This is Tradescantia, and it’s one of Bossy’s favorite perennials, and she goes to great lengths to plant this wherever she is living.
A decade ago, Bossy was on the cusp of selling her house to someone who thought of Tradescantia as a weed, and so Bossy literally made the prospective owners promise they wouldn’t remove even one stem of it from the property if they bought the house. Like, a promise that was practically on the Agreement of Sale
Don’t know if you’ll see this, since it’s an old post, but isn’t that also known as spiderwort? It’s one of my favorite plants. Found my first growing wild in a field when I was 14 or so, and brought it home in a baggie. Name her Sylvia (as in the song “Sylvia’s Mother”). She lived for over 10 years outside my Chicago home. Now have two different varieties at my Memphis home. Love your blog!