Underneath the Great Stella is the famous always-covered dog-hair-adhering beautiful microfiber sofa featured in some earlier post.
And is that wall paper or stencilling on the wall?
And how does it feel to have readers comment / pick apart / admire every detail of all your home photos?
Lovely lighting, by the way.
Stella can sleep like a baby because she hasn’t got a care in the world. She trusts her peeps to take care of her even if the sky is falling. I love that Be Here Now quality of dogs.
Stellahhh has been watching too much Bravo TV. In particular: Rachael Zoe Project.
Stella has just spotted Bossy’s boots at the swank Bossy Camp and now says … “Eye-eh Die-ah” on the sof-eh.
And, that is not dream-twitching. She is getting witch vibes. witch vibes.
She seems to sleep, ALOT!
See what? I thought that was a giant, furry throw pillow…
Yet another little known fact….
yesterday, October 15th,
was Bossy’s biggest fan’s 18th birthday! =]
Ah… the Queen… My cat’s a pillow masher, too.
Who said? Cats are little women in cheap fur coats.
Stella the chameleon
Yay! No more Flickr sidebar widget!!!
I’m too excited about getting access to your blog at work again to think of a coherent comment on anything else.
Oh that Stella! I love how she uses a pillow. Like any proper lady would.
Seriously, you need a little widget thing for just Stella photos!
I want to be your dog so I can nap on your couch all day. And I mean that not in a creepy stalker way. Just a nap lover way.
Underneath the Great Stella is the famous always-covered dog-hair-adhering beautiful microfiber sofa featured in some earlier post.
And is that wall paper or stencilling on the wall?
And how does it feel to have readers comment / pick apart / admire every detail of all your home photos?
Lovely lighting, by the way.
That dog may be depressed. She sure sleeps a lot. Is she watching too much campaign coverage?
Stella can sleep like a baby because she hasn’t got a care in the world. She trusts her peeps to take care of her even if the sky is falling. I love that Be Here Now quality of dogs.
Dear Stella, Will you marry me? Love, Farley
Stellahhh has been watching too much Bravo TV. In particular: Rachael Zoe Project.
Stella has just spotted Bossy’s boots at the swank Bossy Camp and now says … “Eye-eh Die-ah” on the sof-eh.
And, that is not dream-twitching. She is getting witch vibes. witch vibes.
Oh Loardy, I WANT a Great Dane. They’re just so… Great.
Does Stella give lessons? I want to know how to disappear into a couch and not be seen.
I’ve got the couch part down pat, but it’s the disappearing part I still can’t perfect.
OMG! I love your dog! I am a HUGE great dane fan. It amazes me how a dog that big can make themselves so small.