Do you remember last Monday when Bossy was disappointed by her lack of weekend accomplishments, and was looking forward to this past weekend to tackle her unwieldy to-do list?
Yeah, Bossy doesn’t remember either.
Here’s where we are instead:
- We have a few contest winners of Friday’s, erm, contest. Because Bossy doesn’t have a brother Raul, she decided to employ a random number generator to select the winners, and when Bossy says she employed a random number generator she means her husband employed a random number generator because Bossy had to attend to other matters—such as coming up with words like employ and attend to describe her weekend activities when all the world knows sleep and nap are more fitting.
Smoochiefrog won the Cranium Super Fort.
And Julianne and Amy were the two winners of the Story Maker. Bossy’s friend Amy: this does not mean you. Additional Amys it doesn’t mean: the other gazillion billiondy commenters using the name Amy. The Amy who won the Story Maker? You know who you are because you received an email from Bossy.
Bossy wants to thank everyone for participating, and she will be featuring another contest very soon—just as soon as another company decides to lavish Bossy’s
readersreader with cool gifts. - And speaking of readers, Bossy still hasn’t finished her photo collage project. She hasn’t yet finished the photo collage project because of a minor detail Bossy refers to as Not Yet Starting The Photo Collage Project.
But Bossy promises it’s going to be so cool—like this, except with the occasional blog link:
- For a limited time only, Bossy will be updating a new blog feature known as Meanwhile Back At Senior Week:
That’s right, while supplies last—which spans the one-week rental—Bossy’s son is staying in a group house at the beach with 70 friends, a venture Bossy has dubbed bacchanalia-by-the-sea.
Bossy’s son has agreed to send Bossy photo updates courtesy of his cell phone camera. Check back often to see what those crazy cats are up to!
- Lastly, Bossy received the following email over the weekend:
Bossy isn’t sure what kind of tool they are referring to, but if she’s going to impress her friends, she hopes it removes weeds from her vegetable garden.
Sounds like Bossy got done the same amount of stuff DG did. Nada.
I can’t wait to see that tool in your pants…
I don’t have a garden. Maybe the tool will vacuum or sweep.
The only real upside of spam is the potential for incredibly entertaining Titles in the message. And, their blogging potential.
Silly me, I wasted money on a toolbox.
I got an email that said I can find new ways to use my “hot rod.” Does Bossy think that those emailers think I have a groovy car?
Oh! Oh! Oh! Don’t make your collage without me! I’ll send you a photo pronto.
See Amys…Your mother needed to name you something no one can spell or pronouce. JoAnn? Julian? Julia Anne?
Julianne hearts bossy.
Congrats to all the winners!
I’m excited as I NEVER win anything!
Thanks Bossy and!
So sad that I did not win … yet happy as well, seeing as I do not need one more item in my house. Except maybe Bossy. 8^)
Looking forward to the bacchanalia.
So much info…hard to process it all. Monday’s are just hard!
It has been my experience (ahem), that those that talk about what is in their pants ARE tools. By definition.
What are these weeds you speak of?
I need a tool like that. And like that.
I need to make a photo for your collage! Those you’ve posted are fun.
I can’t wait to see what Bossy’s son sends in from the “bacchanalia-by-the-sea”. (~snort!~ I love your moniker)
I didn’t get anything done this weekend, either. And I have SO much to do before we leave this weekend! I’m getting a headache just thinking about it. Sigh.
Yeah, I didn’t get much done this weekend either. Monday isn’t looking so productive either.
It probably whacks something, but I’m doubting it’s weeds.
No thanks, I divorced the last tool that got in my pants.
BOSSY gives good random.
Not the winner! I’m the big blue dot!
I am honored to be among Heinz’s 57… I mean *Bossy’s* 6 varieties of cuteness!
Look I even said so!
Ha! It must be a spade…
Senior week. Ugh. Son One wanted to go so I told him he could but he’d have to pay for it, knowing full well he didn’t want to work his last year of school. He didn’t work but my plan did! Hope Bossy’s Son is in DE or MD and not in Joisey…and that he has a wonderful time without worrying his mother for even a second.
oh well, so i didn’t win. that’s ok…i can just get one of those new tools to put in my pants. then i will impress the ladies! it says so right in the email.
You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to this collage.
I also love that your son is providing you with picture updates. My mum’s lucky if she gets a phonecall when I’m away
Yep, it’s another OFIM here, too.
It’s been so long since we’ve had rain here, I’d be happy if the mystery tool could just water the grass all day.
uh huh huh. hey beavis, she said tool.
Oh nice a new tool in your pants bossy. If it’s going to impress the ladies it must clean, take care of children, and kill weeds all at once. And if it does that can I borrow it???
I can’t wait to see the beach week updates. Snow White has two more years before she heads out to bacchanalia-by-the-sea! I’m not sure that I can handle it
Can’t wait for the reports from the “bacchanalia-by-the-sea”! Snow White will be going in two years, and I’m not sure I can handle it!!! Maybe Bossy’s son will only share positive, uplifting things. Nah. Too boring.
Nah, to impress the ladies, a tool doesn’t have to clean, take care of children, and kill weeds all at once… it just needs to be able to pay for someone to do all those things at once. Kinda like a credit card, only I’d never get a bill. Now THAT’S a tool worth talking about!
Is Michael McDonald one of Bossy’s readers? (photo #1)
Just wanted to say LOVE you blog BOSSY…. Your better than “you know who”
is that a tool in your pants or are you just trying to impress the ladies?
my mother would fall on the floor and cry if she saw pictures from my senior week. CRY. WEEP. CRY.
“No thanks, I divorced the last tool that got in my pants.”
That made my day!
Congrats to the winners and thanks for the contest!
Oh my! this is just crazy on a stick – no wait, that’s my husband.
I’m the Amy who won and I’m prominently displayed in Bossy’s collage teaser.
Best. Day. Ever.
I forgot to say THANK YOU!
I tend to be rude when I get excited like that.
Unless that tool does laundry, vacuums and picks up, organizes or throws away clutter, I am not impressed.
I am, however, very impressed with Bossy’s Son’s bacchanalia and will be lingering there for a while.
Here is hoping you will de-stress.. I was so stressed this week end I listened to Debbie Lanes, hypnosis tapes. I was having a hard time breathing and I never get that way. If your interested in her link look at my last post on grammology. You don’t need to raise your blood pressure…Women have heart attacks too…. please try to relax and I’m not kidding. I decided living was more important then accomplishing my to do list..and you know what? I’m feeling more peace and tranquility.. Here’s hoping you’ll do the same..
My best thoughts and blessings to a great blogger who just may need to take some time for HERSELF…
Dorothy from grammology
remember to call your gram
Wait. Wha? You have a tool that weeds? Do you suppose they make one that vacuums? Because I could totally use that.
Does the “while supplies last” include a room at this 70-capacity house? Because that would be kind of fun, right? Hanging out with a bunch of teenagers? Teenagers who are probably walking around in their underwear since it’s summer and near a beach.
On second thought, I think I’ll just go back to my school job in August and hang with them. They walk around with their underwear hanging out, too.
Upon re-reading this, my comment is highly inappropriate for an educator.
Hey Cool! Michael McDonald is a Bossy Reader! And I’m jealous…what I wouldn’t give for some bacchanalia by the sea. Sniff sniff
The tool in MY pants isn’t for impressing ladies. However…
Momo Fali has left me speechless.
Tool. *snort* You said tool. God I love that word.
Yeah. Sorry…
Now Bossy, do you REALLY want to see pics of Senior Week and do you REALLY think he’s going to send you “what he’s really doing” pics? As a been there done that Mom…..
Ah yes. Tools in pants. Those were the good ol’ days.
I was less than impressed with the red retractable Sharpie found in my husband’s pants after our trip to Kohl’s this afternoon — which also reminds me of a previous Bossy post — in that the store did smell of stinky peanut cheese and the top? dress? item? on a mannequin resembled a tank top with a curtain stapled to its front. I commented as such and heard snickers from fellow shoppers. The mannequin seemed less than impressed with its’ accoutrements.
The tool in my pants…was a set of needle-nosed pliers. I’m assuming you didn’t have those in mind for your garden — unless it is a solitary hanging basket.