The above photo indicates one of the many reasons Bossy and her talented design team are working around the clock to launch I Am Bossy’s new look—where around the clock equals those few minutes out of every day when Bossy is not glued to Tabatha’s Salon Takeover.
Here’s the deal: when dinosaurs roamed the earth and Bossy chose TypePad to host her blog, TypePad didn’t offer “pages”—so for instance, when Bossy wanted a Guess and Press daily photo, she had to stick that photo in a regular post and then backdate that post so it wouldn’t show up on her front page in place of the actual day’s post. Post post post.
That’s why all of I Am Bossy’s features—like Bossy’s Family Tree and Bossy’s Favorite Things—are assigned an arbitrary date in 2004. And it’s the reason there’s no way of paging back through Bossy’s previous Favorite Things posts. Post post post.
Over the years, Bossy learned how to manipulate TypePad’s early limitations, but it’s less than ideal. For instance, every morning Bossy transfers her Guess and Press photo into Flickr, and then she erases that information from her backdated post page and replaces it with a new photo—and then she erases all of the comments that were left for the previous photo.
That’s one, two, a million steps too many. Bossy’s new blog design will allow Bossy to archive her own Guess and Press photos and maintain the comments for each.
Besides photo storage, Bossy hasn’t decided what role Flickr will play in her new blog design, since she will be archiving her own features.
Speaking of photo archiving, Shutterfly is like Flickr in that it is a social networking website that provides free storage for digital photos.
But it also offers other services, like share sites, where you can collaborate with friends and family, and printing. And those prints can take many forms: memory books, posters, mugs, ornaments, and playing cards are just a few of the things you can get through your Shutterfly account.
So today Bossy would like to give away four $25 Shutterfly gift certificates to be used in whichever way you choose. Just leave a comment below, and very late this evening—where late equals after the conclusion of Tabatha’s Salon Takeover—Bossy will employ her friend the random number generator to select four winners. Good luck!
I can’t believe I am the first to comment. I am way addicted to this website and the internet in general.
I love Shutterfly almost as much as i love Bossy!
I love Shutterfly! They have thousands of my pictures up on their sites. Unfortunately, I pretty much quit there. I haven’t held an actual printed photo in my hands in years
I love Shutterfly. I just completed my first photobook ( it was more work than I had anticipated, but I love the end result !) and I can’t wait until it arrives.
Hello! Running out the door to lunch with a friend, had to comment before I go. Wish my brain was on, though.
I love shutterfly!! I have 2 kids and a husband deployed…. would get great use out of a certificate… could send him lots of pics!!!!
Entering! I feel lucky.
Shutterfly sounds awesome!!
Tabitha was just on the Today show…too cool. She’s so bad!
I would be willing to cheat on Flickr for a gift certificate. I am heartless, I know.
Oh god do we need something like that. My parents live in the middle of the Pacific, I live on the West Coast, and my grand parents live on the East Coast. I have a two year old who is, for now, the only grandchild/great grandchild in the family. Think I get requests for photos much? Think I have time to honor those requests?
Um . . . NO.
Oooh! I LOVE Shutterfly. Sign me up.
Can’t wait to see the new blog design.
I have used Shutterfly before and I do love it.
for you bossy, i will happily suffer.
I love shutterfly. I am currently working on a book of the years pics for my daughter and her orphanage in China.
I’ve almost completely converted to digital from film now so this would really come in handy!! Thanks for the chance to win. Love your blog!
Love to win me some Shutterfly! Pick me!
I always wondered what happened to the comments from Guess and Press. Now I know!
i’m torn… between flickr and picasa and shutterfly. i think i have accounts with all… maybe you’ll pull me back to shutterfly, boss
I’d love to print out lots of pics so that I could finally start an album for my two year old!
Everything you mentioned is the reason my blog looks the way it does (and has for quite some time). Just yesterday I managed to put up a new header. It took me two days to figure it out, and another day to find a way to make it fit.
I will probably never change it again. Oh, and with Blogger, if you change the layout too much, all your links are belong to them and they go away.
I have been on Shutterfly and like it. I use mostly FlickR right now. I want to do more with my blog too. I can’t wait to see all the changes here!
I want to love Shutterfly. And I’m just getting on the Salon Makeover band wagon (did you watch Millionaire Realtors, or whatever it was called?).
Okay, as long as it’s not crap from the basement!
I would also so like the gift certificate…just to (hopefully) organize some of my pics!
Wow – that’s a lot of steps for a guess and press.
I’ve used shutterfly to create calendars and gifts for family… Might have to check out their other features.
Sweet, just in time for holiday cards or something. Thanks Bossy!
Boy, that Shutterfly gift certificate will come in handy when I do my annual Christmas cards with them.
Currently using Flickr, but would love to give Shutterfly a shot. Maybe it’s more user friendly?
Keeping my fingers crossed!
I’m so excited to see the new layout!
I’ve been looking for a reason to change to a new photo hosting site…this could be it.
I know nothing about Flickr, Shutterfly, i-pods, myspace, youtube…the list of strange names beginning with pronouns is endless and I know nothing about any of them.
Maybe winning a gift certificate to Flickr would encourage me to get with the program, where program equals 19th century of technology.
The gift certificate would help the sad bare walls of my new apartment.
I can’t believe you’ve been going thru all that crap for your site. I am also on typepad. I’ve been in “phase one” of their upgrades so everytime they make a change, I get all the bugs. My site has been “down” about 6 times in the last month. I have someone working on a wordpress site for me right now. I’m a little worried about the transition, but!! Good luck w/yours!
I was introduced to Shutterfly several years ago and have stored pictures there ever since. When I have an event approaching that requires a gift, ie: birthday, christmas, just because … I hook up to Shutterfly and make it a photo gift. My mother loves her annual photo calendar that highlights events of the past year and now with the new photo collages it’s easy to display loads of photos on one page without having to find just one favorite to share.
I’d be tickled with a gift certificate and would put it to good use … immediately!!
Despite years of entering contests only to be told “sorry, try again later”, I’m commenting on the hopes that my luck will change ; )
Philly is behind. Not sure what shutterfly is, but would sure like to win !!
I could use this, oh yes I could…
Are you switching FROM type pad?
I’m jealous of your WHITE GOLD milk ads. White gold is!
And, you mean to tell me you don’t SAVE all of our comments? I could have sworn I saw them in the basement.
My newest grandson is only weeks old…Shutterfly would be very handy to fill my house with his photos!
Ah, yes, Tabatha! The Super Nanny of hair salons!
You got my head spinning! OK it’s not that hard to do. Can’t wait to see the new layout.
oooh…i need to make a photo book too!
I loved the smiley mouth so much I set it as my desktop background for the day. Thanks! I’ve never used Shutterfly, but it’s time to expand my horizons.
Tabitha worries me a bit. Kinda like The Super Nanny!!!
I use Snapfish, but would love to try Shutterfly!
How was Bossy’s Son’s Bday???
Ooh that Tabatha. She’s rocking those salons.
I love Shutterfly!
I’m very excited for your new site, can’t wait to see it.
Oooooh! Pick Me!
Shutterfly would help me store the crazy amount of photos that are slowly taking over the memory of my computer.
I love tabatha too. shutterfly sounds nice. is today my lucky day?