At the beginning of every summer, Bossy and her daughter make lists of ten things they hope to do during the summer and three things they hope to eat during the summer and five ways they hope to be during the summer.
Bossy’s list always contains lots of references to reading more books, eating more crabs, yelling less, reading crabs, eating books, and not yelling at crabs or books.
Bossy’s daughter’s list always contains lots of references to sleepovers.
With less than two weeks remaining until Bossy’s daughter heads off to Middle School, Bossy and her daughter sat down with their summer lists to evaluate how many things they were able to achieve so far.
Let’s put it this way: over the next twelve days, Bossy and her daughter are going to need to break a sweat relaxing if they’re ever going to consider this summer a success.
Which is what today’s Ten-Word challenge is all about: in exactly ten words, can you tell Bossy about the things you wish you could have achieved this summer?
And check back later today for the best disappointments on the web.
clean the attic-a-palooza followed by the yard sale o’the century.
And? Am I really FIRST?
should have achieved weight loss, but food was too good.
Oh well.
A chapter of my dissertation. I have Lame-atoid arthritis, apparently.
Didn’t read books, didn’t write books. Wasted a pool membership.
And so much for Less Television. But Bravo! And Olympics!
The hall closets mock me with their unsorted bullshit messes.
Financial security, or at least a budget. Too much resistance.
Didn’t start a blog, should have won the lottery instead.
No worries: summer comes, summer goes, summer will come again.
WHOA! The summer is over??? Did I oversleep? Oh crap.
Spent more time with family, and at beach, need sleep
Making exercise and meditation a habit. Going vegetarian. Stained glass.
i did it…i had my baby before school started.
I kicked cancer squarely in its ugly, malicious, stupid ass.
Didn’t finish unpacking boxes from moving here 2 years ago.
Didn’t get to gardening, cleaning, sun-ing, yard saling, or learning.
Surgery, recovery, class, boyfriend, work, pack, move, unpack, move again.
Sailing more…swimming more…entertaining more…enjoying summertime. This summer went the fastest. My daughter is also entering middle school and the older she gets the less time she spends with me (us). Sad. Love your list idea. Have to remember that for next summer…maybe I’ll do a back to school one!
oops…10 words! This one hit home! Can’t read either…
Custody battle with ex husband. Summer was not very fun.
I should have done more work for school.
[8 words, and it’s the boring, boring truth.]
Worked hard earning money for trip to Jamaica, Ya Mon!
Wanted to learn to knit – discovered that’s a winter activity.
(So I’ll be learning when it’s cold out!)
Found summer boyfriend and fell madly deeply truly in love.
have my children complete their math packets before school starts
Sold beachhouse so kids could eat and me sleep..
coastal nest
To have risen above a trying situation with more dignity.
finding a new job would have been nice.
Hoping to earn a gold medal in the Olympics. Didn’t.
But I did watch other people earn gold medals.
So I guess, indirectly, I helped earn gold medals!!
Could have organized house. Instead trained for triathlon and napped.
Garden weedy. Still fat. Bathroom unpainted. No vacation. Broke. Fuck.
The basement is still full of steep mountains of crap.
Do workbooks/educational stuff with the kids 4-5 days/week…NOT!
Read with the kids….NOT!
Yell less at the kids….NOT
Lose 5 lbs and work out consistently…NOT!
Combing through, getting rid of a bazillion toys in here.
Still too much clutter. And no roller coasters were ridden.
I could have cleaned the basement but I’m too lazy.
I don’t need no stinkin’ lists!! Summer was relaxing/lazy!!
read. organize. write. bike. swim. play with kids. ha. ha.
No vacations, baby room still not ready, needed more swimming.
Abs of jello, pasty skin
Tsk,the shape I’m in.
Camping with the family would have been great, oh well.
big boy bed
little girl crib
still not done yet
Write query letters. Lose twenty pounds. Did neither.
Shade and Sweetwater,
Not engaging in securing relationships by strenuous effort in vain.
Live in California not enough trips to beach is criminal.
More beach, more theater, more Central Park, more Coney Island.
Built a time machine and bought a lottery ticket. Repeat.
Move into a house that DID NOT have leaking roof.
Spent summer dating a super model….. Then I woke up
Less pain. More running. Less stress. More sun. Happier me.
more time holding, playing with and loving on my kids
Should have practiced windsurfing more, relaxed at the pool too
Those PILES of paper in the office? Still there today.
Haven’t been published unless you count commenting on this blog.
Dropping pounds would be nice instead pounded drops of beer.
Finished school but,
I moved to San Francisco.
Get employed.
Move home to Florida, Lose 50 pounds or even FIVE!
Neverfear..Madness will cure CRAZY FATTY with ONE WORD … Depakote.
Catch a train to nowhere, bring back lots of toys.
Earned employee of the year award; Don’t think it’s happening.
see my hallway, stop leak, rid 10 lbs, meet Mr. Right (your cousin!)
Oh for a clean, shiny house
Was supposed to start working out, could be fit now.
sewed more. swam more. get nasty house organized. failed.
Wanted to travel…had plans to travel, but my son’s 13-year-old all-star baseball team would not lose and so we were stuck near home for practices and games. It’s not very motherly to hope for something other than victory!
put away toys, clean the bathroom, put away the laundry
Weded the overgrown garden more than once. Maybe staked tomatoes?
…because they are currently molding and taking over the joint.
More garden, less rain; more lobster, less donuts; and surfboards!
More Sox Games
More Tucket Time
More Sex
Less Beer!!!
More time with my Mom, she died on June 18.
studied all summer, didn’t clean clutter, exercise, or lose weight
Didn’t save enough to have a baby. or afford life.
As long as its not snowing there is still time.
Winter my corner of the planet ~ summer still to come!!
No disappointments.
Worked summer school.
Bought my Canon Rebel XSi.
Gone to the gym more than three times in July.
Wanted to rock a bikini and look fabulous. Didn’t happen.
Goal: Lose last 7 pregnancy pounds
Reality: Gained 3 lbs
Travel to my heart’s content, and NOT on a budget.
Should’ve: written two chapters, organized photos & office
Did: relax
I failed to lose weight, again. Had high hopes. Blah.
I didn’t manage to make summer last all year long.
I only wish I had purchased a winning lottery ticket.
Organize bedroom and office and kitchen. Have a life. BREATHE.
Getting more exercise, but Tuesday’s With Dorie is a killer.
Make serious to-do list and tackle. Cross stuff off. Didn’t.
Wanted a vegetable garden, got the flower beds mulched instead.
First, list summer stuff I should get done – ignore list.
Should have gardened more, fed the hummingbirds, gone to California.
June, July and August lost their whimsy in adulthood. Shame.
Black Hockey Jesus failed to rid the city of crime.
Installed hardwood flooring which resides in piles in our garage.
Selling this darn house and bought & into a new one.
A real vacation, preferably on a quiet beach; more tomatoes.
Embrace yoga, enter The Zone, wear a bikini – before 40!
Well it sure wasn’t getting knocked-up and living with mom!
It’s amazing to me sometimes how I manage to over-achieve… I honestly wish I had done a lot less things this summer. Just sayin.
Wanted to study economics before grad school…laughing too hard to write remaining three words.
Walk, have more energy, take kids on vacation – didn’t happen.
Basement clutter – The Matterhorn – is still unconquered. Deadline just passed.
Clean my house is three words and I did not.
Well we did make it to the Drive in movie once., only once. That was the night we were having taco and G had a great plan to take them with us so we made walking tacos.. Only problem was I was in such a hurry to get everything together when I browned the beef I forgot to put the taco seasoning in.. I open up the container and we had hamburger, plain ole hamburger. They ain’t them anyways after a a few,, this doesn’t taste the same… My reply:”Oh, that’s cause we are at the drive in..”
Should have cleaned my closets and drawers but they’ll wait.
Sorry I didn’t exercise more. Glad of new blog.
Didn’t clean.
No organization in my house.
Chaos still rules.
Get this cast off my left foot!
Finished my novel. But I still technically have a month.
WTG Howard!!
Finish desks, clean basement, paint bedroom, organize crap (craft) room.
Forget losing weight. I should have at least stopped gaining.
Never cleaned out kids room, more like a storage shed.
Am I still this fat? Am I still a drunk?
did not hook up with boy who likes me/vice-versa.
Okay, that might not count, but it has to be one of the saddest!!!
Didn’t finalize adoption. But there is still hope before Christmas.
can’t think of anything
I’ll get to it all
and I am borrowing a word from next Tuesday:
note to self: next Tuesday, you only get 9 words.
Wake up to seal snort noises on Cheeto, our boat.
(Our FIRST boat overnight on Puget Sound is this coming Friday, the middle of August!? Better late than never.)
I wish I had actually lost those twenty five pounds.
More photos, more sightseeing, more relaxing, more summer!
Finding one more ladybug while happily rolling in the grass.
I never did lose that 50 pounds I intended to.
I wish I could have seen more of my friends.
Spent more time with busy 19 year old whose leavin’.
Would a tan have been too much to ask for?
Didn’t do anything. Had lots of fun!
1. Convince in-laws to raise my children.
2. Convince in-laws to at least take my children for the duration of summer vacation.
3. Convince in-laws to take my children for several weeks during summer vacation.
4. Convince in-laws that between the tax break and readily-available manual labor, my children practically pay for themselves so really, living with grandma and grandpa isn’t such a bad idea.
5. Persuade in-laws that while setting the couch on fire does, technically, constitute a hazard, my children are typically quite peaceable.
6. No really, very peaceable.
7. File motion in court to have my children removed from my care and placed in the protective custody of my in-laws.
8. Throw myself on the mercy of the court.
9. Settle for sticking my kids in a locked room while I remain on a tequila IV until September.
10. Oh yeah, and finish my first triathlon.
I finished the triathlon and the IV ran out in June.
All I wanted was to swim in the ocean!
studied, graduated, lived three months with in-laws; was hell!
The beach is calling but I can’t go, no money
more time playing with and not yelling at my kids
Gardening and running – except weeds, broken foot got in the way
Did not go to:
outdoor BBQ in my way cute dress I bought at the beginning of the summer
the Bossy round-up
swimming pool/beach
all I did was work.
this summer sucked.
no baseball game
no trip to Victoria
two weeks left
Spent less time reading BLOGS and enjoyed the summer outdoors!
Scrapbooked the b’jillion existing photos instead of taking 500 more.
Made a list – did all the fun stuff – nothing else. =)
DID NOT FINISH WRITING MY BOOK arrghhh arrghhh arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh arrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
inner peace, fewer dents in my car, complete novel.
Closets, drawers and attic still full of unneeded clutter. Grrrrr.
Benefit of low expectations: did everything planned. Still, summer too short.
xoxo, SG
I should have started the debt management plan LAST year.
Was SUPPOSED to teach Kindergartner how to tie his shoes.
Seperated. Divorced. Almost engaged. Still cuss. Still fuss. Lost weight.
Martie of
Wish I had eaten more fried food at the fair.
Not back to 10K running status. I am so ashamed.
Must sell historic home and lose weight. Still time yet!
Should have weeded the garden that never did get planted.
But did entirely re-landscape the front foundation border of house.
Teach the kiddo “given” things: ride a bike, tie shoes.
Winter wonderland, where are you? What’s with all the rain?
Get thee to a pool. Floating in water is at least 20 relaxing points. 30 if nobody pees.
Spent more time with family as husband going to Afghanistan.
Son “finding himself.” Will I get past his dropping out?
lose weight lose weight lose weight lose weight lose weight
Find a way to make money staying at home.
Winter is Down Under now, writing, ignoring lists are for summer.
remodeled house new floors ceilings kitchen camp no money camping
House Clean Enough For Visit from House Beautiful Photographer
i finished my masters, kids played outside, drank wine daily.
Convince in-laws to move to another state by October.
Death in family, nothing got done, don’t really even mind.
Wait for China adoption referral. Hope. Hope crushed. Repeat.
Did most everything else, but not enough beach; Had fun.
I just found your blog. Katie wishes she referred to herself in third person more this summer. Also, Katie wishes she ate more salad rather than throwing away slimy lettuce every week. Thanks!
Oh, Bossy, I was just fretting about this today. On the top of my list was get a divorce. Seriously. And then the other things like trim branches on trees, fix shocks on car, move some bushes are still not crossed off.
Things I have done: relaxed in hammock, played with child, gone to beach, relaxed in hammock, ate a lot, relaxed in hammock.
I think I did the fun things.
Ate, drank, made merry. Woke up with a wicked headache.
lose weight, read a whole book while NOT riding in a bus, go to TX, update my ipod, reply letters, redesign my blog, etc.
Summer in San Francisco hasn’t started yet. Still wearing scarf.
A bell-clear mind,
a body hour-glass strong,
the book done.
I wish I could’ve achieved
more relaxin’ and less drivin’.
House still a mess – didn’t exercise but had some fun
did more than last summer, yippee. not ready for school.
I wish you would stop having disappointing contests forever. Please.
lose weight – didn’t. Read books – didn’t. Have fun – did!! Yeah!!
Clean house and weave wall-to-wall carpet with pethair thus collected.
NOT have my water brake and be stranded in Orlando.
Didn?t know the forum rules allowed such blrilanit posts.
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