I found him. He’s the most handsome one in the photo. Our HS graduation was Thursday afternoon. It kinda brings tears to my eyes. And my jr took the SAT this morning, which actually did make me cry. I’m such a sap.
Aww, easy! He is the one who looks the most pensive, the most ready to hear a fabulous college lecture, the most likely to succeed outside of his little cocoony high school, the most ready to bust a move. You captured a great pic, Bossy!
I’m guessing he’s in the focused area .. . ah! There he is! Congrats, Bossy’s Son’s Mom! Oh, and Bossy’s Son! It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?
My first graduated last year. I’ve had such a GREAT year with him, NOT homeschooling. Woo hoo!
He’s the most handsome one in the crowd, obviously, but I also spotted Annie next to him? If that ain’t her, just let me go with it for now. Because right now, I’m Annie.
He really is incredibly handsome. I still say Bossy’s Son for President.
Lovely shot! Of course I can see him.
Many, many congratulations to you both. I remember that time as a graduate, full of ripe promise- I remember rolling my eyes at the sappy cliches that confronted me at every turn, and thinking to myself, “So I start a new kind of class in a few weeks- big deal, people! I’m still the same person! I’ll just take my piece of paper and be about my business, thank you.” But looking back now, I wax all nostalgic as hindsight illuminates what a fresh beginning it really was.
Wow! That was fun! I really couldn’t for the life of me find him and thought it would be a fun stunt to pull if he wasn’t even in the pic!! But all of a sudden…there he was!
Congrats to all. May the new journey be worth the wait. May all your hopes and dreams be accomplished. May you have the sun on your back and the road flat.
Hi! What a handsome kid! I am a relatively new blogger. I love your site. I wanted to let you know that I am just starting a blogroll and I have put you on it. I know my readers will love you!
Awwww, bossy..Im so sorry your sooo sad. He is a beautiful young man. You have done a terrific job. He is ready. (at least he LOOKS ready!)
love to you all…
from the beach.
That is such a cool shot! Awesome eye there Bossy! Too bad he doesn’t have the beanie and the cane like Waldo. How come waldo had a cane anyway? Was it like a pimp cane? He didn’t look injured, so it must have been a pimp cane.
I spotted the brilliant, contemplative one right away. Many congratulations.
What an amazing photo! I love the perspective.
Congrats to your son.
Not hard to spot that handsome Waldo, even without the strips. Congratulations!
Oops, where is that ‘e’ in strips?
Congratulations to everyone!
He’s the one in the cap and gown!
I found him. He’s the most handsome one in the photo. Our HS graduation was Thursday afternoon. It kinda brings tears to my eyes. And my jr took the SAT this morning, which actually did make me cry. I’m such a sap.
He’s the one perfectly in focus. Nice shootin’.
Aww, easy! He is the one who looks the most pensive, the most ready to hear a fabulous college lecture, the most likely to succeed outside of his little cocoony high school, the most ready to bust a move. You captured a great pic, Bossy!
I’m guessing he’s in the focused area .. . ah! There he is! Congrats, Bossy’s Son’s Mom! Oh, and Bossy’s Son! It just keeps getting better and better, doesn’t it?
My first graduated last year. I’ve had such a GREAT year with him, NOT homeschooling. Woo hoo!
I see him! He’s the one in focus! Great job, Mommy and her fan-dancy camera!
What an awesome shot!
He’s the most handsome one in the crowd, obviously, but I also spotted Annie next to him? If that ain’t her, just let me go with it for now. Because right now, I’m Annie.
He really is incredibly handsome. I still say Bossy’s Son for President.
Lovely shot! Of course I can see him.
Many, many congratulations to you both. I remember that time as a graduate, full of ripe promise- I remember rolling my eyes at the sappy cliches that confronted me at every turn, and thinking to myself, “So I start a new kind of class in a few weeks- big deal, people! I’m still the same person! I’ll just take my piece of paper and be about my business, thank you.” But looking back now, I wax all nostalgic as hindsight illuminates what a fresh beginning it really was.
I wish you all a beautiful future.
nice dof!
Love this shot. congrats to bossy and her brilliant son! P.S. he looks quite dashing!
wow, you are teh awesome with the camera!
So how you feeling? This will be me next year and I am freaking out already!
Awesome shot!
Nice hat.
Duh?! He’s the cute one!
Cool photograph, congratulations to the Bossys on the graduate!
Excuse me if I can’t find him through the tears. Waaaaaaa!
Easy Peasy. Great shot!
What a great photo – you can even see the color of his eyes! I think I need to upgrade from my point and shoot…
Congratulations to your handsome grad! Great photo, too.
I want Google to give me a whole ad just for Obama stuff like you have! I want to see his smiling face on my sidebar
i love reading the google adds on these posts. so funny. homeschooling…a graduate. happy graduation!
have spotted the tall drink of (underaged) water.
Very clever photo. Love it.
Easy peasy, top row, dead center.
Wait, do they STILL designate gender by color? What’s that about?
Congrats to Son Of Bossy!
Back in the day, my sister actually had Waldo on her graduation cap so you could play that game.
Wow! That was fun! I really couldn’t for the life of me find him and thought it would be a fun stunt to pull if he wasn’t even in the pic!! But all of a sudden…there he was!
How could you NOT see him. He’s so handsome.
Congrats on the graduation.
I see him!
Congrats to all. May the new journey be worth the wait. May all your hopes and dreams be accomplished. May you have the sun on your back and the road flat.
Welcome to the new life.
I spotted him-he looks so handsome, in a serious kind of way!
I see him!
And The red head. How could you miss THAT?
Congratulations BOSSY’s son!! Does BOSSY need a tissue?
Awwww….cool photo, Mama-Bossy. Now stop crying!
GREAT photograph.
And congratulations!
He is sitting at 12:05, and he cannot believe he is sitting there! Way to go our fav blogger’s son!Peace…
Hi! What a handsome kid! I am a relatively new blogger. I love your site. I wanted to let you know that I am just starting a blogroll and I have put you on it. I know my readers will love you!
Awwww, bossy..Im so sorry your sooo sad. He is a beautiful young man. You have done a terrific job. He is ready. (at least he LOOKS ready!)
love to you all…
from the beach.
Exciting times!! Perfect caption!
Top Center – did you just fall apart?!?! I cannot imagine this day.
But of course! He’s right there, framed brilliantly by the master photographer!
Bursting with pride, we all are for you!
Congrats on this amazing milestone!
Who is the kid with the flaming red hair?
Congratulations, Bossy family! What an exciting time for you all!
Great Shot
I see him! I see him! Right there up top in the middle! Yea!
You thought getting him here was expensive, now the real costs kick in.
That is such a cool shot! Awesome eye there Bossy! Too bad he doesn’t have the beanie and the cane like Waldo. How come waldo had a cane anyway? Was it like a pimp cane? He didn’t look injured, so it must have been a pimp cane.
Awesome photo!! And great idea for a search!
Found him! Wearing the mortar board, right? He looks so serious…
bossy’s graduate is in the ski cap and red and white striped sweater. yeah. right there.
top center, behind the cutie in the silver hat.
also know as the part of the photo that isn’t blurry.