I am bossy was not functioning for the majority of yesterday, fouling up her whole Ten-Word Tuesday deal as well as her bacchanalia-by-the-sea updates.
Bossy will make it up to you today by posting several Senior Week updates—and if you don’t mind scrolling a wee bit, Ten-Word Tuesday is still fun, even on a Wednesday.
I’m typing furiously because I want to be the first one to make a comment.
Thanks for the update Bossy!
I would scroll across Michigan for Bossy….
Maybe someday, you’ll make the transition to something other than Typepad. Hilly just did (snackiepoo.com) and her blog is indistinguishable from when it was on Typepad.
I got MY 10 word answer in yesterday. Apparently pays to avoid work and check out Bossy early!!
I actually got the jitters yesterday after about an hour and a half of trying to get to Bossy’s site and being unable. Does TypePad cover counseling services needed to handle such events?!!
I got the e-mail too. Of course I don’t know if anyone was prevented from commenting as I don’t get a bazillion comments a day! I hope this is not the TypePad summer of issues.
I, too, was here early yesterday. Can’t. stay. away.
Feedburner is having problems too. I am so frustrated w/both typepad and feedburner right now. A lot of feedburner accounts have had their subscribers wiped out to 0 and so of course, none of them get your feed! Intermitently the subscribers show up correctly then disappear again. What a good business practice, let’s reward our most faithful readers by not delivering their feed? Wanted to make you aware …. I’m not the only one having this feedburner issue – their help forum is full of complaints!
WordPress. Just sayin’
I was getting all excited about Senior Week until I realized it’s the “other” Senior Week. The one Bossy’s son is celebrating.
I noticed that yesterday, I was totall bummed.
I ran out of brain cells and could only come up with 6 words anyway…
Ahhh another reason to host on your own server…
They are pouring in now huh?
Dood. Typepad was giving me heartburn all day. Sheesh.
Gosh, I can’t wait to read the rest of those senior week entries.
Have had no problems with Typepad until May 27th. I won’t fill up your comments with piratey noises but AARRGGHH okay maybe just a little and I’ve heard that people are happy at WordPress AAARRRRRRR — oops, slipped out — but the thought of switching about 500 posts and 2 1/2 years of work is DAUNTING.
sorry about the piratey noises, rant off
These are issues we never would have had to worry about like 20 years ago, these malfunctioning servers and feedburners and whatnot. Funny how ouar lives have changed. Funny, too, how I sound like someone’s grandma when I say that!
i’m still on blogger. i’m so behind the times. one of these days i’ll catch up with the rest of the world. until then…
Did anyone see Good Eats last night on Food Network?
Alton Brown used Barbie dolls to act out part of the show. My first thought was, he must read Bossy!
Did anyone see Good Eats last night on Food Network?
Alton Brown used Barbie dolls to act out part of the show. My first thought was, he must read Bossy!
oops, sorry!
Sounds like that leopard-sized cat bowl needs a refill…..
Our site meter was down yesterday. I can understand the frustration — do they not know there is no medication for this crack addiction we call blogging?!!
I had a brilliant ten-word comment for yesterday, but forgot it by the time you came back up.
Oh! Oh! I remember now.
Buy my own cat bowl. Acquire a taste for gin.
Yes, I kept trying to visit and it would just hang and hang. I’ve been meaning to comment for some time that your blog is looking like a million bucks-and your cute kids’ mugs don’t hurt things one bit. Congrats on all your proud mom moments. I hope the tomatoes are hanging in.
OK. Evidently I’m the only mutant in the universe who absolutely CRACKED UP LAUGHING at the title of this alone. It reminds me of the DEAR RESTROOM ARCHITECT one that had me in the floor before reading anything else.
Problems? Great. That means my comments didn’t really disappear and then magically appear twice, who the heck cares.
All I know is Bossy’s titles can be damn funny. Regardless of what follows.
Oh dear. I plan to switch my blog over to Typepad as step two in my Empire Expansion Plan. Just part of the whole world domination thing I’ve got cooking.
Shoot. Does it always suck? Or just sometimes – like America’s Next Top Model?
Add in a crashed photo site and what does a blogger do? Go get ice cream. Check computer. Go to beach with no internet reception and call it a day well spent.
Hmm…28 comments seems a little low for a Bossy post….wonder if this comment will get lost in the ether…
I decided it’s Ten Word Thursday!
Lottery winnings in 10 words:
A condo on the beach and a trip to Vienna.
so according to typepad, i’m about 19 years old still. awesome.
BAH! I wrote the SAME exact thing yesterday in an interview for Mrs. G.
Great minds and all. Heh.
my 10 words are never as funny as bossy’s. damn.