Dont worry Bossy .. I dont live far from Chicago and I am MORE than happy to go have a word (put the smackdown) on a certain cheating celeb hubby of Bossy and his girliefriend.. just say the word!
I used to heart John, too. Until I listened to a few of his interviews. Then it occured to me that he kind of sounded, oh, RUDE. And also? UNGRATEFUL. And then the bloom was off the rose for me.
But if you love him, we can all help you put the smackdown on Ms. O’Keefe.
i watched must love dogs recently. it was good…john seemed a little bumbly in it though. now i realize it was a movie…but something about bumbly doesn’t do it for me.
at least he is still working on occasion…unlike many other bratpackers. way to go john!
The woman sitting in front of Jodi is Jodi’s mom, AND she don’t look too happy. She kinda looks like a monk actually. Jodi can’t go anywhere without dear ole mom. John’s all, “what a deboner” and DAMN, he can’t make eye contact with Jodi because she can’t fall in love with him, and marry him and her get old and look like her mom.
It’s OK Bossy, it will never last. And can I also just say THANK GOD? Maybe now you’ll forgive me for supposedly looking like your arch nemesis Neve Campbell.
No worries! She’s looking at him like “I wonder what he’s thinking about?” and he is thinking “I wonder when I can ditch her and see Bossy!” It’s all about you, babe!
Gotta tell you I have been on a Cusack kick lately. I recently purchased “serendipity,” “gotta love dogs,” “say anything,” “better off dead” and watched “sixteen candles” on oxygen, and no one, I mean NO ONE rocks the trench coat like Cusack!
Dang, he’s lookin’ rough in that pic! Must be all that two-timin’.
I think this is his public front so he can be with his true love, you (yes, this is from the woman who said you don’t own him!), without all the publicity.
I’d say right now? Your home-husband is hotter, anyway.
Is that a beret on his head? I would consider the beret worse (but not by much) than Brad Pitt’s constant companion the Golf Hat. The Golf Hat looks terrible perched on his head gently, as to avoid hat head I suppose.
Bossy’s real life husband is much more a hottie than Cusack.
Sally Says: He’s at a White Sox game because they’re playing the Cubs. The question is, what’s he doing at a White Sox game without any Cubs gear. And Bossy? You can do better. I still like the Chicago Saturn guy for you.
I had my first celebrity dream last night, starring Mr. Cusack. He seemed nice, and Jodi wasn’t there. He didn’t even mention her. The media must be mistaken.
I have to say he’s got like 4 chins in that pick. Time to move on. But on the bright side at least he doesn’t look like Burt Reynolds…lol. Mr. Plastic.
He looked a lot cuter when he was on Keith Olbermann a couple weeks ago. I love it when he gets all political and calls the Bush administration “unlawful.” Hell to the yes!
Perhaps this sounds a little blasphemous…but you must comfort yourself with the fact that his unhappiness with her has resulted in his growing a second chin, if you will. From where I sit he looks a little too much like a middle-aged Jughead from the Archie comics. It’s due to life without you, dear Bossy.
It’s just a mid-life, turning 42 birthday thing.
Really – we all know that you would totally turn his head if your paths ever crossed.
Oh yeah – I had to stop myself from saying that all of Bossy’s gal pals will snap her like a twig if ever we saw her in Chi-town. But really, it’s not her fault. We should be mad at him .
Oh, Bossy. [pat, pat, comfort, comfort, gin, gin.] I am sorry about John’s short attention span. What I strongly suggest is that you ENGAGE. Of course you already know that he blogs on the Huffington Post, right? and if ever there was a woman who could respond eloquently and provocatively to a Politically-Oriented Blog–with pictures! and diagrams! and dramatic reenactments starring Barbie and Midge and Headless Ken! and Wise Words of Caution Regarding Appropriate Baseball Game Dates–it is YOU.
I bet she dots “Jodi” with a little HEART. A smiley-faced heart!
It’s clear your fans are not true fans of OUR JC. It’s not about his chins. It’s his boy-like charm, his charisma, his lefty politics, his eyebrows, his love of The Clash.
Do they own the Jack Bull?
Do they have drinks at the Green Mill?
Have they even mentioned Pushing Tin?
Bossy, I am devastated with you. Truly.
And yet…I’m thinking Jeff Tweedy is from Chicago and kind of cute and a musician like your hubby. And…no…it’s just not the same. There is only one John. But remember, unlike Tweedy, he hasn’t yet been able to stay in a relationship.
not to gossip but i heard he has the personality of soap. but i could be totally wrong since i’ve never actually talked to any soap or even soap people for that matter.
it’s the aging body, the receding hair line…i get it, i see how you roll. i know it’s mean. sorry.
imdb says they’ve been together since 2003. and we’ll notice that they still aren’t married. (See: Neve Campbell, see: every other long-term gf he’s had)
Bossy, he’s just waiting until Mr. Bossy rides off into the sunset, clearly.
Sign of the decline of standards in the media. If they had any fact-checkers over there at the Sun-Times News Group, they’d see that the woman is, in fact, ME, giving him glamour-lesbian advice on how to romance his way back into Bossy’s good graces. Somebody write the editor, please; I don’t want to look too self-promoting.
I too find the anti John comments rather offensive in regards to his looks/weight/ageing. Yeah women actors/stars are subjected to it all the time but WE are above that as women aren’t we?? Especially as Bossy Readers!
Keep in mind Bossy couldn’t even sit with her knees all young and pulled up like that…
Dont worry Bossy .. I dont live far from Chicago and I am MORE than happy to go have a word (put the smackdown) on a certain cheating celeb hubby of Bossy and his girliefriend.. just say the word!
That two timing rat bastard.
I think you can take her..we all got you’re back..
I think John is just trying to protect Bossy … he’s showing the world he has this chick, but really she’s just there to throw the media off track!
It’s really for you he pines, but he must be careful to not bring the media down on you!
I used to heart John, too. Until I listened to a few of his interviews. Then it occured to me that he kind of sounded, oh, RUDE. And also? UNGRATEFUL. And then the bloom was off the rose for me.
But if you love him, we can all help you put the smackdown on Ms. O’Keefe.
P.S. John is looking a bit past prime, so maybe Bossy should redirect her affections to a new stud!
Look at the water bottle behind him. That’s the trouble! It isn’t Fred the Virgin water.
Hahaha he has a double (triple?) chin in that photo. Your real (musician!) husband is WAY better.
“High Fidelity” was on cable last night. I’d say your husband has put on a few pounds since 2000. But then, haven’t we all?
That must be painful…Although, I agree with others that your hubby is way better!
Get his address and I’ll send an angry wiener his way.
Bet he’ll think twice about two timing you once my angry wiener gets through with him!
i watched must love dogs recently. it was good…john seemed a little bumbly in it though. now i realize it was a movie…but something about bumbly doesn’t do it for me.
at least he is still working on occasion…unlike many other bratpackers. way to go john!
Don’t worry. After he sees this posted today he will be outside your house holding a boombox over his head this evening…
But Stella could sit all pulled up like that! That’s all he deserves anyway!
Oh no, he doesn’t deserve Stella!
The woman sitting in front of Jodi is Jodi’s mom, AND she don’t look too happy. She kinda looks like a monk actually. Jodi can’t go anywhere without dear ole mom. John’s all, “what a deboner” and DAMN, he can’t make eye contact with Jodi because she can’t fall in love with him, and marry him and her get old and look like her mom.
See what I’m say’in?
It’s OK Bossy, it will never last. And can I also just say THANK GOD? Maybe now you’ll forgive me for supposedly looking like your arch nemesis Neve Campbell.
I say we got for her legs Bossy. We’ll give her a good beatdown and then shave her head….
This is upsetting. What the h@## is he doing at a White Sox game?
Oh, Bossy… and to find out so publicly! This is humiliating. Wine and chocolate are called for. I don’t care if it’s only 10 am.
I never liked him. I just didn’t say anything because I didn’t want things to be awkward with us, but I always thought you deserved better.
There there,
Amy @
He’s just trying to make you jealous. Play hard(impossible)to get and he’ll dump her in no time.
No worries! She’s looking at him like “I wonder what he’s thinking about?” and he is thinking “I wonder when I can ditch her and see Bossy!” It’s all about you, babe!
Gotta tell you I have been on a Cusack kick lately. I recently purchased “serendipity,” “gotta love dogs,” “say anything,” “better off dead” and watched “sixteen candles” on oxygen, and no one, I mean NO ONE rocks the trench coat like Cusack!
What is he thinking??? Just trying to make you jealous I suspest.
This just in:
I’ve changed my name to Jodi O’Keefe.
Oh I should have said you have to love the $5 bin at WalMart for movies! Although Cusack is worth more than $5
That girlfriend make JC look fat.
Bossy is a much more slimming accessory.
Dang, he’s lookin’ rough in that pic! Must be all that two-timin’.
I think this is his public front so he can be with his true love, you (yes, this is from the woman who said you don’t own him!), without all the publicity.
I’d say right now? Your home-husband is hotter, anyway.
Bossy has nothing to worry about; it’s all a hoax. That’s really just an old picture of Gene Hackman and Jackie O.
No good stalking is complete without a little IMDB looksie:
Oh John…how could you?
Is that a beret on his head? I would consider the beret worse (but not by much) than Brad Pitt’s constant companion the Golf Hat. The Golf Hat looks terrible perched on his head gently, as to avoid hat head I suppose.
Bossy’s real life husband is much more a hottie than Cusack.
I thought he was showing off his wonderfully amazing skill of balancing a water bottle on his shoulder.
Sally Says: He’s at a White Sox game because they’re playing the Cubs. The question is, what’s he doing at a White Sox game without any Cubs gear. And Bossy? You can do better. I still like the Chicago Saturn guy for you.
I had my first celebrity dream last night, starring Mr. Cusack. He seemed nice, and Jodi wasn’t there. He didn’t even mention her. The media must be mistaken.
shoot, she looks like someone I might like too. And I’m basing that on her cute sunglasses and jeans.
Clearly Jodi photoshopped her head on your body!
Dear Bossy,
I’m sorry you had to find out like this. Can we still be friends?
John Cusack
Bossy’s husband is cuter. Sorry John.
He’s just getting back at you for all the new husbands you picked up on your excellent road trip!
I was wondering if they were sitting in toddler chairs, since their knees are in their chins. That happens to me when I visit my daughter’s preschool.
girlfriend = there’s still hope
wife = there’s less hope
You mean … HE’S NOT GAY?!!!
I guess khaki and charcoal are the new black. I like the old black.
She looks like one of those chicks that plays dead after the first punch. Take her.
Bastard! Just like all the rest of them! Oh well, he’s looking fat these days anyway.
I will send BOSSY some wine.
Dude, he’s got three double chins. I’m divorcing him and moving on to Vince Vaugh slash Ryan Gosling.
And don’t watch Grace is Gone. It’s painful and slloooooooooooooooooooooowwwwww.
It should say watches Saturday’s game with homewrecker Jodi O’Keefe. Tramp.
Wow, does she think she’s all that???
I first thought it was Gene Hackman and Catherine Zeda-Jones.
John is looking rough, Bossy you are best off with your Silver Fox, baby-daddy!
No worries.
That was not Johnny. That was some potato-faced imposter.
He looks a little pasty – maybe he was drunk.
whatever. you are way hotter.

You don’t want him anyway, doll. He’s looking puffy, fer chrissake.
Bossy, try standing outside his window playing Peter Gabriel. At least until the police arrive.
I’m not really down with all the commenters dissing on John. He’s a real guy and real guys AGE. Just like us real gals.
Better that than ending up like Kenny Rogers.
He has so hit the wall. Move on girl.
I have to say he’s got like 4 chins in that pick. Time to move on. But on the bright side at least he doesn’t look like Burt Reynolds…lol. Mr. Plastic.
He looked a lot cuter when he was on Keith Olbermann a couple weeks ago. I love it when he gets all political and calls the Bush administration “unlawful.” Hell to the yes!
No, that’s just not right! What was he thinking? And who does Jodi O’Keefe think she is?
But honestly Bossy? Your BBF is starting to look like a buffoon. Dump him!
Perhaps this sounds a little blasphemous…but you must comfort yourself with the fact that his unhappiness with her has resulted in his growing a second chin, if you will. From where I sit he looks a little too much like a middle-aged Jughead from the Archie comics. It’s due to life without you, dear Bossy.
Wait, Hallie, BRAT PACK? I thought you had to be in “St. Elmo’s” fire to be part of the Brat Pack. Or AT LEAST “The Outsiders”.
Bossy, maybe you should just upgrade to Daniel Craig.
GF? That would be Bossy. That B needs to get out of Bossy’s seat!!!
I’m supposed to be sending you a pic for the ol’ blogroll, aren’t I? So behind am I.
Oh Bossy, she’s a total beard. He can’t let the world know he’s pining away for your old married ass.
She says, ‘Hey, wouldn’t it be funny if Bossy saw us here?’
He thinks, ‘I’m boned.’
He’s looking awkward and she’s looking like OMG, when will this torture end, ha ha ha? Bossy has nothing to worry about!!!
He’s going with the “Love the one you’re with” philosophy.
I lived in Evanston and swear all I did was try to find John Cusack. Could explain the grad school grades.
He’s cheating on me?
I am so sorry you had to find out like this Bossy. Someone should have told you before it was splashed in the papers.
Don’t even worry about that Katie Holmes-wanna be! And yeah, JC’s looking a little flaccid.
It’s just a mid-life, turning 42 birthday thing.
Really – we all know that you would totally turn his head if your paths ever crossed.
Oh yeah – I had to stop myself from saying that all of Bossy’s gal pals will snap her like a twig if ever we saw her in Chi-town. But really, it’s not her fault. We should be mad at him .
it’s a good thing you have 12 other husbands to keep you occupied!!
Although I too wish I were his girlfriend, I guess I DO want him to be happy….
That bitch has got Fag Hag written all over her. He’s gay. Move on.
You know what? He *IS* looking rough. Very puffy. Very unworthy. And her?? Pfffft.
Oh Bossy. I’m sure we can pay someone to take her out. It might cost $5000 but he’s worth it right. Maybe we should start a collection.
There-there, Bossy …
Model/actress? PTOOEY! And she’s, like, twenty? PUH-LEEZE. Sooooo predictable.
But he’s still cute.
Okay, I think she’s in her 30s. Early 30s. But still.
cheating bastard!!
Oh, Bossy. [pat, pat, comfort, comfort, gin, gin.] I am sorry about John’s short attention span. What I strongly suggest is that you ENGAGE. Of course you already know that he blogs on the Huffington Post, right? and if ever there was a woman who could respond eloquently and provocatively to a Politically-Oriented Blog–with pictures! and diagrams! and dramatic reenactments starring Barbie and Midge and Headless Ken! and Wise Words of Caution Regarding Appropriate Baseball Game Dates–it is YOU.
I bet she dots “Jodi” with a little HEART. A smiley-faced heart!
It’s clear your fans are not true fans of OUR JC. It’s not about his chins. It’s his boy-like charm, his charisma, his lefty politics, his eyebrows, his love of The Clash.
Do they own the Jack Bull?
Do they have drinks at the Green Mill?
Have they even mentioned Pushing Tin?
Bossy, I am devastated with you. Truly.
And yet…I’m thinking Jeff Tweedy is from Chicago and kind of cute and a musician like your hubby. And…no…it’s just not the same. There is only one John. But remember, unlike Tweedy, he hasn’t yet been able to stay in a relationship.
There is hope!!!!!
ps Do your fans have ads for John Cusack ringtones on their blogs like I do?
Because Bossy, we alone, worship this man. They cannot possibly know what we’re going through.
I half agree wth Dara:
Gene Hackman & Katie Holmes!
That cheating BASTARD!!! He told me he was going that game with his sister!
you like cusack, as in you LOVE him…?
not to gossip but i heard he has the personality of soap. but i could be totally wrong since i’ve never actually talked to any soap or even soap people for that matter.
it’s the aging body, the receding hair line…i get it, i see how you roll. i know it’s mean. sorry.
but if he called the bush administration unlawful, then I”m all for him baby!
I don’t know…it looks like he’s fakin’ the smile. I believe his mind is elsewhere. On Bossy perhaps?
Nnnnnoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t share him with Bossy AND Jodi!!! Who the heck is she anyway!!! Nevermind, I don’t want to know. She’s dirt.
imdb says they’ve been together since 2003. and we’ll notice that they still aren’t married. (See: Neve Campbell, see: every other long-term gf he’s had)
Bossy, he’s just waiting until Mr. Bossy rides off into the sunset, clearly.
Don’t be greedy.
These comments are killing me. IMO, Cusack has nothing on The Silver Fox.
That bastard….
OH, sorry.
Sign of the decline of standards in the media. If they had any fact-checkers over there at the Sun-Times News Group, they’d see that the woman is, in fact, ME, giving him glamour-lesbian advice on how to romance his way back into Bossy’s good graces. Somebody write the editor, please; I don’t want to look too self-promoting.
If John C =’s soap, then sign me up for that bath, baby!
Hi Bossy–You might want to read my post about the time I stole John Cusack’s mail!
I love John and his sister Joan. Great actors.
I too find the anti John comments rather offensive in regards to his looks/weight/ageing. Yeah women actors/stars are subjected to it all the time but WE are above that as women aren’t we?? Especially as Bossy Readers!
Somehow, I can’t picture him outside her house holding a jambox… it won’t last.
I agree with the above comment…this is just a ploy to make you jealous.
He is still cute, even with that double chin.
Well, I’m just glad she isn’t going by Lodi-Lynn O’Keefe anymore? ANd yay for GoogleReader, which si how I found you.