ear·ly ??r-l? de·ci·sion di-?si-zh?n 1 a: A common policy used in college admissions for admitting freshmen to undergraduate programs. 2 a: Indicates to the college that the candidate considers that institution to be his or her top choice. 3 a: Candidates applying early decision typically submit their applications by the end of October and receive a decision mid-December.
This is Bossy’s son last night when he found out he was accepted into the college of his choice.
Because you readers reader have been there from the beginning—because you endured this college tour and this college tour and this college tour and this college tour and even this college tour, Bossy wants to spread the joy with this contest:
Where is Bossy’s son going to attend college next fall?
Submit your one guess in the comments section. If more than one of you guesses correctly, Bossy will draw the winning name out of a hat. The hat she uses to cover the hair that hasn’t been cut in 238 days.
The prize?
This Class of 2002 Special Edition Barbie, of course—why do you ask? This doll retailed for $15.95 and because Bossy kept it sealed in its coffin manufacturer’s box, it is now worth $15.95 on eBay!
This doll was given to Bossy the year she graduated from college, and it is very special to Bossy because it reminds her of why it’s such a bad idea to go back to school when you’re in your thirties.
Bossy knows you are all busy entering fun holiday bake-offs and being nominated for fancy awards, but Bossy encourages you to please take this Barbie off her hands enter this contest now!
I guess Yale.
Also, you can donate the doll to a worthy cause if I win. Holiday spirit you know!
Oh my gosh…did he even look at that school? I’m going to have to go back and check.
It’s gotta be Ivy League and it has to be Harvard! Harvard Square is the coolest.
Yep, Harvard is my guess…cause my husband almost got into a fight with a homeless man when we were last there:o
Ummmm…I am going to guess Cornell? Only because, who can resist weather like that?
He is one smart cookie, that boy-o of yours.
Congrats to him and good luck!!!
Can’t be Harvard, because they don’t do early decision. But I believe all the others he visited do. Hm. Brown? Everyone wants to go to Brown. Could be Cornell or Yale though. I’ll stick with guessing Brown.
Oh also? Congratulations! Wherever he goes, that’s effing awesome.
If I win, please do not be sending the Barbie. I play only for the joy of the game. Let’s not cheapen it with doll-whores.
I’m guessing Columbia. Though GW or G’town would be fun cause then Bossy might come to my ‘hood sometimes. (Barak your political boyfriend still keeps an apartment three blocks from my house, but he has recently spurned us for Iowa…)
Congrats to Bossy’s son.
Amherst College.
See what drum captaining can do for you?
(That and good grades and stuff)
I hope it’s Purdue, then Bossy can visit me when she comes to visit her kid!
I am going to have to say Harvard, That way he can visit Dublin NH, to see the cars… Oh I mean car parked in the parking lot at The Old Farmer’s Almanac!
Because guessing U. of Buffalo would just be silly. But AWESOME.
Wiedner….Cause I happen to know its somewhat near to where Bossy lives…cause who would let him too far out of site?
I have to guess GW, because I live in DC. And DC is the best!!!!
OMG. Let it be University of Texas. Please let it be University of Texas.
Congratulations to him!!
I suck at guessing.
I’m going to say Stanford, just to mix things up-congrats and good luck to bossy’s son wherever it is!
oh wait-maybe Notre Dame…both have good bands, but for TOTALLY different reasons.
It should have been University of Hawaii, so that Bossy would have a warm place to visit, or even UC Santa Barbara, but it’s probably someplace cold and dark and white (yes, all at once) like Yale.
If it isn’t Elon (Go Phoenix!) University, then it must be Columbia! Or Georgetown! Ack! I can’t decide. So … I’m going with Cornell. Because I hear it’s gorges.
I just realized that your son and I applied to half of the same colleges. I also made my mother take me on a college tour of New England and then DC. To this day, whenever I ask for a favor, she brings up her ‘godforsaken’ college tour of the East Coast.
Oh and when I found out I got into American early decision, I cried. Like big huge oh my god this is the rest of my life, type tears. I got over it, really quickly.
ps. Congrats to Bossy’s son!
I graduated from college at 43 and no one gave me a Barbie. I’m hurt and offended that no one in my family really loved me.
He plays the drums- Berkley School of Music? Or the one that had the marching band that played on Tusk with Fleetwood Mac- USC I think.
George Washington University.
No guess but I love this picture!!! What a great moment to capture~
Brown, baby!
Hmmmm, well, since my first choice is taken (Georgetown), Ill say Dartmouth, just because nobody else said it. Not even sure if it was on your tour, but, it’s a guess.
If he were REAL SMART, he would go to USC (where I went in my 30’s and did not get a Barbie! but I did get a HUGE student loan debt.)
Congrats to Little Boss, Way To GO!
Miami, well why not? Bikinis 24-7. And BTW my grandfather DID go to Cornell. Booyaka. I am from Syracuse. The Salt city. Cuz I’m salteeeey.
I’m going to guess Northwestern, but only because no one else has taken it yet, and because they did not admit me, the bastards.
My daughter (also a senior) is praying to God that it is the University of Nebraska because she is in love with Bossy’s son — but why would he want to be a Cornhusker when he could be a crimson colored pilgrim looking guy??? I choose Harvard!! Way to go Bossy’s son!!
That really depressed me and I was glad to read that you’d gone back to school, because I graduated in 2002 as well. The idea that someone in my graduating class could have a college-bound kid already scared me a LOT. I don’t have any kids, college-bound or otherwise!
hrm, i totally want to say my alma mater, haverford, but that wasn’t visited
i did got to tufts for a year and they have a fantab mascot, but…
i think i will go with my current mater, gw!
I’m going to guess The University I Work At, even though I know your college tour did not take you to Ohio. Just wishful thinking, I guess.
I’m gonna go off the beaten path and guess NYU. Cuz New York is HAWT and it’d be fun to visit Bossy’s son (uh, I mean Bossy when she’s visiting Bossy’s son) in NYC.
Either way, CONGRATS to Bossy and her family for being one step closer to an empty nest!
I have no clue where he is going but that photo is priceless.
Ohio State?
I was gonna say Yale, but being a tad obsessive, I had to re-read all of the other entries and saw the Girlfriend goes to Brown and he looked so happy so let’s say Brown (or Yale, no, Brown). Not that I need a Barbie, I’m just bored at work so I thought I’d play along. Too much information?
K, have a nice day!
Congratulations to Bossy’s son. I was not here for college tours so I will save you my weak guess.
Not reading the others. Absolutely not. I’m guessing Columbia.
You live in Pennsylvania, right? I’ll say the Bucks County School of Beauty, after which you will finally get the haircuts you deserve.
I’m guessing Amherst College. What with the scholarships and all.
After trying unsuccessfully to blow up the picture to read the email, I guess I’ll guess Amherst because it’s first alphabetically and has the sound of a funeral car in its name.
BTW, how many pockets are on the leg of Bossy’s son’s pants? He must be some sort of carpenter.
I can’t picture him at Harvard. Not because he’s not Harvard material, but because I’ve been to Harvard. Heh. I’m guessing Tufts. (Oh, is my New England bias showing? Whoops.)
Definitely looks like a Yale Yell to me. Going with Yale.
I need to get back here more often. I love your blog. Thanks for staying in touch. You rock!
I’m not guessing.
But I do love Barbie.
AND I love that photo – That’s an amazing accomplishment, early decision from an Ivy, and I am suitably impressed by Bossy’s son, and secretly hoping that Bossy’s daughter is perfectly average.
Because I’m a bitch like that.
Yay for your son! Yale will be lucky to have him!
I did read those posts but I’m way too lazy to read them again and am running my own contest here in Hollywood.
But I say take it to a fire station, they collect for Toys for Tots. Too many needy kids out there who would love a Barbie.
Congrats! I am guessing Columbia.
I am not entering the contest, but I wanted to say congratulations! BOSSY must be so proud!
Also, is that how they do it now? They send you an email instead of an “official” letter? Cooooool.
Boola boola.
That would mean that I guess Yale.
He’ll make a fine whiffenpoof (that’s a good thing, BTW).
Oh Bossy that is just too cool. Congratulations to him and to you. I have a pair of platform shoes you can borrow for when you have to start turning those pay-for-college tricks.
I don’t even know the kid and I feel proud.
I’d guess Brown, because I was just in Providence and it’s so nice. If I’m right, I’ll give you the address of a place that makes french toast out of pumpkin bread, and Bossy will jump for joy as well.
Congrats, man!
My guess is Yale because after Freshman year, Bossy’s son can move off campus and live in my old room at my mother’s house in Hamden. It’s right on the bus line and he can be down at Yale in a matter of minutes.
Also, my mother will take him out for Thai food regularly. Or pizza. He can choose.
Tell him to just leave my crap as it is, I’ll be home one of these days to clean out the shrine.
Well, some people have taken my guesses – I am trying to think back to your college tour posts and did you visit Boston U? If so, that’s my guess.
But I wanted to say Harvard.
Congrats Eldest Spawn of Bossy & Mr. Bossy!
Hey Bossy, did I see you on stage the other night with Zepplin?
Whatever college it is . . . Woo-hoo! Getting into a good school these days is insanely tough, so congratulations to your hard-working, kick-assing son! And don’t worry about the dough. Ken’s already missing a head, maybe you can force him to sell off his vital organs on the Barbie black market.
Bossy’s very studley smarty son would choose to go to Amherst!! Such a warm, inviting cerebral environment and lots of fresh country air for good sleeping!
Congratulations to bossy’s son! I’m guessing Princeton, so he can come home a lot to do his laundry!
I think it is NYU.
I’m all verklempt and proud of that kid.
I guess NYU…for no good reason.
For the record, drum playing like that shouldn’t be wasted at an Ivy League school. Screw all that learnin’. Bring the noise.
Um, I’ll guess Cornell.
Columbia or George Washington
It’s between these two-hmmm…..
I’m going officially for the GW
George Washington is my final.
Oh congrats and that is a fab, fab photo! I will guess Stanford.
I just remember that you were looking around at some AWESOME and PRESTIGIOUS colleges, and I see by his reaction that he is pretty excited, so it must be ONE of the AWESOME and PRESTIGIOUS colleges, so I won’t ask you idiotic questions like, “why don’t you remodel your house?” at this time.
Shoudl have headed a bit further north than Ithica to Canada. Lots of good universities and cheap (in comparison) tuition even for “furriners” but we don’t have big marching bands (or any at all in many cases) so perhaps we never got on Bossy’s son’s radar….
I go with Amherst – it looked the nicest.
What does Bossy’s son want to be when he grows up?
I’m going to guess Columbia.
Because Bossy loves NYC. And I think Bossy’s extremely brilliant son would want to be in the city his mom loves.
Or some sort of tortured logic like that.
Any thing other than Yale doesn’t desrve that kind of unrestrained joy!
I am guessing Northeastern University or NYU. I hope it’s NYU so you can get a haircut and visit your son – not that you need a haircut.
What a great picture! Conratulations Bossy’s son!
Ha. Not here to enter the contest, just to laugh! Great photo.
Brown, Yale or Columbia. I’m going to go with….
What, no Pac-10? You’re only hurting yourself, kid.
I’ll guess Arizona just in case.
On a selfish level, I’d hope that he got into Columbia, my grad school alma mater, but I’m going to guess Yale.
He looks soooooo excited. I still remember when I got into my first choice school. About 700 years ago.
those Barbies and your interpretation are hilarious!
Yeah for your son. What a great reaction. I guess his first choice was Princeton, but the admissions interview went awry so looks like University of Illinois.
it just dawned on me, that my stroll down the aisle to grab my USC diploma, was WHEN I WAS PREGNANT (with my second one…already had a toddler) IN 2002….so, if that footnote in itself doesnt deserve BOTH of those barbies (or, can we put the pregnant Barbie in the cap and gown, with a toddler on her hip?) then I dont know if Gravity will continue to keep us here.
I’m swayed by his cute drummer-boyness, so I think it’s Yale–YPMB–to be with “The Members Of.”
Yale. Final answer.
Sadly, my lousy memory doesn’t allow the foggiest possibility of a guess. Congratulations, Bossy’s son!
Ok, now I have to admit that I am sort of obsessing over what an amazing kid he must be, and that I havent read enough bossy or for long enough…because, who is able to get early admission these days to a prestigious (you visited lots of top notch campuses)? Typically, you get points for minority status (are you American Indian?), or for being in the military (N/A), or for having a 7.99 GPA, or doing 55 hours a week of volunteer work for the homeless and blind who also have a life threatening illness, and got a 1601 on your SAT’s, AND have a ton of positions in extra curricular activities (King of the band noted!) ….So, now Im just imagining and wondering what an incredibly awesome son you must have to get into such a rip-roaring school, and early. Although, maybe he visited the really fancy schools, but his top choice was a junior college? probably not. Congrats, and please post his application on line.
I’m going with Amherst. I’m not sure why. It speaks to me.
But I don’t need the barbie.
Boola Boola. Gotta be Yale. Harvard ended early action. Smart kid.
I’m going with GWU for no other reason than 1/3 of my salary for the next 30 years will be paying for my law school education obtained there. Gotta pay it forward, you know.
I cant remember, did you guys visit Penco Tech in Bristol PA?
Very, very thrilled for your family. But, since I didn’t click the links to the colleges like everybody else, and since I am a west coaster, I’m guessing Stanford. Yay Northern California. And also, they have a great band, unless you count the time when they hit the field too early and the trombone player got creamed by the other team’s winning touchdown. So, hey, they need a good drum major!
Wonderful picture. Some day Bossy’s granddaughter will blog a family tree serial and that picture will be prominently featured.
Oooops….forgot the MOST IMPORTANT thing:
CONGRATS Bossy’s son on your acceptance!
Hurraaaaaayay for Bossy’s Boy!!!!!!!!!!!
Yikes. Ken looks like he’s been overindulging in la spray-on tan.
I’m going with Columbia. If it’s good enough for Mahmoud Ahmedinejad, it’s good enough for your son.
I was going to guess Columbia, then Cornell, then NYU, but I’ll stick with the pack and guess Yale.
So, if it is Yale, who’s the lucky one who gets to pay the tuition?
What a great pic! I’m not educated enough on where he visited to make a guess, but I really enjoyed reading your posts about visiting with him. I hope to do that with my Boy some day (though he’s planning on Duke and says he’s not looking at any other colleges. He’s seven.)
Congrats to your son! Woot!
What a great pic! I’m not educated enough on where he visited to make a guess, but I really enjoyed reading your posts about visiting with him. I hope to do that with my Boy some day (though he’s planning on Duke and says he’s not looking at any other colleges. He’s seven.)
Congrats to your son! Woot!
I know, I know!!!! US (University of Starbucks).
Some damn nice schools there. We are just starting the same process with my oldest. I’m going to guess Penn (even though I don’t remember reading about a visit).
The Amish have their own college?
I remember reading those posts – what-the-heck-o’clock car rides and red brick buildings, repeated ad infinitum. Ok, I’ve used up all my Latin.
Um…I guess Harvard.
You can keep the doll, I prefer Hooker Barbie.
Berkley. Am I close?
it’s Columbia. =]
and congratulations to Matt.
that must have been amazing.
Just to be different, I say Boston College.
Hm, from the tour stories I might as well guess Yale.
But what I really want to say is, congratulations to your smart handsome son…and good on you and your husband for raising such a smart handsome son.
One can’t help but have a better day after seeing that photo.
I seriously got a little tear. How wonderful! Good job for him, but even better job by his mom and dad!
Yale is my guess.
And, congratulations!
I guess that you cut off the wrong Ken head if you wanted to prevent pregnancy :^)
My guess is Brown.
Congrats to Bossy’s son! I am so happy for you!
I’m guessing Yale. It’s just too bad he’s not more excited.
I’m gonna guess Harvard, because you blogged so enthusiastically about it. Plus, who can resist the charm of Boston?
Also – I LOVE the picture of Bossy’s son in all of his excitement. I still have a picture from a loooooong time ago of me with my acceptance to Michigan State University’s Lyman Briggs College. Fun Fun Fun
Gee your son is pretty much out of my league. I am going to say Cornell. Because what’s going to happen when he brings a girl home from Harvard with the plastic on the porch? Just wondering.
I’m going to say Abilene Christian University so he can be close to Biddy. oh…that’s not it? Well, fine then. How about NYU?
Yale, … but where ever it is, congrats to him!
PPSS…LOVE the picture
The only school that brings that much joy is Stanford! I know from experience!!
love this photo it didn’t seem staged how did you catch him in the moment? anyways, i vote harvard ’cause i really really want that barbie
I have no clue – reading those college tour posts made me wish for Wawa.
Okay, Harvard.
And congrats to the big man on campus!!
I guess Yale.
No matter what, though, congrats to your son. He looked at some great schools so he’s going someplace awesome.
Once I finally scrolled down to the bottom of the comments I not only broke my scroll finger, but I forgot what I was going to guess! Oh, right.. Cornell.
Congratulations – he looks absolutely elated.
I’m going to guess Washington and Lee, but only because that’s where I ended up. I doubt you even know where that is.
NYU? Congratulations wherever it is.
Brown….an homage to Bossy’s NYC outfit.
I’m going to say BU because Boston is cool.
My Sorority Girl got into her first choice. Thank God. It was her ONLY choice. After she visited there she refused to apply anywhere else. She said it was there or nuttin.
I’m going with Harvard, my grad school alma mater, because if he does go to Harvard he can come over to our house (right on the T) and do his laundry and get a home cooked meal. And maybe tutor my kids in math, please God!
Oh, and for the comments that said it couldn’t be Harvard because they ended early action, that’s incorrect. They are ending BINDING early action starting next fall. Meaning that they still are doing it, but are no longer requiring that the candidate attend their university if they are accepted early action. Princeton, Yale, and Penn are also on the bandwagon to end binding early action.
Could Bossy’s son be going ’round the corner to…. HAVERFORD? (Isn’t that where all the Cool Kids are going nowadays?)
That photo brings back poignant memories of my own early decision acceptance some 23 years ago to a Small Liberal Arts College (in PA!) moment… except that mine was in the form of a piece of paper that showed up in my postal mailbox, and the only typing that was being done in our house was on an IBM Correcting Selectric.
But I digress…
No guess here. Just acknowledgment that Bossy and Bossy’s husband must be so proud of their son. And – congratulations to Bossy’s son!
Oh, and P.S., can you please send some of that Motivation Juice that your son has been drinking, so I can force-feed it to my 6th grader? Thanks.
I vote for my Alma Mater: Northwestern University. Cause I’m a huge Bossy fan and I KNOW she wouldn’t let him go to Boston where the Red Sox live. And they have a great drumline. (OK, I made that up) Congrats Bossy’s Son ! (And to Bossy!)
I vote for my dad’s alma mater Cornell. Yay Bossy’s son for whatever school he gets into. That rocks!
Fer chrissake, that’s one happy guy.
I’m guessing Harvard but that might be wishful thinking.
Who cares– he got in! But Yale.
Stanford. He’s enchanted by the sunshine?
Harvard is my guess! Congrats on any of the schools!
While it should be the University of Chicago, I’ll go with Princeton. No, Brown. No, no–Princeton it is!
Shit, couldn’t you have made this multiple choice? I guess I’ll just skew the voting and list west coast colleges, now those would have been road-trip posts to read!
Oregon State? Just ’cause then you could title a post Bossy’s Beaver…can I even say that??
Pay attention people! It’s Cornell! Remember, BEST FOOD on the college tour!?!
Best of luck to Bossysson. It is the best time of your life. So, remember, no unprotected sex without a condo…errr,uhh…. or at least a nice apt.
Yale. Oh, and I graduated in 2003, when I was like 7 months pregnant and close enough to 40 that there was a lot of the A word thrown around! So I was an old graduate and an old mother – can you guess what that makes my husband? I need that Barbie.
I’m guessing Cornell.
And total congrats to Bossy’s son! Good job dude!
I’m guessing Yale – just because it has always looked like a cool university.
Not sure what I’d do with the Barbie though – we have a 4yo daughter and have so far maintained a Barbie-free zone. *g*
Good Christ. I’m not even in the first 140 comments.
Did anyone say Brown yet?
Since I’m new to your blog and it would take me about 8 days to read all of the entries to figure this answer out…I just wanna say congrats to Bossy Offspring! Way to go!
Does this also mean that my Scarlett O’Hara Barbie that is sealed in its original box is worth what my mom paid for it? You mean, I could have PLAYED with it? Crizzap.
So happy for Bossy’s son! Love that pic! Not entering the contest because I don’t want to risk winning the Barbie.
I’d have to say George Washington U.
Well done Bossy’s son!
Based on my personal preferences alone, I’m going to go with Brown. That’s where I wanted to go, but my parents wouldn’t let me apply. Something about it being too “liberal”. WTF?
And I’m hoping it’s not Tufts, b/c that’s where I ended up – and didn’t like it so much – and then transferred.
155 freekin’ comments? What are you now, Dooce?
If it’s Princeton, I can give you a tour of campus….in a golf cart!!
Harvard? I know you all were in Boston…Anyhoo- congrats congrats
He is on the verge and that is amazing
The place his life is right now is one of the most exciting… How do you have kids that age? What face cream do you use girl?
This is my FIRST time here at bossy’s blog (well, second), and I just read a bout 9 posts and I have discovered that I am in deep love with bossy and in light of my newfound love, it is important to me that bossy’s son (world’s best photo at the computer screen btw) come to my (unnamed) university, which is among those that you visited on your travels.
I sure hope it’s not Williams.
My guess is…Yale.
My vote is for Harvard University. He’d be a fool not to attend if he was accepted. Besides – going to school in Cambridge/Boston rocks. I know because I went to Emerson College in Boston and it was like 4 years of summer camp. Woohoo!
but I also want to send out all my love to Bossys daughter, who had a horrendous experience yesterday.
big slurppy kiss to her.
I will guess Brown b/c we may be living in Providence next year ourselves and then Bossy could stay in our guest room when she comes to visit son-of-Bossy and we would feed her cardboard eggs and plastic sausage just like she likes.
You should save Barbie, give her a haircut, lop of her bosoms, add a 1 in front of the 2 and give her to son-of-Bossy when he graduates in 2012!
Congrats to WHERE EVER he got into.
That photo of him is PRICELESS.
Good luck to everyone in the contest.
(I LOVED all of the college tour posts)
Amherst or Columbia?
AG’s alma maters…
Thanks for the shout-out. Congrats to your son!!!
I don’t have a guess – just wanted to say – GOD – I hope I get to see that look on the faces of my boys one day.
Must make your chest just about bust with pride.
I will say Hah-vahd because all the Kennedys went there, except for John-John, and he was just bucking the trend. So Hah-vahd it is, I heard they were looking for new drum majors.
I have no idea, so I’m gonna guess where I went:
He is coming to France. My daughter told me so last night.
I’m going to say Swarthmore b/c if Bossy were my mom, I’d want to be close to home.
I am so happy for Bossy’s son. I am currently sweating out my son’s college application where he has been Deffered!!! Gahhhh!!
Bossy’s fabulous son is going to YALE so he can be closer to Ruth Dynamite.
I will guess Notre Dame
All the smart sons of great bloggers (and husbands, too) go to Harvard. It has to be Harvard.
Great shot, btw. Whatever happened to the fat envelope versus the skinny envelope? Do they do it all by email these days?
What a great photo! I remember the day I got a phone call from my son, screaming into the phone, that he had been accepted into his first-choice school. What an experience – CONGRATULATIONS!
My guess is Duke University – knowing nothing about the journey, only a guess based on my own phone call experience.
That looks like an acceptance from Harvard reaction.
Praying for your little girl…
Ok, I will double dip and say UTexas, cause that’s where I am, but only if ten thousand people haven’t already said Berkeley, because that’s a Berkeley reaction if I ever saw one, and I actually think that just was the first.
that photo is amazing. i remember that feeling when i got into the Grad School of My Choice.
hoping Bossy’s daughter is doing ok.
Brown, becuz BossyBoy is too cool for all those other stuffy Ivies. Truly, he sounds like a Sarah Lawrence straight boy, which since I taught there is a high compliment: they are the most astonishingly great hetero-dudes in the country.
But there is also SF State at the Westfield Mall Campus right here if he gets lonely and needs to be near a middle-aged lesbian fan.
How terrific!! I am also guessing Columbia…he already has the T-shirt.
congrats…I guess georgetown
My guess is Cornell because I think it was a top pick for Bossy.
I think Harvard and I want that doll.
I think Harvard and I want that doll.