Of all the things Bossy assimilated from her own childhood, the thing she was happiest to pass on to her kids was a sense that diversity is the most important element in life, and brings the widest smile.
When Bossy’s son was searching for a college, right up there with “Must Have 24-Hour Access To Dining Hall” was the notion that he required a school with diversity.
The other day Bossy’s son emailed this photo of his friends group on the subway, with the subject title, “!!!“, and Bossy knew just what he meant, because he had arrived!
They look like the United Colors of Benitton. I LOVE it! But Bossy’s son riding the subway everyday makes me feel very motherly and protective. Be careful Bossy’s son. Don’t take candy from strangers!
Diversity unified, as shown in this photo, always makes me misty-eyed…. (I am not kidding, call me mushy)
It it in fact what makes America and Americans better and stronger as citizens and a country.
My greatest wish is that I would live to see a day that people who embrace acceptance outnumber those who are bigotted… I have a dream!
There’s NOTHIN’ more beautiful than that!!!!!!
Makes me yearn for my college days.
I don’t see any gays. Tell them to hold still and I’ll be right over for the re-shoot.
i weepeth with joy
Love the guy on the bottom next to Bossy’s son!
This is a beautiful picture. LOVE IT!!!
Stephanie thinks Bossy is the best mom ever and this picture made her cry a little because it is truly beautiful.
On Tuesday’s Frontline, they showed clips from Barack O-boyfriend at the 2004 Democratic convention, and the audience looked just like this picture. Then, they showed McCain at the 2004 Republican convention, and everyone looked just like… him: pissed, white and old.
That’s the way it should be.
Love that guy in the bottom left. What is he thinking?
This kind of picture, and the experiences that are behind it, are what makes this country so great.
There are no old people in that picture. I object.
Are there other people in this photo? I’m sorry, I can’t stop looking at Bossy’s gorgeous son
Awesome! *wipes tear* Diversity rocks!
Rock on, Bossy’s son. You done good.
If Bossy’s husband looked and acted like Bossy’s son when he was younger, then I say no wonder…
In the key of Whitney Houston (pre Bobby);
“I believe that children are our future..”
Love the dude in the bottom left.
So when is BOSSY’s Son running for president? Because I’m totally voting for him.
This is wonderful. I’m jealous. Not enough diversity in my life and where I live these days.
And oh, the fun of being a crazed college kid with crazed pals. I don’t exactly MISS those days but this sure brings back memories of the fun of it.
YAY!!! What a fun, smart looking bunch!
so the awesome IS hereditary, then?
Not truly diverse. I don’t see ONE stupid person. Not even ONE average person. I am available for the next photo op.
Best to you this year, Great Getzby. : )
That is so awesome! Pictures like this are why we live where we live — so my kids will think everybody could shoot a Benneton ad at their birthday party.
It’s a veritable Cosby Show, sans the loud sweaters that is.
There’s something about Bossy’s son that makes me want to hug him. I don’t know what it is, I just want to give him a squeeze.
Fer chrissake.
He may be a bit young for me.( I’m 23.) But if your son needs a date anytime soon. You know where to find me.
Oh and I love to see the world like this, he will be a great man because of it. You must be a wonderful mother!
Yes, indeed. Bossy’s son for President. And I can be First Lady. Or First Girlfriend. Or First Mrs. Robinson. Or First Class Delusional Lunatic.
I hate getting old. But I love Bossy’s son.
This post brought tears to my eyes, as your wish for your children to live a life blessed by diversity is my wish, too. I think it’s a beautiful wish. And you have seen it come true.
Life is good.
PS We live in Manhattan and my boy and I are up at Columbia weekly — I keep hoping that I’ll see your son on campus. Now I’ll have to look on the train, too!
This looks like such a great fun group, Boss! Im happy for CollegeBoy. Love that smile on him!
coastal nest
I have a few subway photos like that from my days at CU. Good times!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This photo makes me feel happy!
Wow it does take some time to click click click back to this post to comment on it… I almost gave up. Perhaps the archive view of the “Guess and Press” and “Fav Things” etc. sections can be changed to menu view with each post showing only the subject line and the first two sentences instead of the whole post?
The thing is, Christmas is on the horizon and I’m thinking of sending physical cards to my favorite bloggers, because I live in Taiwan and I think physical cards would be so much more fun for you guys in other countries instead of e-cards, so I’d like to know if there’s a post box address or something that I can send my card to.
I’m posting this request as a comment to this article because I’m guessing you’ll get cards from all over the world, and that will make diversity-loving Bossy very happy.