Dear Wedding Day,
You arrived sunny but sweltering on the heels of a five-week engagement. You were thoughtfully planned in an abbreviated manner due to the fact that when Bossy and her boyfriend realized they wanted to spend their lives together, they decided that life had to begin the very next minute.
Five weeks isn’t a lot of time to execute a wedding from planning through production, but your sweet details came together almost effortlessly.
The wedding plan was for an intimate gathering of the friends and family who had played a significant role in the union of the pair. Seventy people—no muss, no fuss, no sister to the employee of the cousin who knows the lady who used to live next door. And no family drama.
You took place in the stone-covered courtyard of a remote, converted barn in the middle of sun-dappled countryside:
The adjacent grounds were beautiful, and the barn’s interior featured vaulted ceilings and a few ceiling fans, which was approximately one Galvanized Cooling Tower shy of enough.
A little after 1:30 on that Sunday afternoon, your guests began to arrive. And because they were family and friends, they were instantly put to work. Someone tended to the wine:
While others prepared the decorations for the wedding car:
Meanwhile a few ceremony participants gathered to school each other in the mechanics of the wedding procession:
Soon after, the live band arrived and set up:
And that’s when the Mayor of the local town arrived to officiate the wedding:
Because Bossy was superstitious about seeing the groom, she was hiding in an adjacent pool house, where she had drawn all of the curtains and shut off all the lights. It was lonely and dark and hot and not very wedding-ish. It was more Birth Canal-ish.
And from her position in the Birth Canal, Bossy depended on her mother to manage the final preparations:
Finally it was time for your ceremony to get underway. Bossy’s brother had written and prerecorded music for the procession, which was poised in the tape player. The procession participants gathered in the entrance to the courtyard, and as a guest pushed play, the wedding party was sent out two by two:
Then Bossy’s mom went down the aisle, which wasn’t really an aisle at all, but rather large stone steps followed by a circular slate walkway. Bossy’s mom was accompanied by a close family friend.
And then it was time for the Best Man and the Maid of Honor:
Next went Bossy’s almost-husband, accompanied by his mother.
Bossy’s husband is the most unspoiled groom you will ever meet, so here’s how he prepared for the big day: he bought himself a new pair of high top sneakers.
Back then Bossy’s husband was a professional musician in an original pop band, and occasionally that band would play weddings—and for this occasion he owned a suit which he purchased in a thrift store in Chicago.
As the music in the tape player transitioned, Bossy’s father scooped up Bossy’s arm and moved her to within sight of your guests, who were sitting in folding chairs around a fountain in the courtyard:
Next came what Bossy had been dreading for five weeks: the descent down the stone steps in a long trippy dress:
Bossy was never a fan of being the center of attention and was the type of kid who cried when party guests sang Happy Birthday, which is why Bossy thought she wouldn’t be able to endure anything as attention-grabbing as a wedding. But she felt strangely at peace.
Bossy and her father made the final turn past the fountain:
Bossy’s calmness continued even after she was situated in front of her soon-to-be husband who was grinning from ear to ear and rocking back slightly in his new Air Jordans:
Meanwhile the Mayor of the local town read the vows that Bossy and her husband had written.
And before you could say I do, they were pronounced Husband and Wife:
Next, borrowing from the Jewish tradition, Bossy and her husband stomped on a glass in order to honor all of the wine glasses that would eventually be broken during their porch parties:
And then Bossy’s brand new husband took Bossy by the arm and walked her past their guests to a spot where they could be alone:
And here Bossy and her new husband fell into the kind of embrace that is brimming with relief and the promise of a life stretched before them:
Don’t miss Part Two of the Newsletter tomorrow when Bossy invites you to the Wedding Reception!
groovy wedding, man. GROOVY!
First! Yay! It must be prophetic–from one hot summer bride to another. We celebrate 21 years tomorrow. Divorced parents? Definitely tricky.
First! Yay! It must be prophetic–Congratulations from one hot summer bride to another. We celebrate 21 years tomorrow. Divorced parents? Definitely tricky.
I love the dress, and the air jordans. What a beautiful pair you two are!
Oh forgot to add–My parents were newly seperated at my wedding. They wre fine–My dad was drunk and went out to a strip club with the best man after the reception and he kept sending my mom margartias from the bar–good times!
What really hit me most about this post? Those socks you’re wearing with your dress in the first photo. Classy, aren’t you? Ha!
This looks suspiciously like my own swelteringly hot wedding day twenty-three years ago, minus the mullets.
AMAZING!!! Happy 20th Bossy!
Oh my GAWD, that was beautiful. Thanks for letting me be a guest!
Sigh…how sweet. Also, if BOSSY’s son were to mulletize himself, he would be BOSSY’s husband. I know they’re supposed to look alike, but boy howdy, does BOSSY’s son ever look like BOSSY’s husband!
Monkey teared up a little. She’s in the middle of a hectic wedding season and would love JUST one that was this real and intimate.
Scottsdale Girl thinks Bossy might have married her son accidentally.
And OMGZ!!11!! are you the CUTEST? yes, you are.
Aw. Bossy was hardly showing at all!
Actually, this reminds me of my own wedding, from the chip-ins to the we-don’t-need-all-that-crap. We put on our show for approximately 70 percent off what was then the national average for wedding spending. Looks like you guys got to 80.
That was fun! Thanks for sharing. Congrats.
Oh, and I like the snapshots from the video. It was like I was watching Dynasty or Falcon Crest.
And Bossy’s cute son looks just like Bossy’s cute husband looked 240 months ago.
Happy Anniversary
I can’t wait ’til tomorrow. Wedding receptions are FUN! Well, the ones that have alcohol are at least …
Lovely pictures, and happy anniversary.
the breaking glass is to symbolize the destruction of the temple
OR to symbolize that the wedding will last as long as the broken glass – forever
OR to remember the suffering of others even in our most joyful times
OR…well, there are tons of other ways to think about it. take what you will and leave the rest, i guess.
congrats on the anniversary!
love IT!
Must agree with everyone else: In the close up of Bossy’s husband and his mother I thought “Bossy’s son got a mullet??” WOW, the resemblance. Now was all know EXACTLY what that gorgeous boy will look like in ten years.
Happy Anniversary!!!
This explains a lot!
When Bossy wrote her vows, I wonder if she referred to herself in 3rd person.
In the party photos, is Bossy wearing socks with lace-up loafers? I dug that look.
Happy Anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
can we say bossy’s sone = bossy’s husband. at least now he knows what he’ll look like in a few years.
yeah! I was invited to Bossy’s wedding!
Very cute post! And wow, does your son ever look like his dad!
Thank you for sharing these memories with everyone. They’re wonderful to read and bring back memories of my wedding, a mere 11 years ago.
Happy anniversary!
We had an August sweltering hot wedding and I had sweat pouring down my back. Not attractive but it was worth the beautiful view of Lake Champlain and our family and friends surrounding us.
I love that you are sharing your wedding with us.
I love how personal Bossy’s wedding was!
Happy anniversary!
Happy anniversary!!
LOVE this post. When you were in Kansas City, you told us the story of your wedding – this is so much fun seeing the “actual pictures” of it!
I don’t even know bossy or her cute-rock-band hubby, but i’m sobbing up a storm here. Beautiful, thrift-store finds and all.
BTW, Bossy’s soon-to-be hubby bears a STRIKING resemblance to a boy now known as bossy’s son….
Lovin’ being a part of Bossy’s wedding day. Can’t wait for installment #2!
Bossy looks around 15 years old in the first couple of photo’s!
That was just super awesome wonderful.
Happy anniversary you guys!
Procrastamom got married around this time too…17 years ago. Bossy looked so beautiful at her wedding and not at all “fat” like Procrastamom. Bossy’s son wasn’t seven months “premature” (although a robust 8lbs. 5oz.) like Procrastamom’s daughter was he?
Brought a tear to my eye. What a sweet wedding!
Happy Anniversary Bossy and Bossys Husband!
Congratulations! I’m lovin’ the shower pics, when bossy’s husband has on that cool necklace thingy (dang it, the name escapes me). He totally reminds me of Rick Springfield, who was my dream man back then!
Happy Anniversary. Everyday is an anniversary for me – NOT!
When you get done celebrating, what ya say we get crack’in on that blogrollcollage?
I know, I’m a buzz kill.
Happy Anniversary!!! Today is also my parent’s anniversary….their SIXTIETH!!!
Love the bobby socks. But love the wedding dress more. Can NOT believe you got it for $25. Bossy is thrifty.
Viva la Bossy and her Man Toy!
Ahhhhhh the 80’s the decade with the worst fashions eevah!
Can’t wait to see the Hustle, the Locomotion and the Smurf dances at the reception.
Bossy was a child bride.
I met you at BlogHer in San Francisco! I look forward to the reception!
In the picture right above “suit which he purchased in a thrift store in Chicago” BOSSY’s husband looks just like BOSSY’s son. Which makes sense.
…and everyone had beautiful long curly hair.
Seriously, you were a beautiful bride.
I have a feeling the reception is going to be where you splashed some cash.
what, pray tell, is with the socks in the engagement pictures???
That was awsome! I agree your son and husband are twins! Here’s to 20 years and many, many more!
Can’t wait til tomorrow.
BOSSY hasn’t aged a day. And neither has BOSSY’s son. Congratulations!
Oh Sweet 80’s! I want you back. For the record, my hubby and I were married in 1986.
Congratulations to Bossy and her only true husband. At least until that Camping Saturn gets delivered…
Happy Anniversary! Thanks for the invite to the reception, can’t wait
Fer chrissake, I love you guys. And the high top sneakers. And the cool tie.
Nice mullets.
Such a good story, it could be a good John Hughes movie.
Congratulations, perfectly beautiful and grand, your wedding.
Aw, Bossy. How positively sweet. Weddings really are a Big Deal, aren’t they, with all the promises and hope and what in the world do you know anyway, but let’s try to figure it all out together?
This is possibly the cutest wedding I’ve ever crashed. LOVE the Jordans, love the serence Bossy. What a great story. Happy anniversary!
Oh, coolios! Can’t wait for the reception! I got my rice and my birdseed and my bubble wand RIGHT HERE!
Happy Anniversary to you both. You look so good together, so natural and easy! I hope things have only gotten better over the years.
Bossy looks like she exuded the same casual grace back then as she does now.
Congrats on 20 years!
Congratulations! Here’s your gift; I’ll put it over there with the others. It’s a toaster. Receipt’s in the box.
Wow. Bossy’s husband looks just like Bossy’s son in the picture near the high-top line.
Congratulations to you both!! And here’s to at least 60 more years together! (Where’s my wine? I have to make a toast!)
I’m not sayin’ how long I’ve been married but we served mastodon burgers at our reception.
Love it! Congratulations.
Congrats on your 10 year anniversary (see what a math whiz I am!)!!! You know when it’s the right one and you both obviously knew it. Great photos and commentary as per usual.
if I didn’t know any better, I would swear that the bride and groom were bossy’s daughter and son; the resemblance is uncanny!
many many more happy years to both of you!
crap! i always cry at weddings. even pictures of wedding videos…
So so so lovely.
Congratulations! Happy anniversary!
I wish I had an original comment to share, but sadly all I have is “what’s with the socks,” and “man, the son/hubby resemblance is unbelievable.”
Boosy’s waist appears to be about 12 inches around in this thrift store wedding dress. Perhaps it is the thrift store magic?
Great socks! Great bolo tie! Great wedding story!
Is it just me or does the mayor look increasingly like a space alien as the photos progress?
This is so sweet! I can’t wait for the reception. Are you serving drinks?
Bossy made a beautiful bride and Bossy’s husband was a groovy groom (did I just type that?)!
Happy Anniversary to all the Bossy family peeps or something like that.
Happy Anniversary!
My wedding dress came from a thrift store, too!
Just beautiful! Grainy, but beautiful! Happy Anniversary!
I feel like I was there!!
What an awesome way to do things…
Congratulations on 20 years of marriage – and may you share many many more!
And thank you for sharing your wedding story – I LOVE wedding stories!
cool, thanks for sharing. and happy anniversary! and echoing other thoughts: first thing i thought and said was “awwwww.” then i thought, “bossy was hot then and she’s still hot. damn.”
jus’ bein’ honest.
Yes, to second (or third or whatever)what many others said: You were a very sweet looking couple. Which makes sense as you still ARE a very sweet looking couple. Happy anniversary!
Is it just me, or do the snapshots of the wedding video look like ultrasound photos? Which is appropriate: the embryo of Bossy’s marriage, one that actually GREW instead of being stillborn like so many…
…oh well, flog that metaphor. What a cute wedding. I think we are the same age, so right ’round then I was ditching my boyfriend for a woman.
That was WAY better than when Princess Di and Charles got married.
Also, was it legal in your state for you to marry at twelve? Seriously, man.
Happy Anniversary! Loved the newsletter and the play-by-play stills from your video (the comment about its being reminiscent of Falcon Crest and Dynasty was too funny). Looking forward to the reception.
My favorite part is the shirt doubling as a belt.
You’ve gotta miss Units.
My favorite part is the shirt doubling as a belt.
You’ve gotta miss Units.
Happy Anniversary! I love your wedding — it sounds simply FUN.
Plus my own husband also bought new sneakers for his wedding outfit (which he paired with a tuxedo top and pants that he’d cut off into shorts).
As an aside, and as others have pointed out, your young hubby looks a lot like your now-grown son. How very cool is that?
Too many things to comment about, but I’ll address the breaking of the glass. The more common interpretation is that it represents remembrance of the destruction of the temple in Jerusalem, and that even during times of great joy we remember the sorrow of our exile and the loss of the temple.
A more primitive interpretation is that it represents the symbolic breaking of the hymen, which is assumed to follow the ceremony very shortly in real-time.
More, more. I must have more! You guys are too cute.
“Birth canalish” awesome.
As a bride-to-be planning a 2 year engagement… TRUST ME, you did it right!
Those sweet haircuts… we referred to them as bi-levels back in the day. Did you slow dance to Air Supply and Steve Perry? I used to wear socks with dresses too- penny loafers, I think. Good times. I LOVE the fact that the dress and the suit were from a thrift store and the “band” was a tape deck- been to too many weddings where it was all about showing off- this one was about one bitchin’ girl, marrying the love of her life, Rick Springfield. Thaks for letting me come!
This is so cute, and I love your dress. I love your whole wedding.
Happy Anniversary Bossy!
Wow, I thought we were quick movers, my husband of 12 years and I – we met in a bar on Saturday night and by the following Friday, when he came to my apartment to cook me dinner, we were engaged. Six months later, we married. I was scared choosing a July wedding date, but the day before, the 4th, it was cold enough outside that we wore sweatshirts at our outdoors family get-together and wedding day was SO beautiful, breezy, cool, just perfect. And my dress came from a consignment shop and was sold back to that same consignment shop right after the honeymoon. How thrifty was THAT?
Enough about moi – HAPPY ANNIVERSARY!
Sweet Wedding. Do you look at your wedding pics and say “we were just babies!”
We had a 5 YEAR engagement and we danced to an Elvis Presley impersonator singing I Can’t Help Falling In Love With You. Yes, we are old, dammit.
Did you get a Crockpot?
What an eloquent narrative to the story of your new beginning!
Bossy looks like a very young, slender Stevie Nicks~ a vision.
Having now been married for 13 years, I find my esteem for those who have held it together is huge!! I always thought that the ‘or worse’ part of the vow meant one (maybe two) very dramatic incidents where I would have to rise above and be forgiving or whatever (awash in the glow of righteousness!). Now I think ‘for worse’ is the daily grind of little, bitty agravations!!
Congratulations to Bossy and her number One man!
Damn it.
I was pretty sure the next post was going to cover the HONEYMOON.
That was so fun! Happy Anniversary to you and the huz.
I would like to know how long you’d known each other before you got engaged and how your heart surgeon dad felt about all this – then, not now.
Lookit how cute you are! You actually looked kind of like Mrs. Diesel at that age.
This makes me goofily happy.
What a very Bossy wedding. That could not be more sweet.
bossy is so pretty
after all these years
you look the same
how do you fucking do it?
teach me oh skin mentor
You bitch! You haven’t aged at all. And now we have to break up. Sigh.
And congrats, BTW.
I love everything about this. Especially the part when we see that Bossy’s son is actually Bossy’s husband’s stunt double.
Wow – can’t wait for part two – loved this part!
You two were babies! Adorable babies of course
And yes, your son looks so much like your husband..
$25? dang! i thought i had a deal at $40. i shoulda hit up the sally ann for a dress.
Awesome post!! 1988 Rocked!
With love.
That is the best wedding story ever. And it stuck!
Amazing in some photos also the ones from your link – your husband and son look SO MUCH alike. WoW
Happy Anniversary!
This was great…just the break I needed during the move in the middle of the night… you crack me the hell up!… Love the story, and it give me hope that years down the road I will not have run jeff over with a moving truck because I want that rug over there and that picture on the other wall… oh wait, this is your blog… wonderful post, I look forward to seeing the reception… hopefully if my internet in the new place gets connected tomorrow… woo hoo, i am drunk and smell like cardboard boxes… Hope you and hubby have many many more happy days together
He’s wearing sneakers!!!!!
He also looks exactly like your son!
Oh my…I can relate to about 482 things in this post. Too cute!
“A cassette player and some speakers” is my favorite band.
PS. You looked super hot.
Until today, I thought Bossy’s son looked just like Bossy. No longer!
And Bossy is as beautiful today as she was on her wedding day. And her husband? Well let’s just say he is like a fine wine…he is getting better with age. You two are one fine lookin couple…then and now!
Bossy, you brought tears to my eyes with this post!
And I haven’t read all the above comments, so I’m sure someone else pointed it out: BUt your son is THE spitting image of your husband.
Love this post!
Okay, you’ve inspired me to take pictures of my prom video. Though my commentary could never be as inspired as yours.
*sigh* I always cry at weddings.
How beautiful, and I love the focus on the important stuff: the marriage; and not on the unimportant stuff: shoes or expensive dress.
Why are folks asking what’s with the socks? Were they not around in the 80s? Totally bitchin’.
Awww, I’m all teary-eyed now! Happy Anniversary!!!!!

Mahzeltov! (or however it’s spelled. Google isn’t sure)
Cheers Bossy!
We’re at 16 years…
And I have not snuffed him yet. Have to achieve your 20 years goal!
riDICulous… i got TEARY eyed!!
gorgeous wedding.
nice socks with ankle boots.
AAAAAWWWWWWWW. You guys were sooo cute.
Congrats on keeping it together for this long. May you have many many more years together!
Can we skip the screen shots of the honeymoon though. I think there might be tooo much moon in that…hehe.
Aww! I can’t believe you found that dress in a thrift shop! My first hubby the musician wore a thrift shop DJ that he also performed in. My second husband the studio engineer didn’t even go that far… a theme here, perhaps…
OMG – you are all SO young and beautiful. Now you’re all just 20 years older and still beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
I love that I know you sit the exact same way as you did in those first photos.
I’ll have to dig up a Bossy’s Road-trip pic to prove it. (‘Cause you must not know this about yourself, of course.)
Sweet wedding. My husband and I couldn’t wait to start our life together either. We married 4 months after meeting and only 4 weeks of planning. And no, there was no bun in the oven. That happened 3 years later.