so that they have long, crocodile mouths.
This is the first ever blog post that has ever made me literally gag. It’s the one thing I absolutely CANNOT do…clean the hair out of the drain. I have to do it with the toilet seat up because I almost puke every time!
Cool contest, though…
Wow. Can’t look at it long enough without gagging to figure out something good, so I’ll go with Wookie.
Hm… looks to me to be that of the skeletal remains of Chilly Willy the penquin?
I agree with the Dark Crystal thing, but couldn’t think of it! My second thought is that it’s an Ent, from LOTR.
I just threw up in my mouth a little. … Thanks. My guess would be my long lost toy chihuahua…??
Um, what if I want to participate in the contest because, um, PRIZES…but what if, whenever I try to look at the picture I gag? I think that’s not fair.
But then again, whoever can look at that picture and not gag SHOULD win a prize. You could maybe clear out your whole basement with prizes just for that.
This is clearly an offspring of “Cousin It” from the Adams Family
Is it just me, or does that hairball look a little like Mr. Snuffleupagus?
Holy heck! You found Big Foot!
Manic Mommy’s “Wookie” is good. “Funky” comes to mind. As does “Colossal Gag-Monster”, or simply “The Thing”.
Oh, and I want the creamer! I’m thinking I can use it as a neti-pot.
ISN’T IT OBVIOUS? That clearly is Nicole Richie before she put on all that baby weight.
Long lost missing Magpie Brother – “Feckle”
Disappeared years ago in Bossy’s bathroom.
It’s the Great Owl from the Secret of NIMH!
It looks a little like the lunch that I just threw up after looking at a clump of moistened strangers’ hair on their website. Lucky for me I just ate soup and not something more chunk-o-rific.
I totally want the gymnastics ribbon.
I’m pretty sure it’s Ian McKellen in Lord Of The Rings.
But if I win, I get to give YOU something from my hellhole basement.
Looks like a baby chick to me.
It’s not the owl from NIMH, it’s clearly Nicodemus. Glowy eyes, flowing hair…
Bossy, didn’t the man tell you not to feed the Gremlins? See what happens?
vuboq wishes he had read this prior to eating his grilled veggie sub which tasted suspiciously like crab (ew).
I would suggest “George.” As in, “I’ll hold him and squeeze him and name him ‘George’.”
You’re welcome. I’d have been more creative if the prize were a Bossy T-shirt.
Actually, I lie. This is about as creative as I can get.
The Virgin Mary.
I am so going to hell.
I see Wolf Blitzer.
Cousin It is the first thing that popped into my slightly sluggish mind today… stomach is feeling a bit rough now…ughhh Too many pretty pink drinks this weekend…
I want that gravy bowl SOOO bad…
How about… The ghost of Woodie Woodpecker. Can’t you see his little beady eyes and beak?
“This is your brain on crack. Any questions?”
I think I have to throw up now.
The ex-President Bush during his retirement.
It looks just like a sheksis from “The Dark Crystal”
There is no way it could be anything else!
JesusHChrist! You couldn’t have waited until after noon, PST?! I just finished eating…
I think it looks like a wookie mask for Paris Hilton’s chihauha(s).
Awwww, man, I wish I hadn’t just eaten lunch… On the plus side, I’m glad to know I’m not the only person whose basement looks like, uh… that.
A bit obscure perhaps, but I think your drain plug bears a striking resemblance to Skeksil (the Skeksis chamberlain) in the Dark Crystal.
I’m wishing I hadn’t been eating reheated lentils when I looked at that picture, however. ugh.
Oh, man. Completely late and it is one of those freaky bird things from The Dark Crystal. Saw that right away, had to take a moment to collect myself, then comment.
Those suckers scared the crap out of me as a kid.
There are some very creative comments for this picture. My first thought was that it was disgusting and somehow in my own sick mind I was reminded of the time my Boston Terrier had somehow eaten hair. I know that makes me sound so disgusting that I noticed. So anyway, for such a disgusting picture I have an equally disgusting description:
Your picture could very easily be mistaken for the end product of Stella eating a wig.
Ann Coulter. Definitely!
I was eating lunch.
It’s Haircules!
All I want to know is how you got it out of there. My rocker son has almost waist-length hair and my own is not much shorter than his. Between the two of us, we’ve managed to clog the drain to the point where there’s at least 4 inches of water in the bottom of the tub with each shower. I pull a small handful out of there daily but the rest remains beyond reach. I’ve tried drain cleaners, open-ended hangers and a plunger. It’s STUCK in there and I suspect it’s big enough to take over the world. Advice?
I’m going with the nasty, evil bird things from Dark Crystal. *shiver*
(Yes, I knew I wouldn’t be the first to say so, but I don’t want to win anyway. I’ll just sit here alone… in the dark… eating cigarette butts…)
I like Sarah (Goon Squad Sarah)’s entry. I think she should win. Do they have internet access in Hell?
It’s one of those little shrunken mermaids from Ursula’s cave.
I’m having a giveaway too, but its not nearly as jaw-dropping. Might I suggest one of those little seive-like things you suction-cup over your drain? It keeps the hair swirling around the drain instead of going down, then you just stick it to the wall to scare your husband. I’d say it’s the best $1.99 I ever spent, but the little blinky ring I got the other day is nice too…
Well, the first thing that came to mind was Cousin It … but I can also see gremlins in that too.
Okay, so, I’m just going to pretend that I didn’t see that first picture.
I want the drinkie charms. AG could sooo use them!
Hilarious. I hate Bossy-less weekends. That picture is appalling. Did Willowtree lose his pet budgie?
Since the Blessed Mother was already taken, I’m going with:
Mother Theresa? You know, of Calcutta?
Look! It’s all there! The wrinkles, hunched-over little old lady, the veil. Can’t you see it?
BTW, that is soooooo gross.
is it dooce?
(i’m kidding! oh my god, i can’t believe i just wrote that, especially after i was so shocked at the negative attitude some people had in the comments of your ‘i love dooce’ post. for the record, i don’t really think that your gross drain apparition looks like dooce. i just thought it would be funny, in light of recent events. and i’m probably totally wrong about that.)
Those gymnastic ribbons are Fun. BIG FUN. (just ask my kids)
I’d call it Harry and keep it as a pet.
BOSSY only lets me out to scare the kids.
BOSSY doesn’t know I have feelings too.
The Secret Keeper of the Shower
It looks like a cross between a mouse and an owlet to me. How about a Mouselet.
um, ew. How about Bigfoot?
Um, I think it used to belong to Britney Spears. ‘Til she shaved it… her head, I mean… um… ok, yuck.
that’s seriously nasty.
and my vote is: COCKROACH!
I’m not going to be naming it, but I think someone has been pooping in your shower.
I can’t believe you haven’t listed it on eBay yet. Some jackass out there will pay a fortune for that image of the Virgin Mary, no doubt.
Look at that comb over. It is obviously The Donald.
That’s just really gross. Thankfully I was done with lunch, I still gagged a bit thought. It looks like a freeze dried bird kinda like what they do to those bodies at “Bodies the Exhibition”, I would name it FUGLY BIRD.
Seriously…a little bit of my lunch just came up!! Ughhh……
I can’t believe you pulled that out of your drain. I shudder to think what might be in my own drains, lurking, waiting… sort of like that clown from It. Which is what I vote for. It’s the clown in disguise, and he goes by the name “Frank”. I’m not sure why, but that clump just screams Frank to me. Despite being the clown. It’s one of those conundrum-enigma-pastry muddles.
Cisco Adler
The first that that came to mind: Hey, Are You Going to Finish That?
That is Mr.Hanky The Christmas Poo. No doubt about it. Put a Santa hat on it and you’ll see it, too! (Ooh, hey! I’m a poet!)
Um, I know they say let (s)he who is without sin cast the first stone and all that… but really, Bossy probably ought to consider cleaning her drain more often, lest compounds resembling living creatures continue to be coming forth from it!
I have that throw-uppy taste in my mouth.
And worst of all, I can’t even think of something clever to call it so that I can win that teeny gravy boat thingy. Dammit.
Dude. That drain thing is so nasty.
Holy Sheet! Jesus has Risen.
Bossy really needs to have a garage sale.
That is so gross. Yet this post reminded me to shoot an email to my husband b/c our bathroom drain is going down slow! lol
What the darnit!!! Sad to say… these are Jerry’s remains after Tom finally caught him and hacked him up.
The creepy critters from The Dark Crystal
I take it the nostril hair was not photoshopped….from that picture of you chewing gum on the college tour road trip…?
OK, my son can’t stop saying “skeksis head, skeksis head” over and over again and he watches The Dark Crystal every other week. So who said it first? Gotta give the Bossy basement prize to qt for being the first to post it. Am I right? Does that mean I get a prize too?
Ohhhhh the things we will do to win other peoples junk!!!!!!
Looks like the stuff old Blackie pulls from his tumtum hole………..
Name…….drum roll pleeezzzee…..
Scurvy Dog……
Don Quiote
This is a slam dunk: Grigori Rasputin.
Ah, so you found the severed head of Jar-Jar Binks.
It’s clearly Brad Pitt when he decides to go all “grunge” and not shave for awhile.
Though I think the drain hair is cuter.
Norman Bate’s mother. Ya know, when they spin the chair around in the basement?
Ooh! Ooh! I know! Danny Kaye? Henry Kissinger? Mr. Bean?
I would say one of those things from the Dark Crystal (which, really, truly, was the first thing that popped into my mind), but, gee, you know….I think that’s been taken..
How about just really really ewwwwww…..
Mr. Potato Head (circa made in China era). You should take it to the Antique Roadshow. Could be worth something.
Geez, what’s with all of the weak stomachs? After the CDC researches your shower, they should study blogger esophogusi, what with all of that rising throw-up.
I’m hoping for the margarita nipple rings.
You’ve found that creature from the labrinth. You know, the puppety one… With the beak..
The Spy from Mad magazine. It’s all in the eyes.
Linda Perry walking away from 4 Nonblondes?
Mousse that mouse.
And THAT is why I religiously keep my bikini wax appointment.
And THAT is why I religiously keep my bikini wax appointment.
Argh! I was eating! Argh!
You found baby wookie.
Why do you have gymnastic ribbons around? (Picture bossy doing gymnastics….erm…)
Blah blah blah ugly blah blah disgusting!
So remember that poo website I sent you?
I nominate that.
I want the ribbon. I mean, the moosh wants the ribbon.
SONNIE’s guess…of Sheksis from the Dark Crystal is DEAD ON.
BOSSY. hear me. that shit is Sheksis.
Oh, that’s Albus Dumblebarf from the bathroom at Hogwarts. He’s the headmaster of the toilet. He’s very powerful. You should put him back.
well, if there were a significant iconic apparition that looked like a deep-fried hairball, you’d have thought that one of your 97 commenters would have nailed it by now.
I, however, happen to think it looks like a Jawa (you know, from Star Wars)
skeksis isn’t bad, tho…
Awww. Im’a call her “Freebird”
Thought you should know that the Quote of the Day today was from Henry Allen: “It is better for civilization to be going down the drain than to be coming up it.” (I swear it was. I didn’t make this up!)
So I choose Hank, a symbol of civilization in crisis.
That’s either Jocelyn Wildenstein or Michael Jackson – I’d need some DNA to be positively positive.
I was going to say George Burns, but that is just too damn mean. How about Mr. Potato head?
Have fun going through your bazillion comments
Portnoy J. Vixen. I’ll take the toy.
I kept getting a Spy Vs Spy vibe from that picture. Not sure if it is the white spy or the black one, but that is my guess.
It’s one of the Spies from Mad Magazine.
Wow. I am not the only person who had the Spy Vs. Spy vibe! Leaf and I are on the same wavelength. Do we get an honorable mention for having the same bizarre train of random thinking?
I asked the same thing when that appeared on the plate next to my fries at Bobs Big Boy at a turnpike rest stop
Pete Doherty & Kate Moss’s love child.
Well, I’ll second the incarnation of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (sauce be upon him).
But short of that, I would have to vote for that Alf character from the old daze…
Can I like send you cash to keep you from sending me anything from your basement?
Tazmanian Devil
“Gag Reflex Enhancer”
Honestly? I had a similar drain apparition a few months ago.
Oh my God! It’s the less red twin of Bernadette OUR pet hair creature! She gets scooted around from one corner of our shower to another for a month or so until finally someone gives in and flushes her. Then, a few weeks later, she magically appears again to stare at us creepily while we shower!
I christen it “Bill Maher’s Mom”.
It’s Gonzo from the muppets after a hard night in the hen house.
ok there was a movie back in the umm 70’s? that scared the living crap out of me for YEARS – gave me nightmares FOR YEARS. Yeah, that’s what your THING reminds me of.
I’m pretty sure that’s Jimmy Hoffa
bossy, all i have to say is, that is one of the most disgusting thing i have ever seen…
oh, and i love you
Oh my lord, that thing is just demonic in nature.
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